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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Poor wittle Klaus. Every one is always against him and always hates him for absolutely no reason. Nevermind that it's usually after he does some awful stuff, like murdering his mother and lying to his siblings about it!! Why does Klaus always get to be angry for how he is wronged, but no one else is allowed to? He needs to grow the fuck up. You'd think he got turned into a vampire when he was 3.
  2. I've also got an addiction to nail polish strips over the past year. I blame it on Sephora always having them on sale for $3 and the awesomeness of the Incoco patrerns.
  3. Love that we're now including science to explain the mysteries of this show.... Willie told her she could get a normal job that didn't include stripping, and wasn't her response something like, "why"? She has no interest in doing anything outside of stripping, which is fine. She should just be upfront though, and say that she likes doing it and misses it.
  4. That's interesting, considering that specific incident of Jermaine leaving the group out of loyalty was mentioned in the movie (which I've seen too many times to share....I love me some Jacksons: An American Dream).
  5. How did Carter not get fired for being underaged?? Stupid show. I couldn't figure out what it was about the actor who plays Ben that bugs me so much. Then I realized it's the damn vocal frye. I thought only females did that. Glad to know it's equal opportunity. Glad I wasn't the only one who got the sense that some Max/Elizabeth sexy-times would soon be coming our way. The writers on this show won't be happy until Max has had sex with everyone of the characters. I'm sure David or Gabe will be next.
  6. This is exactly what I wanted to say, but was too lazy to put into words, so thank you! Moniece doesn't give 2 fucks about her kid, but Marla gives off this sense like she's just trying to say the right things in public.
  7. Very true about Danielle. But her dark was real real dark. I still remember her inviting that grungy ass PCP looking dude to be her "bodyguard" at someone swanky event. I was so scared he was going to slash someone's face! Sheree is full on delusional and will never live down many things, especially the fashion show without fashions (how dreadful!). Isn't her name Sherry, or something totally normal like that?
  8. Marla may have appeared to be making sense, but she was also doing quite a bit of back tracking from the stuff she said last week, on camera. There's something off about their relationship and it's not just coming from Moniece.
  9. Danielle would probably be higher up on the list, potentially tied for 1st or 2nd. That bitch cray-cray.
  10. Yes! She also looked nice when she was talking with Nikki after visiting Teairra. I can't speak for her outfit in that scene, but her face looked lovely. She had a fresh, natural look with nude colors, not the usual clown makeup she wears. I also think, from seeing how dreadful she looked in the talking heads, that she tries to contour her nose, and the shading makes it worse. The small loud one, whose name I can't think of right now, also does the nose contouring and it does the opposite of what it's supposed to do, instead enhancing the wideness/largeness. I was not a fan of how Hazel was talking about Teairra during her meeting with Princess. I was also not a fan of how Day 26 walked up in the studio all aggressive and shit to the Screwface dude. It's not Screwface's fault he signed a bad contract and then spent all the label's money. I'm glad Screwface was all, "what do you want me to do since I don't work for. If you pay me, I'll take care of it, but until then, we're just friends and I got shit to do." So no one's going to comment on the cotton/fur combo hoodie that Milan wore in the studio? There are no words for how awful that shit looked. Moniece definitely has issues. I need to understand/know her backstory, because there's something going there with the Mom and stepdad.
  11. Yes, but only until it was more convenient to be her "friend" because they had a common enemy in Kenya and because Nene's only other "friend", Cynthia, had joined the other "team".
  12. Did anyone catch Miles on The Breakfast Club radio show this morning? It really made me dislike him, because he came across as super homophobic (not sure if that's the right term here, but you get my drift). He's NOT gay, he's bi; he's NOT a bottom, he's a top; he's NOT the "woman" in the relationship, he's the "man"; and he was NEVER on the down low. It all just rubbed be the wrong way. And apparently he and Milan are no longer together. Miles and his sister basically said the fame went to Milan's head and that Milan was jealous that all the attention is on Miles and his coming out.
  13. Depending on the brand of eye makeup, some people prefer to put on the shadow first, especially if there is a lot of fall out, where you get the dust sprinkles all over your face, especially just below your eye and at the top of your cheek. If you already have on your foundation, it makes it very difficult to get the eyeshadow off without ruining the rest of your makeup. Of course, if your eyeshadow doesn't do that, tour good either way. Urban Decay shadow, which I typically use, is notorious for fallout!
  14. I also got the BITE discovery kit, when I got the Sephora Favorites lipstick collection (too many lipsticks!!!). I haven't tried the 2 nude colors yet, cause they seem to be too light for me, but I'm looking for the right brown liner to pair them with.
  15. I'm a fan of the Smashbox photo finish primers. Sephora usually has several of the variations available in small/travel sizes in the area where you wait in line, so you can try before committing to the regular size. Since you only need a little bit of it, the travel size lasts a really long time. I've also used the Too-Faced primers, which are also pretty nice, but I prefer using the Too-Faced eyeshadow and lip primers, and using Smashbox primer for my face.
  16. Who was the "famous" person Marcel saw when he first walked into the party? Yay for no Cami. I thought Hailey could heal werewolf bites because her blood mixed with the babies? I guess it's not really important now that Lucious has manufactured a cure somehow. It would be nice to be able to see Klaus not able to lord something over everyone all the time.
  17. I just got the Sephora lipstick favorites. It's something like 14 lipsticks, some full size....entirely too much lipstick! I've been wearing a different one everyday; I'm halfway through the pack and so far, I've liked them all, even the super bright, pink ones that I tend to stay away from.
  18. That shit had me bawling like a baby last week! I agree. Watching last night's episode, I kept saying to myself, "I really like these guys. They're really genuinely nice guys." And it seems like they were super close to Michael, as well as the rest of the family, which is cool for a family that large and that famous. For some reason, I know that "Anything" song. I don't recall ever seeing or listening to 3T, but I knew all the words to that song. So strange. I thought I heard during that anniversary episode that they'd been together something like 17 years, or did I make that up? Ugh! I can't stand this chick. She's so vile. I wonder if she starts bashing Taryll to his family about how he never does anything for her before or after she decides she wants to get married.
  19. I read that scene differently. I thought he was asking the mom to encourage Moniece to not miss her Kameron dates and to work with her to make that happen, but the way he said it made it seem as if he was asking her to watch Kameron. There was a part in there where he tried to rephrase, but it made it worse. You can't be very eloquent if you're high all the damn time.
  20. Again, home girl had no issue with Miles sleeping with men; She freaked out when she heard the word "relationship". Loved Teairra's polka dot outfit. Just learned last night that Nick Canon manages Amber Rose. I didn't know he also had a label. If Brandi is part of a duo, why wasn't her partner there to partake in what was essentially a business meeting? And how has she been on the show for 4-5 episodes and this is the first time she's mentioned her music career? It was the first thing out of everyone else's mouths because they realize this is free publicity. She was too busy doing foolishness instead of promoting her nonexistent career. So which producer was whispering in Fizz's ear that he should involve Moniece's mom. She and he mother clearly don't get along and Moniece already feels that the mom is on Fizz's side not hers. Also, Moneice's mom seems like she really hates her daughter, but tries to cover it up with all this pseudo intellectual psycho babble nonsense she likes to spout. Her whole, I have to protect Rich from Moneice just seemed like a way to undermine Moneice. Why does she give a fuck about Rich's well being when last week she was hounding him about not paying his child support. Fizz is a really nice guy to be putting up with Moneice's nonsense. Kameron is her "first priority" but she's missed almost a month's worth of visits and doesn't even call to say she isn't coming? That's crazy. She's lucky she didn't have a kid with some lowlife who dropped out of the child's life as soon as the novelty wore off. I'm sorry, but did I miss the Garbage Pail Kid's apology for the way he treated Nia in public the other day. Nia needs to work on her self-esteem, because my god, that absolutely can not be the best that she can do. Sorry to hear about Hazel's accident, but she needs to realize her nose is not the problem. It's the way she does her hair and makeup. Loved that she thought she was getting an automatic nose job and the doctor was all like, nope, a nose job wasn't necessary, I just returned it to normal!
  21. Oh my god. That video of the studio audience watching the show with that bearded dude in the front just sobbing.....gold!
  22. Nya should be ashamed of herself for trying to defend that thing she's calling a relationship.
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