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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I must have missed this. What rape story??
  2. So this is an honest question: While I do work with kids, I don't have any of my own so they don't come home with me. But what do you do as a parent when you realize your kid is actually a moron??
  3. I agree that the Ripper "trait" is more a consequence of an addictive personality than it is of vampirism. So if neither Stefan or his mom became a vampire, they would have most likely been addicted to something else like drugs, alcohol, or sex. We kind of see that a bit with Stefan using whiskey or whatever brown stuff he's always drinking to take off the edge from wanting more blood.
  4. Remember when Nene claimed she knew Tyler Perry and said she had his number, and the person she was with egged her on to call him, only for the number to be disconnected? Good times.
  5. Honestly, I too would be more scared of Mama Joyce, her shoe, and the old lady gang, than I would of Nene!
  6. "Proceed, 'friend of the show'." Lol! And the top of Porsha's dress does not look her right. One of her boobs is about to make a slow escape.
  7. That just reminded me of Dre chasing Bow with the water spray bottle to help bring her curls back!
  8. She basically turned her nose up at the role when her manager mentioned it. I remember her actually making a face when she learned about it. It wasn't good enough for her, as she wanted to the Chicago role. That's why I roll my eyes every time she throws the "I'm on broadway" statement around to prove her awesomeness. Someone else upthread, or in another thread, said that Nene want to act just for the sake of being famous. If she was really serious about it, she wouldn't turn down acting jobs and she wouldn't snub acting lessons.
  9. I was laughing so hard during this entire episode. The kids: Zoe making good grades just for appearances. "I feel 'career' is to strong of a word here." The godfather of hip hop and Sara Palin as the heroes. The adults: Mac and Tease. "Is that O.J.?!?....I'm going to finish watching 'Empires'!" Everything with pops' storyline. Charlie's presentation using crayon drawings!
  10. My goodness that all looks very dramatic. I'm surprised they are actually getting a divorce this time. Can't wait to hear all the new secret stuff Gabe has been doing, cause his ass has always been super shady. I'm loving Trina's short 'do! That promo pic of them in the satin sheets looks nothing like any of them!
  11. Y'all got me laughing so hard this morning, I'm gonna get outed for reading this thread instead of doing work.
  12. Oh no you did not!! But I can't say you're not telling the truth! Lol! At least El's hair seems a lot more pliable than the other Debarges'. Ain't none of them could pull off that center curl.....
  13. This entire post made me laugh so hard that my stomach now hurts! Thank you...that was much needed. And yes, everyone is always using El to dis the pretty boys. I also need to know the rest of the lyrics for Yesterday's (I refuse to use that awful spelling) song. Why's he pulling on the drapes? Is he in hiding? Does he like the dark?
  14. I think it's the intellect. I think once men see she has a brain and an opinion and wants to talk about non superficial things, they realize she won't fall for whatever weak ass game they're trying to throw and that they need to put in some extra work to get her undressed.
  15. From what I gathered, she said that she told him she only wanted to pay the fare she thought she owed, but then said right after that that she went into the salon to call the cops. So it seems like she left the cabbie sitting there, for him to assume that she was trying to escape the fare. Why couldn't she call the cops from outside? It's definitely a little murky; as a journalist she has a little trouble telling cohesive stories. Mica and Teena Marie definitely favor each other. I bet Mica could give one hell of a "Lovergirl" lip-sync performance.
  16. So true. I was about to say she can't send a C&D about people harassing her with rude comments and lies when she told someone on camera that she's such a whore her clit rubbed off, or whatever the hell phrase she used. Nene has always been the type to dish it out, but when her turn comes around, she can't take it. And it probably stems from most people being too afraid (or polite) too confront her back.
  17. I forgot all about Melyssa's date. At first, it seemed to be going really well and then it just fizzled. I couldn't really tell what happened. Dude sorta seemed spruced they weren't staying for dessert! Her lipstick color during the date was pretty awesome, though.
  18. Jensen Ackles is so hot....and actually tall! I don't think Eminem is Kenya's type, so you're good.
  19. I got some awesome teva wedges last year that are super cute, comfy, and nice enough that I wear them to work with my business casual outfits everyday. They look great with everything and are so damn comfortable I want to find a black pair. http://a3.zassets.com/images/z/2/0/5/1/5/6/2051567-p-LARGE_SEARCH.jpg
  20. Cuba Gooding, Jr is still too good.a description!
  21. If that's how MJ felt, then cool. But she is old enough to know better than to say that in front of a child. She knew it was wrong, she just didn't give 2 shits. I definitely blocked out a few minutes of this show last night, cause I don't remember them taking Cynthia's pic down off the wall or Joyce's apology! I must have had one of those quick naps where you don't realize you actual took a nap.
  22. Yeah, I didn't get why she just didn't pay. She kept saying that she was being overcharged and I assumed that he wanted her to pay something like $40 instead of $10, when in fact, it was only $15. I don't live in NY, but I've visited there enough (a childhood friend live in Brooklyn and my sister went to NYU) to recognize that most of the cabbies suck, and I even I know to get their info to report them if necessary. And then to argue with the cop on top of that. I bet she yelled, "Rehab!" to him to. But on a serious tip. Can we please talk about Arzo saying that her boyfriend is a cross between Prince and Chris Brown? The fuck?!?! Don't compare NOBODY to Prince unless they have the goods. His song and singing were both whack as hell! And I have absolutely no love for Chris Brown; I never found him attractive, even before all his shit. But dude don't look nothing like CB. At all. She needs to go somewhere with that mess! I didn't realize an Afghan hound is an actually a breed of dog, so that comment came across as a slur to me as well. Especially based on the conversation we were shown, that comment came way out of left field. I did however, like the interaction between British girl, and her brother and sister-in-law. But then she ruined any goodwill she had built up at the party by speaking Geneva's business and then getting into with it Arzo. You already said you didn't think it was funny, that doesn't mean other people can't find some humor in it. She should have let it go, especially since the other ladies had moved on.
  23. Apollo's phone call really bugged me. I just got the sense that it wasn't a "surprise" call and that he and Peter made arrangements for that call to happen when Peter and Cynthia were filming. It just wreaked of Apollo wanting to get one last slam at Phaedra in while the cameras were rolling. If you are that concerned about seeing your kids then it isn't Peter you should be calling. It should be Phaedra or either of your parents or even your spiritual people, pastors, whatever, since you both are so into the church. You can't see your kids and that sucks, but this is no one's fault but yours. He needs to accept it and accept that the decision is solely Phaedra's now. And if he's serious about wanting to see his kids he needs to start on a sincerity and apology tour.
  24. I really enjoyed both Reba and Suzanne. Suzanne was a lot calmer than the last time she was on.
  25. All Geneva's arrestes (from the Geneva dictionary for hardworking journalists), sure are piling up. Interesting that she pleaded guilty to knocking Melyssa upside her head after attempting to sue Melyssa for stating that she knocked her upside her head.
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