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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. That was Jack, but yes, that one in particularly had me chuckling and simultaneously shaking my head.
  2. She wasn't really wandering around. She was waiting inside the building. It seemed like the 2 attackers only got into the building because they caught the door before it closed right as the photographers left. I definitely agree though, that they were severely lacking in adequate security for the building, regardless. Bad operational move on their part.
  3. This episode had me howling because it rang so true. When we first moved to Miami from the islands, we found a local Methodist church. This was a "white" church, and the services were never longer than 45 minutes, followed by 15-20 minutes of food and conversation. Then everyone promptly left. Very unlike the 3+ hours of service followed by the 2+ hours of whatever else the adults were doing afterwards that we were used to. I couldn't stop laughing when they were at the black church and after an hour and half, they were just getting the actual services started. Lol! Oh my god, and Junior on stage in his too short Easter suit tambourine jamming along with the band. His ass would have gotten left.
  4. I know that I frequently miss things, but this didn't happen right? I can't stand Ne-yo, so he kind of ruined the episode for me. Otherwise it was pretty good. Loved Cookie and the promoter bonding over their guns. Can't stand Adam Rodriguez either, but he sure is purty. Jamal, you missed a couple buttons on your shirt. Doesn't he get hold, especially when roughing up people on balconies??
  5. Due to all the stupidity on this show, it seems like it's been a long time. Carter used her 18th birthday being only 6 months away as an excuse to drop out of school last week. And she celebrated her birthday in the 2nd or 3rd episode of the first season. So all this foolishness has indeed only been a span of 6 months.Why is Gabe still here and living by himself? Who exactly is supposed to be his guardian? And he should feel lucky he hasaid people interested in looking out for him, because he's quite the douche.
  6. I thought she was so boring. She just didn't seem very genuine; it was a lot of only saying the "right" thing. I'd take Demi Lovato over her any day. Her hair was amazing though.
  7. I didn't see Melissa as trying to convince us she's spending all this time with the kids. Both she and Joe Gorga said during the previous episode that the wanted to be involved more, but Gorga has told Melissa to not push it and give them some space. Joe Guide even said this episode that Melissa has called several times and offered to drive the girls to things. Do I think Melissa is a camera whore? Definitely. But I do think she genuinely feels bad about the situation and wants to help in some way. She's damned either way, but she's a better person than me. Cause I don't know if I would be so open to helping them after all the shit they said.
  8. Lawd have mercy! You foolish. Lol! Doesn't Teddy Riley have something like 20 kids? I'm sure she has some brothers or brother-in-laws that can help her out. But I'm also pretty sure the reason Nia is willing to put up with so much from that vile man is because she's watched her mom do it with her dad's escapades.
  9. I don't normally do this, because i typically don't remember shit from previous seasons, but i had such a distinct memory about this particular situation. I found the first episode of season 6 ATL housewives where Nene and Gregg were opening the gifts. They definitely only received 1 plate from Theresa. It came in a thin, square box, and Nene says, "oh my god. What a rich bitch. She got me one of my Hermes plates." I remembered laughing because Greg had a weird look on his face about only getting one plate and asked if it was the kind you could eat of off.
  10. This is what she chooses to comment on?!? Again, I say, fucking priorities ladies....
  11. Theresa bought Nene a SINGLE Hermes plate, after which Nene declared her a rich bitch.
  12. Make the hair ombre blond, add a hello-kitty tattoo on the shoulder, and lose a couple teeth and you got Amber.
  13. Lol! Those are the type of teeth you get when you suck your thumb your entire life. You'd think that since he's such a popular producer, or whatever the hell he does, that he'd be able to get those things sorted out. And why were Brandi's crusty ass feet all on his face? We don't need to see that shit in the frame. And girl, are you forgetting that this man stood in your face and threw his wedding ring in the bushes never to be seen again?!? No no no no no no no. These women need to get themselves right instead of having these men embarrass their asses on TV for the entire world to see. At least I heard that Nia and Garbage Pail Kid are over.....hopefully it sticks this time.
  14. Seriously! Who the hell throws up in the middle of their own business and event, while in the middle of a fight but then keeps trying to fight? She didn't even attempt to find a receptacle or hold it in. Just gross. And why does this bird insist that she was dating the Garbage Pail Kid. Does she not get that he was just ducking her because she let him? Come on now chick. Get a clue. And some ginger for whatever gastrointestinal issue you have going on. Speaking of the Garbage Pail Kid, I would be in jail if that fucker spoke to me like that. Just no. Oriental Amish, you're certainly right; he keeps doing that shit because he's been able to get away with it for years. Now he's confused as to why Nia isn't getting angry and then just letting it go like she used to. The problem is, he's now embarrassing her ass in front of millions (that might be reaching for this show, but you get what I mean), instead of just in private. He clearly has no repeat for her or any female. And that he thinks he can drop, "I'm worth $25 million" as an excuse. Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Now, was it just me, or did it seem like Amber was okay with the "I'm gay" part of the confession, and only lost it when Miles said he was in another relationship?
  15. Well his parents became citizens, but all his siblings were born here so they were citizens automatically. I'm sure it was something he figured he didn't need to do, like obeying laws.
  16. So let me get this straight. The reason Joe doesn't want to get deported back to Italy is because he doesn't know any of the laws? That's rich considering he ignores all the laws in this country.
  17. Damn it! My allergies started acting up during the end there. Man, Jermaine cracked me up when he pulled the brothers to the side and said, "she looks nothing like us!" It made me think of the conversations we've been having about Michael's kids. Anyway, that chick is crazy. She went from I know I'm your sister and will take a DNA test to prove it to shitting herself. And then her whispering to keep the results a secret. Ummm, you're still wearing a mic lady and where was all that discretion when you were all up on E! and Extra and in magazines and shit shouting to the hilltops about your lineage. Can't wait for the results next week. And where can I learn more about Janet's secret daughter?!? First I've heard of that one. I'm really liking TJ. He's seem really sweet and level-headed. Even in the way he was engaging with the "sister". He was very polite and even somewhat endearing without being condescending. I don't know. I loved when TJ asked Taryll's girlfriend why she's throwing the party, because I'm sure he thought, like I did, that it was because of the cameras. And 3 different flavors of milk?? Gross.
  18. I don't believe for a second that Theresa's illiterate ass wrote any of that. And all the little anecdotes about how she's stopping fights and the inmates all look up to her are eye-roll inducing.
  19. Mine is Ensure, because my Caribbean grandmother thought I was too skinny and needed to be fattened up. So I had to choke down endless cans of Ensure daily.
  20. Blanket's name is also Prince, for some reason. The cousin with the dreads sitting down front is kinda hot.
  21. It was actually a deal between Kathy, Michael and LaToya. LaToya never had kids so her little doggie that she's had for years is named Paris.In regards to the storage story, it sounded to me like everyone had forgotten about locker until the dude who bought it tried to sell some of the pics to the Kardashians.
  22. Followed by Dre's: "That's exactly what he wrote on my 10th birthday card." Lol!
  23. So not liking Cookie's wardrobe this season. It's very "I'm stuck in the 90s", whereas last season was more of like a hood couture. The other designer definitely needs to come back.
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