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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Mine is Ensure, because my Caribbean grandmother thought I was too skinny and needed to be fattened up. So I had to choke down endless cans of Ensure daily.
  2. Blanket's name is also Prince, for some reason. The cousin with the dreads sitting down front is kinda hot.
  3. It was actually a deal between Kathy, Michael and LaToya. LaToya never had kids so her little doggie that she's had for years is named Paris.In regards to the storage story, it sounded to me like everyone had forgotten about locker until the dude who bought it tried to sell some of the pics to the Kardashians.
  4. Followed by Dre's: "That's exactly what he wrote on my 10th birthday card." Lol!
  5. So not liking Cookie's wardrobe this season. It's very "I'm stuck in the 90s", whereas last season was more of like a hood couture. The other designer definitely needs to come back.
  6. Rhonda definitely wasn't on her evil mastermind game tonight when she openly confessed to Lucius of all people, and his shady ass lawyer, about killing Vernon. I just know they have her on tape. She's slipping.
  7. So when exactly was Laurie awarded legal guardianship rights for Carter that would make anything she signed in regards to Carter legal/enforceable ???
  8. I got the sense that the other one, Taj, is gay. Taryll just comes across like he really hates his girlfriend and only stays with her because they have kids. I seriously thought those were dreads, and then as I was looking at some past pics, I also realized the burnt ends! They look so awful. They weren't that bad when he was a teenager, but now it screams of someone who won't let go of their teens/20s.
  9. Tami and Shaunie showing showing their maturity in relation to the other Miami women: http://www.vh1.com/news/214649/where-are-they-now-tami-shaunie-miami-crew/ http://www.vh1.com/news/214681/tami-says-evelyns-got-beef-with-her/
  10. Never heard of them. A quick google concluded I still have no clue of who they are. Quote from the article I read on the show: “Basically, we have a show. We’re five girls and we have the same mom and dad,” India Love said. They sound....bright. My vote goes to the whisper-shout of "don't do this in front of the neighbors!" Oh hell naw! She's really determined to let this dude treat her like shit, indefinitely. Well good luck to her dumb ass.
  11. Wait, there are rules to rachetrism?!? I need to know the full suite, so I can be prepared. You know, just in case.... That girl threw herself down on the ground, getting grass all up in her My Little Pony weave. She's gonna need something more than couple percosets to recover from this shit.
  12. As much as I can't stand Brandi, I admit I had a chuckle when Jason put out his hand to introduce himself to her, and she just looked him up and down and said, "Yeah, I've heard about you." Lol!
  13. Yes. Eric's punk ass self.I feel bad for Princess because she's such an idiot. After all the shit Ray J has pulled, she's still taking his word on things. And while I don't agree with what Teairra did, I do agree with what she said about them being "friends". Up until a couple weeks ago, they were enemies. Yeah,they're trying to move forward to have something in between friend and enemy, but they can't be expected to jump straight to best friend status.
  14. I have never heard any of their music. I knew their group was around in the 90s, but I never heard them on the radio. I think I remember seeing a video or performance from them on the Disney Channel back in the day, but that's about it. I commented on their looks in the main thread, because really, they don't have a drop of Jackson. But, I do think it's pretty awesome how everyone seems to be really accepting of them. They seem to get a long really well with all the cousins.
  15. I was thinking the same thing! They just have none of the familial traits at all. I guess we'll just have to wait like 20-30 years before someone takes DNA test to tell us where these children came from. Thanks. I finally stopped being lazy and googled them as well. I'd love to thank google for providing the incredible tea that Jafar, Jermajesty, and Donte are all brother-cousins to Randy's kids, as Jermaine stole away Randy's wife, secretly married her, and had kids with her within months! I thought that shit only happened in the islands (like my family - lol!). Where was this story during all the Jacksons' movies?!?
  16. I'm amazed they are still rolling with the "mom's working" excuse or why she isn't around. Gabriella isn't that young, and we all know Milania is an evil genius; I find it heard to believe they believe that. Love that Milania is already learning her henchman duties.
  17. I'm still chuckling at Jackie saying she needed to get on Backpage, since she's all about making money, and John Salley replying, "well first you need to know how to suck a dick..." I see Brandi figured she's already fired so she went on there to say whatever the hell she wanted. Nice to hear someone call Tami out on her bullying, only to watch Tami straight up lie about it never happening. Didn't she just tell Meghan she shouldn't have lied? I definitely felt Draya's absence, especially since half the clips involved her. Plus I'm jealous of her lipstick.
  18. If it wasn't for Shaq, plus all of his money that she and her boyfriend squirreled away in secret accounts in anticipation of her divorce.
  19. Julianne Moore was a perfect guest for this show. A serious, well respected actor, who didn't take herself. The questions, or the games too seriously. And she looked like she was enjoying the heck out of being on.
  20. Taryll's girlfriend came across as a straight bitch during this episode. She's seems very much like the type of person who feels like they should be able to afford everything because of their last name. Is he the one in an upcoming preview who complains that Taryll never buys her anything? All the kids on this show are freaking adorable! But how in the hell does TJ and his wife have 9 kids?!? Are those all their kids together, or are their kids from previous relationships? Because good god, that woman's uterus.... I didn't realize that TJ, Taj, and Taryll's mother was murdered. Now it makes a lot more sense why Katherine didn't want to talk about her in the previous episode. I like the cousin camping trip, but I was hoping they would tell us who each kid's parent was. I'm really liking Prince. He comes across as a really nice, caring kid with a fun personality. Blanket still looks like a serial killer in training, but he seems to be developing some normal personality traits. I had to chuckle when Prince said they all inherited the Jackson family "big head", so they shouldn't need pillows.
  21. I keep forgetting how old Gia is, because she looks so damn grown. She's not even I high school yet (as of the filming), and she has 5 layers of makeup on. She needs to take it down a notch. She's a beautiful girl, she doesn't need all that.I see that Audriana is becoming a mini Milania. The world certainly doesn't need two Milania's! 300 minutes a month is not a lot of time, especially when Teresa is calling home everyday.
  22. Totally forgot about the Froyo place! Maybe the canned her after the cops and news crews decended on the property that one time Laurie visited her there?
  23. So, they're not going to even attempt to explain why the courts saw fit to give Laurie a non-guilty verdict? At all? Cause I'm still perplexed as to why the appearance of this kid somehow absolves her of all her crimes. Fucking ridiculous. And Ofie is in rehab? Say what now? They never showed with a substance abuse problem, but I guess drug dealer equals addict somehow. And Crash is warning others about a "bad boy"? His change of heart happened, what, 3 months ago in the nonsensical timeline of this show? And since when can the sister, who's name I can't remember right now, chug alcohol? She just started attending parties and drinking also only a couple months ago, and now she's a pro. OK. Not sure why I'm trying to make sense of this idiotic show, or even why I'm still watching.
  24. The one episode I saw was the engaged girl trying to force her fiance to sit down and plan the wedding. And it was so obvious he had no interest at all in getting married. He basically had a flashing neon light above his head with the word "stop". I bet he thought if he got her a ring, she would shut up about getting married and he could stretch out the engagement for a while. I don't think he realized she'd been planning this wedding for a while, so she was ready do it after a few months.
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