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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Man, I seriously had to stand up and give the slow clap to Brandi for that showing. Amazing....and there are certainly a couple of bosses I would have loved to say that shit to! I, personally, would have waited until my next job opportunity was secured, but cheers to having balls! I definitely had to chuckle when Shaunie said at the end, "Well thank you for your services." Lol! I don't understand Shaunie at all. I get that she's the executive producer, but if she's going to be on the show and involved with all the shit, then she needs to take it. It's not fair to the other cast members that they're told to "keep it real" and express their thoughts and feeling, but just not when it comes to Shaunie. Yet Shaunie and do and say whatever the fuck she wants and sit back knowing no one would dare step to her because she controls their jobs? I think that's bullshit. She can't exert EP power against the people who stand up to her if she's going to insert herself into the story lines. I'm so tired of Meghan. Can she go back to the Bad Girl's Club? I love that when she was speaking her abortion story on the bus, Tami was looking at her like, "Why are you telling use this shit? We don't give a fuck!"
  2. She's lucky that Fizz isn't one of those guys. I rewound that scene and Fizz didn't even touch her before she started smacking him. And even after that, he had his hands on her shoulder trying to guide her out. I can't help it, but I'm starting to like Nikki. It cracked me up that she was sitting in the kitchen in fucking lingerie filing her nails like it was just another day when the girl walked. And then she made a care package for ole girl, and was like, "there's some expensive shit in there. I think you'd like it!" Bwah! That Brandi chick also made me laugh hard when she scream-whispered to her whack ass husband, "Please don't do this in front of the neighbors!" Even though she's crazy, that dude deserves a fucking fork to the thigh. Don't get married and then act like it's an inconvenience to your life that your wife expects you to do married things like wear your ring all the time and not flirt with other girls when you're supposed to be working. He thinks he's cool for purposely leaving his ring behind everyday to teach her a lesson of whatever bullshit excuse he said? That's some bitchassedness if I've ever seen it. Dude is not even good looking; he's not gonna find no one better than her. Who the fuck is this Jason Lee character? His claim to fame is that he takes pictures with famous people?!? So does the rest of the America. And when exactly did that become a profession? He was despicable. And he threw his drink on Hazel, why? She didn't even say anything really negative about him. But look how fast he ran away from the table after tossing it. Another bitchass. Say what you will about the chicks on this show, but when they throw a drink they sit/stand there and challenge you to do something about not scurry away like a little punk. Plus, why are you throwing drinks at females? I hope he's not a weekly addition.
  3. Porsha is a year younger than me, and everyone in my age group of black females watched Living Single and knows who Kim Fields is. Porsha's full of shit. I was right there with you, wondering how Porsha was in the picture twice!!
  4. Yay for Jackie finally giving Doug head after 20 years. I can't even believe Doug would put up with all that craziness without even getting a little kiss or nibble down there... And is Jackie a 13 year old talking about feeling things swimming in her stomach and gargling with Purex afterwards? Bitch, Listerine would have worked just as well.
  5. I rewatched the entire video and also couldn't find Cree in it. And like you, GreatKazu, I've seen several sources that have said Cree is in the video. So strange....
  6. So Rachel (of Veronica and Rachel; don't know her last name and too lazy to google) was standing behind me in line at the Home Goods this afternoon.
  7. Was I the only one yelling at Annaliese to keep her hands above Wes' waist when they were dancing? There's a little too much inappropriateness going on there. Word to all the sexy male hotness on screen. And WTF to everything else during this episode. The fucking roller coaster ride never stops.
  8. As many of you have already said, great frakking episode. As a black person who doesn't say that word, I absolutely loved Dre's talk with Jack at the end when he explained that Jack should learn about the history of the word first, then make his own decision as to whether or not he wants to continue using it. And then of course, mentioning to not use it in mixed company. I also fell out of my chair when Dre told Zoey's 3rd "racially ambiguous" friend that he'd have to meet his parents before deciding whether or not it was okay to continue saying it.....I was thinking the same shit before Dre said it! Lol!
  9. As long as there are more reasons for Renard to not have a shirt on, I could care less for whether he's good, bad, or in-between. And yes, I'm shallow!
  10. Yes "Anita" girl with the fast wine! That's how the island gals do it! Marisa Tomei was killing it, especially when she told that one chick she was trying too hard. Why does it seem that Michael is only interested in the money?? It would be nice to hear why Ryan is "a ho" and where he disappeared to.
  11. Looked like she finally took Nia's advice and got some new teeth in time for those talking heads. Yes! In her talking heads with the dark lipstick, I seriously thought it was Moniece. Fizz obviously has a type. I'm very confused about this entire situation. Fizz screwed up by offering her "a drawer", but she knew it wasn't for long term, because she also knew he was coming by to pick up the key. So, what did she expect? Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. How exactly are you over the miniature jockey if you're still talking about him? And how hard is it to believe that he may have lied about Teairra when he's not only lied to your own face, on camera, but also lied about you, on camera. Get a fucking grip girl.
  12. I thought Daphne spoke Spanish? Why did she need a translator to ask basic questions?
  13. I was coming here to post the same thing. I'm sure the Bolivian people would appreciate a new term started in their honor! You got that right. Note how Tami said she didn't want to "fight all of Inglewood". She knows Malaysia is straight up about that hood life when she's not rocking designer outfits, not made by Angel, and creating new words for the English language. I'm very confused. Since when does Meghan have an issue with Angel?? I thought her problems were always with Draya? I guess now since Draya is "officially" off the show (thanks for not actually explaining why produce Shaunie - why the fuck are you on the show if you're not going to give us some insights as to what the fuck is going on.) the producers told her to find someone else to feud with, and you know she's not choosing Malaysia or Brandi.
  14. Oh boy. I don't know if I can handle another LHH wedding special......ah, who am I kidding; I'd probably dress up to watch this one. Now where can I find a cape to add to my dress??
  15. I also wonder how displaying her and her hubby's bat shit crazy behavior for the world to see on this show might impact their ability to continue getting jobs.
  16. Paula is insane. And they'll keep bringing her back because she is insanse. The problem is, she's not too insane to not recognize this, and it leads to her and her also insane husband to act up even more. And word to whoever said Paula is on something. She and Forrest are definitely sharing the same pipe of something, and it's not tobacco.
  17. After viewing the Carlos clips, I know have a much better understanding of why he and Nene had a falling out. He can certainly out diva Nene anyday. And based on the clips of him chewing out the Hollywood Divas for avoiding their "reality show" purposes and addressing things they sad on camera, Nene probably didn't appreciate being put in her place by a lowly producer.
  18. Hot DAMN! That was shade from several hundred palm trees. Speechless over here.....
  19. For reals! Cause I was sitting here pondering all the mysteries of this Nas chick. Especially when she decided to start shit at something that was supposed to promote her business. Other people are supposed to start drama at and get kicked out of your event, not you! She obviously didn't read the reality show 101 handbook. Although, she sure did have me laughing when she screamed at Nia, as she was being carried out one-handed by the very large and serious security dude, "your boyfriend still eats my p, then goes home to kiss you. How do I taste bitch!" The picture and definition of ratchedness, indeed.
  20. Wasn't Moneice living with some sort of sugar daddy last year? Maybe she's moving Richie Dollaz into that place. It's clear as day that Rich isn't interested at all in committing to a long-term relationship. Once Moneice stared talking about meeting the parents and moving in and bringing the kid along and FOREVER, he pulled out that "I can't stay here too long" card to escape back to the East coast.
  21. Lol at Jackie trying to auction Malaysia off for $1 at the charity event. Jackie sure did jump off the Draya train awfully quickly, especially considering the only reason that group still talks and films with her is because Draya convinced them to let her back into the circle. Also, why is Jackie so quick tell everyone that she's never done oral sex?? This is like the 3rd time she's brought that up this season alone. And I need to add that those green heels she wore to Malaysia's party were hideous. So is Tami supposed to be the new cast therapist?? Why the fuck is she there? Although she did make me chuckle when she said, "I think Megan needs a mentor, but I'm not that bitch." And Shaunie needs to come off all this "my Miami girls are so much better" nonsense. Is she forgetting we all watched that show too? When did they ever resolve conflicts at the end of day? When were they mature about the way they handled issues? Evelyn fricken jumped leaped across a conference room table to throw a punch at someone......bitch please.
  22. I haven't seen the episode yet, so won't comment on that, but I agree that Draya seems like she's ready to move on. Her swimsuit line has been blowing up and receiving quite a bit of press over the last year after people like Selena Gomez and one of the younger Kardashian/Jenner's (Kylie, I think?) posted pics of themselves wearing Draya's stuff, and since then her swimsuits have been selling out. She went from being that former stripper desperately trying to find an athlete to gaining some type of legitimacy by getting engaged (although that didn't last long....) and actually being recognized, in a good way, for a successful clothing line (which not many reality stars can claim, ahem She by Sheree). I can definitely see a lot of this vitriol stemming from the other ladies thinking Draya needs to be knocked down a few pegs, because how dare she succeed when we will always be better than her as actual (former) wives. And I am not looking forward to hearing anything Tami has to say. She's a vile bully and hypocrite.
  23. Avg sizes are good, but ALL shoes look great in a 5.5!! I hate when they have a size 5-6 shoe on display that looks amazing and then you pull it in your size and it looks awful.
  24. Figured out how to change my DNS server or whatever it's called so the websites in the US still think I'm in the US, so I was finally able to watch. What a mess! Paula really creeps me out with that Cheshire grin she always has plastered on her face like she doesn't realize they're all laughing at her not with her, or she does realize it and she's plotting some evil revenge type shit. It's also really annoying that she talks and yells over everyone and that that awful host, who is messy as hell himself, allows it. Interesting that they didn't show the clips of Elise talking out of both sides of her mouth in regards to cutting people out of the stupid ass White Sistas.
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