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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Lol at Jackie trying to auction Malaysia off for $1 at the charity event. Jackie sure did jump off the Draya train awfully quickly, especially considering the only reason that group still talks and films with her is because Draya convinced them to let her back into the circle. Also, why is Jackie so quick tell everyone that she's never done oral sex?? This is like the 3rd time she's brought that up this season alone. And I need to add that those green heels she wore to Malaysia's party were hideous. So is Tami supposed to be the new cast therapist?? Why the fuck is she there? Although she did make me chuckle when she said, "I think Megan needs a mentor, but I'm not that bitch." And Shaunie needs to come off all this "my Miami girls are so much better" nonsense. Is she forgetting we all watched that show too? When did they ever resolve conflicts at the end of day? When were they mature about the way they handled issues? Evelyn fricken jumped leaped across a conference room table to throw a punch at someone......bitch please.
  2. I haven't seen the episode yet, so won't comment on that, but I agree that Draya seems like she's ready to move on. Her swimsuit line has been blowing up and receiving quite a bit of press over the last year after people like Selena Gomez and one of the younger Kardashian/Jenner's (Kylie, I think?) posted pics of themselves wearing Draya's stuff, and since then her swimsuits have been selling out. She went from being that former stripper desperately trying to find an athlete to gaining some type of legitimacy by getting engaged (although that didn't last long....) and actually being recognized, in a good way, for a successful clothing line (which not many reality stars can claim, ahem She by Sheree). I can definitely see a lot of this vitriol stemming from the other ladies thinking Draya needs to be knocked down a few pegs, because how dare she succeed when we will always be better than her as actual (former) wives. And I am not looking forward to hearing anything Tami has to say. She's a vile bully and hypocrite.
  3. Avg sizes are good, but ALL shoes look great in a 5.5!! I hate when they have a size 5-6 shoe on display that looks amazing and then you pull it in your size and it looks awful.
  4. Figured out how to change my DNS server or whatever it's called so the websites in the US still think I'm in the US, so I was finally able to watch. What a mess! Paula really creeps me out with that Cheshire grin she always has plastered on her face like she doesn't realize they're all laughing at her not with her, or she does realize it and she's plotting some evil revenge type shit. It's also really annoying that she talks and yells over everyone and that that awful host, who is messy as hell himself, allows it. Interesting that they didn't show the clips of Elise talking out of both sides of her mouth in regards to cutting people out of the stupid ass White Sistas.
  5. And don't forget the cracked out Diana Ross by the queen who claimed she was a trained actor!!
  6. And also shooting at an officer of the law.
  7. How exactly is Lori not in jail for any one of the numerous crimes she has committed?!?! Stupid show!
  8. I'm out of the country and can't watch for 2 weeks. Can some kind soul please give me a quick recap?? And word, WhitleyTrillbert! I would think if they came into plastic surgery type money, they'd go get a three-fer deal to fix the mouths of the entire Parker/Forrest family.
  9. I laughed when he said he likes Moneiece's sense of humor because it's different. I think what he meant was because she's a psycho. He really does have an affinity for attracting the crazy ones though! Again, I'll be waiting for Johnni Blaze to show up and for the ultimate battle to go down.
  10. And didn't Bob also represent himself in court? I remember Phaedra being just absolutely shocked when Bob started dropping legal terms and obliterated her case!!
  11. Maybe he wants to BE Calista, and this was the way to get rid of her to assume her identity, henice his outfit. I don't know....he's just cray-cray.
  12. So after reading the comments here, I realized I didn't actually see the end of the episode! Apparently I fell asleep right after Tamar suggested a song for the album and my mind just convinced myself that I watched it all. To is was quite the Bitch during that second half! Her comment to Traci, then her facety ass response to Tamar expressing a completely relevant concern....my goodness. It's just so shitty especially considering that she had NO interest in any of the "sister" albums previously, but now ALL of sudden, she's not only Gung ho about it, but she's moving forward despite non of the sisters actually being on it. The least she could have done was discuss songs and potential release dates with everyone involved. And oh yeah, shut up Mama Evelyn! So tired of her.
  13. Oy, Joss is an idiot. And I don't understand why there was so much drama about Harry leaving for a year, when we all know that Joss ain't got no job! I could get with the whole Calista "Crying Game" scenario if we didn't have to put up with all the other stupidness going on with this story line. The Karen, Alec, Vivian story was so sad, especialy when Alec through himself into finding a cure because he couldnt deal with saying goodbye. Ugh! This stupid show isn't supposed to make me cry......anyone asks, I'll deny it!
  14. Golden tries way to hard to be sexy and cute, and she's neither.
  15. When Towanda said she needed to retire from background singing because she was waaaaaaaaay too busy, my ears perked up to hear all the things she's been doing. She's been busy being a mom (interesting, since shes never actually at home or in state, and it seems like she only stays married to Andre, "the writer", because he's a free caretaker), acting (where? In what?), and following Trina around at Bar Chix for free drinks? Uhm, OK Towanda. You're "too busy".
  16. Damn! I thought the hysterical girl was one of the gay dude's mother. That clip just got a whole lot interesting.
  17. I didn't realize this was the season finale. Does anyone know if there's going to be a reunion? Because there was quite a bit of shady shit happening all throughout this season, both in small groups and talking heads, that I would love to see addressed in person now that everyone has seen it for themselves. I'm looking at you at Elise, Forrest, and Golden straight up lying about shit!
  18. I really love the one where Whitley and Jaleesa are rehearsing to audition to be pips for Gladys Knight and they work with the underhanded classical singer.
  19. Ooh, I know Towanda is pissed! She's been talking about Dancing with the Stars for a couple seasons now.
  20. Good lord, that was intense! And of course, they've already sucked my ass back in.... So many questions. What the hell happened to Hazel's face? Who was that dude that tossed his ring on the sidewalk? Why is Teddy Riley's daughter still with that dirty looking boy? And why does she insist on wearing pastel colored lipstick? Is Moneice's mom just as crazy as her? Where did Richie Dollaz come from and is Johnny Blaze hiding behind a column somewhere stalking him (because a Johnny/Moneice showdown would be epic!)? When did hell freeze over so that Princess and Teairra could become BFFs???
  21. Malaysia looked absolutely stunning in that bedroom scene. Brandi: Do I have a job because Draya was a whore? Draya: Yup! Yes, you do. Me: Lol. It's always good to know and understand what you're being recognized for. That entire "scene" was rough. I wonder what they were doing/where they were at. Especially since it looked like they didn't realize they were being filmed. The camera was off in the cut some where and there was no lighting. It seemed too much like a set up, and certainly like Draya pissed off someone in production, as one of you mentioned above. Angel looks like she had an awful nose job mishap. And she wears entirely too much makeup. Other things that made me snort: "No. I said YOU were boring." "I'm unhappy that Angel tried to insert herself, because she is not a tampon. Like, stay wrapped up bitch." Angel: You didn't say it was boring did you? Draya: So?! I don't think Angel realized what a mess she just got involved with. I'm sure next episode she'll be falling all over herself to apologize and get back in the good graces of the other ladies. I'm not really sure what response Draya expected at the event, especially when she didn't go with the intention of apologizing or being cordial, since she kept poking at Brandi. When Draya and Angel were outside, Draya seemed to be seething with anger, very unlike her normal , "oh well, I don't really care about them anyway....let's go get a Brazilian wax and drinks" demeanor, like something else was going on. That gold dress was amazing though.
  22. Give it time. I'm sure Towanda will "innocently" spill the beans on Gabe and Trina sometime soon. You know, when she needs to be the center of attention or to knock Trina down a couple pegs.
  23. Jacent really bugged me during the scene when Trina was asking questions about the permit and all the other work that had to be done. His tone and body language were so goddamn disrespectful. Does he not get that he works for Trina? As the person shelling out all the cash and who also has everything riding on this venture, she has the right to ask questions and demand answers, especially when things keep falling behind schedule or requiring more money. And saying things along the lines of it will happen when it happens, doesn't fucking fly. As the foreman or contractor or whatever the hell he is, it's his responsibility to get the answers. The whole thing just rubbed me the wrong way because it just felt that if she was a man, he would not have reacted in the same manner. I'm glad that Trina didn't back down. She don't have time for that nonsense after putting up with Gabe. Ah yeah. The songwriting competition, where she shot that awful intro doing her best to sound exactly like Tamar. That looked like some local access thing. (And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that.) There's a city named Towanda?
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