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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Golden's baby daddy is DB Woodside? How'd she hook that lovely piece of chocolate. If I was a dude she'd send me running. And "running into" Vegan Boy is very different from inviting yourself over to his house.
  2. Was last week the finale? I don't see any more episodes coming up on my DVR.
  3. Forgot to mention that Golden's dance routine was also pretty bad. What the hell was that?
  4. I don't understand all the negative comments she keeps making about reality show stars and how she wouldn't lower herself and wants to earn her way by her talent and "doing the work". Does she not get that she is currently on a reality show? Does she think it's a documentary?
  5. I love Lisa. I always give her a side eye when she talks about her numerous businesses. But she's definitely that one friend, who is cool as hell and fun to hang out with, but you know that she's full of shit most of the time, but it's okay cause she's not an asshole.
  6. Anyone else notice how Elise kept changing her story about why she didn't show up to meeting? First she didn't know about it and she didn't get any phone calls. Then, she told the next person she got all these messages, but didn't know why, but her schedule for the day was already set. Every time she spoke to a new person she had a different response. It was annoying. I loved that during the gym scene with Lisa, Countess was all "fuck this fake working out shit; can we get to the point of this scene: Gossiping about Golden. Thanks!" Is it just me, or was Golden awful in that scene she practiced. Maybe that's why she doesn't get call backs?
  7. I saw it. Her makeup definitely was not on point as it usually is. She did seem a bit off her game.
  8. Man, did I want to smack Fizz. Why is he trying to force Amanda into being a mom to his kid? It didn't work with the kid's own mother and it's not going to work with her. She's right to have reservations. It's not just her becoming a mother before she's ready, it's fully committing to an extremely volatile situation, especially knowing that Moneice (?) ain't going anywhere and Fizz wants to breakdown in tears every time Amanda's phone rings. Fuck that. I don't agree with her cheating, but I agreed with everything she said in the car. He either needs to be okay with where she is at right now, or he needs to move the fuck on. According to him, she doesn't have anything to do. But working and going to school is a lot and time consuming, and he expects her to add a parenting a kid that is not hers to the mix. That comment from him just shows that he doesn't even respect for her and the things she wants to accomplish in her life. I really want to smack this bitch for forcing me to side with RayJ. Motherfucking RayJ!! I don't have a problem with her working the event. But she didn't even tell him or ask him if it was okay. He is her BOSS. That means if he is working an event, he expects her to be there doing the things he expects her to do, whether that is getting him his fucking water or passing out his stupid bags. And as her boss, he has the right to say, no I need you for this, which she then has the right to either accept or quit if she doesn't. But just going off to do it and letting him find out the same day? Unprofessional. And as someone upthread said, it wouldn't have been difficult for her to make other arrangements, find a friend or volunteer to help out. She couldn't even do that, and she surprised that she got fired? Bitch please! As I said in a previous post, Morgan tries to act like she has her shit together, but she's messier than the rest of them. She's just better at hiding her crazy. And RayJ, why are you yelling at the DJ lady. None of it was her fault. She just offered the opportunity. In fact, she was the one who got you the gig in the first place, so how about a little respect. That made me feel better to find at least something wrong with Ray J. Oh Teairra, Teairra, Teairra. Girl, it's called rehearsal and therapy. Invest in both for the sake of your career, boo. I'm starting to like Nikki's mom. She cut straight through the bullshit Mallie Mal was spouting and busted him on his lies. He couldn't even keep them straight. Love'd mom's "throw all his shit out and shut the fucking door!" Greatness. I wouldn't be surprised if she placed a little something extra in the food he was wolfing down.
  9. Amber and Jim, combined, couldn't hope to match the absolute greatness and simultaneous terrifying insanity brought by Danielle. She was reality TV gold (although I was always scared that she would kidnap Dina, place her in an empty well and lower her baskets of lotion).
  10. Who is Amber trying to kid with her hair donation? That was certainly not enough hair. Most places only accept hair longer than 6-inches and, as someone in the episode thread pointed out, Locks of Love needs 10 inches. She's a real piece of work. She's definitely one of those who loves the attention she gets from having been sick.
  11. Is it sad or a good thing that I don't know who half of those people are?
  12. Amber was on The Real, because of The Cancer (of course), and she kept spouting that nonsense that Jim said on WWHL, that outing the twins' mother was because the twins were harassing him and he gave it back to them, so they deserved it. Looks like she and tiny Jim rehearsed all their answers...she even repeated, word for word, her "I took krav maya to prepare for the reunion" answer. Eye roll. And I do believe, like many of you that Amber was the one who wrote those tweets to the ex-wife. However, I also believe that Jim whispering in her ear what to write on some of them.
  13. LOL!! Not one single thing. But I was like awww dad, we need to talk. Bless his heart. I thought the dad was joking because both of the boys gave him the side-eye, like a "not funny dad!" Because I even laughed when he said it. This was the funniest part of the entire episode. That and the mom demanding the cinnamon buns.
  14. Watching The Real, and they are discussing their weddings. Tamar said that when she asked her sisters to be her bridesmaids they all refused, saying they were too old for that. And instead, the wore the bridemaid dresses and just sat in front row. I am so not surprised.
  15. Except the queens on Drag Race know how to blend their damn makeup properly. So I finally decided to just google him. Apparently he had a single called Sexy Lady that was supposedly a hit (I had to google that too, and realized I had heard that song once), he was on Ray J's Sexy Can I, and he helped produce Tamar's The One, although she's disputing that, LOL...I guess no one wants to be associated with him.
  16. She looked so much better in the before pictures. She was so cute. Why did she do that to herself?
  17. Oh it was worse. He said if people are cruel, then show them what cruelty really means. I was really hoping that Wacha would bite him in the balls, but unfortunately, they sent him out with a chew toy.
  18. I was coming on here to ask, what hits? Can someone please tell me what hot track he produced? I know I’m not up on all the new hip hop out there, but I have never heard of this fool before this show. This! She should have been embarrassed. It’s fucking Ray J! And she keeps trying to act like she’s the together one of all the females. If she was real, she would have owned up to showing those girls Nikki’s pictures and laughing at her. Teairra might be crazy, but at least she’s dropping truth bombs everywhere. The win (if anyone can actually win on this show) goes to Massika for having the common sense to call Mallie Mal (what a dumbass name) out on his shit and leaving him. Nikki is a frakking idiot. Why are you fighting over a man who not only cheated on, but did it on camera and then lied to your face about it? She’s one of those trifling ass females who takes it out on the other girls, who the dude told he was single, when she should be placing her foot squarely up her man’s ass. Can we all put together some money to send her the “He’s Just Not That Into You” book and all of its sequels? Although, I must say, Hazel looked really nice when she had her hair in the 2 braids. It was a darker color, which suited her nicely, and for whatever reason, it made her nose fit into her face. Her makeup was still a mess, but applause for baby steps. And then in the next scene she was back to that awful blonde and she turned into a troll again. You summed this up perfectly. Thank you. It's one thing to say all that shit behind closed doors, but on national TV?? Quickest way to get banned from seeing your grandkids. (Refer to Kim Zolciak of Atlanta Housewives and her brood.)
  19. Why couldn't Wacha do this to Jim Marchese's balls? Useless dog!
  20. Is Lisa an "actress" now? What happened to all her businesses?
  21. This! And that she had the nerve to get upset that everyone was asking Lizzie McGuire questions. Bitch, that show made you (and the show was awesome and I still don't forgive her momager for causing so many issues that they just decided to scratch the last season. Yes, I'm angry). Also didn't really like Giada.
  22. Drivethroo, you said everything I was coming on here to write. This was a perfectly executed plot by Towanda. You just know that as soon as they left the show and the cameras were off that Towanda was in Trina and Traci's ears saying, "see, even when we support her, she treats us like shit." It was interesting that Towanda was the only one who didn't notice Tamar's reaction, because she was loving being in the spotlight. She's a real piece of work. This! And every time we've seen the sisters on stage with Toni, Toni has invited them from backstage or at the very least, we've seen them all discuss, together, that they would join her. If they have surprised, I bet anything it wasn't an opening show. This was Tamar's first show of her tour and she expressed she was very nervous. It was really selfish on Towanda's part, and unfortunately both Traci and Trina are easily lead sheep. I definitely believe Tamar was cussing. I don't know whether she was cussing at her sisters, she totally could have been, or if that's just what they were told by some petty person who wanted to be all up in it. I don't think she meant to kick them out though. Oh yeah, and Toni shut up real quick when Tamar pulled out the messages as proof that she did contact her sisters.
  23. I don't understand her guilt over killing other wolves. Where was her guilt when she set up a ton of her werewolf friends to be murdered by Klaus in TVD. It bugs me that she keep conveniently forgetting about that, especially since that event, and the clue Klaus gave her afterwards, is the whole reason she ended up in New Orleans looking for her family. Can't stand Cami, although she wasn't as annoying as she normally is. More shirtless Marcel, please!
  24. Oh my goodness, this! She kept saying stuff like, "but yesterday before we slept together you said you wanted to be exclusive" and I looked up from my computer thinking, now I wasn't really paying all that much attention to your conversation, but I'm pretty sure he said nothing of the sort. It is really embarrassing because not only is he treating her like crap (although she opens herself up for it), he is straight up clowning her ass on national television. That cheshire grin every time he tells her no, makes fun of her in the talking heads, or even when she walked up to him and his date at the party is a dead give away that he has no fucking respect for her, even as a friend. Girl needs to open her eyes real wide. And I laughed real hard at Masika(?) telling Hazel not to worry about the date because, "she just from Instagram, girl." Didn't even know that was an insult. Why is Ray-J's assistant always in the middle of shit? Man do I need to see these before pictures. Her mom didn't look too bad, just rough. I guess years hanging out in a strip club with all the drinking and clouds of smoke will do that to you.
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