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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. But April didn't even check her. And that was not the first time Lucy has sassed extremely disrespectfully. Each of those warranted a slap on the backside or a grounding at least. Karen has some more great outfits, but of course continued her stupidity.
  2. I really loved Owen, and was looking forward to his character development after Anya and the reveal that Tristan was his sibling. Then they brought in the Ice Hounds and relegated him to the background where he had maybe 3 lines that entire season and then graduated. What a waste. And Manny is one of my all time faves. I still laugh at the episode when she decided she didn't want to be "cute" anymore and showed up the next day with her sexy clothes and her own theme song (maybe the theme song was only in my head - can't remember). She also had some great storylines and got interactions with multiple people/circles in the Degrassi-verse. I even liked her and Jay (another favorite character) together - Did they end up together in the end? (I really love Cassie Steele and wish she would get a fantastic TV show to star in.) I also loved Wesley, where ever he may be now. Other characters I like Eli (except when he's with Clare) Dallas (although they don't spend enough time on his personal life, including his kid and his possible struggles with his baby mama) Craig (so much drama, so little time) Jake (so chill and indifferent; and had enough common sense to dump Clare :-D )
  3. That dress was completely inappropriate for school. And I'm surprised that as "strict" as Degrassi has been on wardrobe over the past few years, that not one teacher or admin addressed it. The Tristan/Maya scene at the end was extremely gut wrenching, and very well done by both actors. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out in regards to their friendship. And Yates continues to be extremely creepy. Glad they suspended his ass right off the bat. That rule must suck for those teachers who are falsely accused, but good riddance to those fuckers who are actually preying on their students.
  4. I didn't realize Riley was only 11. The dress would have been appropriate (and not so bad) if Riley actually looked like an 11 year old; but she looks as old as Kaela! Because it can't be said enough, Mama Joyce is a vile, vile woman. Who says something like that about a child, especially one who hasn't done anything. And then her protesting that she didn't say/do anything, only to add on at the end "I don't even know what I said". So which was it, you didn't say anything or you don't remember if you said something rude. So much damn hate. And then the way she "gave away" Kandi....ugh! I will say, I thought the wedding was nice, even with the theme. The set up with the couches and the dancers and everything turned out really well. I must say, they definitely got me when they gave the girls their rings. I think I got a little dust in my eye when that happened. And Kandi's figure looked frakking incredible! Work it girl! ETA: As I'm watching the after show, it just highlights for me how much this show really made me dislike Kandi. And she is my favorite housewife. She not only showed her ass, but showed how much Mama Joyce's despicableness has rubbed off on her. As someone who also has a mother with a nasty personality, although I love and respect her as my mother, anytime I catch myself acting like her, I quickly check myself and reevaluate my behavior cause I don't want to be seen as just like her. Kandi needs to do the same because it is really not a good look for her.
  5. Oh man. They definitely went there. That scene was so horrifying and disturbing, especially as someone who works with teenagers. The manipulation by the teacher was flawless though.
  6. The shade award goes to person who did the closed captions and wrote "Off key singing" before Brian's performance. That alone totally made the episode worth it. And me commenting "for 2 whole months" every time Drea said something about her wedding, marriage, happiness, etc (like adding on "in bed" when you read a fortune cookie fortune). So "women's ministry" is code for something else right??Just the way she kept saying it, and quickly adding it on to the end of every sentence. I saw that differently. It came across as to me as she was trying to quickly deflect. She asked how she's changed, but when he tried to answer, she cut him off and turned it back to him. Me thinks the Sheree has started drinking and hanging out a lot more than she was 2-3 years ago. I was surprised in Hawaii that she got so shitfaced, especially since this was the second time in the season she was drunk and basically the 3 (maybe 4th) time in the history of the show that she drank on camera. She never drank in the first season, at all. This is probably where the "influenced by friends" thing is coming from. I really can't stand Shanna. She just comes across as so fake and manipulative to me. I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. And while I believe the things that Jessica said were fucked up, I think it was equally as fucked up for Shanna to only reveal those things when Jessica pissed her off. If she honestly felt those texts were wrong/offensive, she wouldn't have waited to share them. Which makes me think she was gleefully engaging in that text conversation with Jessica and biding her time for when she could use them against her. Anyone catch the look on Humberto's face when they started talking about Mayte's eggs?
  7. I was wondering if he had various shoe sizes, because really. Although, I would die for that closet space! That wig is horrible. And why does she keep going to a hotel bar. Easiest way to get arrested for prostitution. I understand her want to be a different person, but go to a regular bar, a coffee place, or something.
  8. I agree. I would have voted in the strongest players every single time I had the opportunity to do so. Like you said, there's always the chance the could win and return, but the more they go in, the more worn out they can get also.
  9. The one thing we can count on with this show is Karen's stupidity! Alyssa Milano looks just as horrible this season as she did last season. They really need to fire who ever is dressing/styling her because everything she wears is unflattering. Who buys someone they barely know a dog?? You don't know anything about her situation, her life style, finances, health issues, etc. I'm not sure why she found that so cute; it would have pissed me off. A photo, stuffed animal, etc. would have sufficed and made the same point.
  10. Mike is coming across as quite the dick. And it's clear that he thinks a leader just makes people do what he wants without considering/trusting their knowledge, expertise, etc. Quickest way to lose your team. And I'm not sure where the "Johnny is incompetent" thing is coming from. From everything we were shown last season, as much as Johnny was a goof/easy going, he was also always on point and successful in any of the missions he participated in.
  11. Shanna definitely took it too far. And she knew it too; that's why she whispered it to Nicole to say it. Obviously Nicole had no idea what she was repeating because she said "did you have a 'birthday" golden shower" (lol, which is what I thought I heard too, but then read the captions). Didn't really like how Drea had only been there all of 5 seconds before she declared it was so much fun without Jessica. And Shanna was all too happy to join in with the Jessica bashing.
  12. Yes. Where the hell was Clair's apology to Drew?? For being a straight up bitch. And I never again need to hear about Eli and Clair's "epic" love. So fucking epic she broke up with him via voicemail and 2 seconds later, shacks up with Drew. I can't wait for Clair to graduate. Becky's parents are assholes. Luke didn't do anything? Right. It's not like there's evidence, except for, you know, that pesky video, that clearly shows him doing the things he's accused of. Asswipes.
  13. I really didn't like how Kandi came across with the prenuptial business. She kept dismissing anything that Todd's "lawyer" said and acted like Todd was out of line for not just signing it. Kandi knows full well that she would NEVER sign ANY document without her lawyers review and recommendation, but expects Todd to? She's nuts and Todd was right to get upset. She also mentioned very quickly on wwhl, amid the "Todd waited until 2 days before to find a lawyer", that her own lawyers didn't start working on the prenup until 1 week prior. The hell! If the prenup was so important to her, why didn't she start working on it when they got engaged? Because it can't be said enough, MJ is such a vile woman. That bachelorette party was weak, but it seems like they were trying to prevent another MJ meltdown, only for her to not show up. Contrast that with the "extravagance" of the bachelor party....I know I certainly wouldn't be taking anything out of a stripper's mouth!
  14. After hearing that Nicole Murphy and Michael Strahan went through months of negotiations before agreeing to acceptable terms on their prenup, it's surprising that Kandi would wait until a couple of days prior to the wedding to give it to Todd. Granted, he doesn't have as much as her, but as Ribboninthesky noted, Todd has just as much right to look out for his interests as well. The move out in 30 days stipulation was also a shocker, since both of them have mentioned several times that Todd invested in the house and remodeling, as well as the bills.
  15. Did I miss the episode this week, or did they just not show it?
  16. I dislike Eli whenever he's paired with Clair, which is almost all the time he's been on the show. Other than that, I think his character is great (if they kept him away from Clair).
  17. Aww shit! That never gets old. It makes me laugh so hard everytime I see it. And the greatest part is when CT throws Johnny onto the can and someone yells from off screen, "We're gonna need another barrel!!" followed by Abe's face of absolute disbelief and all the other cast members open-mouthed with shock. Greatness! I'm not entirely thrilled with the people in the final. I haven't watched Real World in quite a while, so I don't know who any of these new people. I guess, at this point, I don't care who wins, as long as it's not Johnny B and Laurel. I vote for a "looks like a crackhead thread". I know this technically isn't "television without pity" anymore, but I'm still rolling with that same mentality.
  18. Was that the one where she was bitten by a snake or something? Yes. Where has this game been the entire season. It definitely should have been included within the rotation to even out the advantages. And we know many of them can't count very well as demonstrated in the third puzzle - the final would have definitely shaken out a bit differently. As much as I am completely ambivalent towards Theresa, I was really hoping she'd eliminate Laurel - she so deserved to be eliminated over a puzzle. And I'm pissed that Johnny beat the lovely CT. Dude was obviously struggling and they just kept rolling film! Zach is the one who can't swim right? Fucking scary.
  19. Poor dumb, hot Drew. When will he learn? Clair, as usual, is working my nerves. Can she graduate already? And oh yeah: Shut Up Alli and Jenna! I laughed hard at Zig thinking the chef would let him work the fryer, of all things, on his second day.
  20. Quote: I've never read the book A Portrait of Dorian Gray but from what I've heard he can't look at the portrait or it will age him (I believe it was suppose to be a portrait of himself). No, he can look at the portrait. It's just that any aging, misdeeds, worry, concern, etc will happen on it instead of him, keeping him youthful and apparently sexy (which I definitely missed when I read it in 10th grade! Lol!). I would love for there to be some sort of twist on what's depicted in the painting.
  21. The only thing polished and professional about Karen is her clothes. I worked at a school like that for a few years (ridiculously rich parents, highly pretentious kids, even at the younger ages), and yep, they are that judgemental. The only smart person on this show is the new lawyer going after Savi's boyfriend.
  22. I'm sad they copped out on showing us a little man on man action. At the very least, they could have given us a morning after shot. As someone mentioned upthread, it would be great if Dorian went through and seduced the entire cast. Vanessa certainly is the poster child for not enjoying sex....if you like sex, a demon will take over your body ladies.
  23. I saw her hosting some talk show a couple months back and it took me almost an hour to realize who she was and where I knew her from. She got some serious diction lessons, because her accent was quite thick in previous seasons. And wow, I'd completely forgotten she was engaged to Wes, of all people. e's quite scrumptious with that clean shaven look. Yum!
  24. Say it ain't so! I would rather CT be with anyone else besides Diem. She's just so, ugh, for the lack of a better word.
  25. But today, she wants to act like she got the vapors because Sharon called her a bitch. Bitch, please. Exactly. And this is after she told Sharon to "Shut the fuck up!" Which MJ conveniently forgot about (just like she conveniently forgot about rushing Carmon during the dress fitting). And who the hell is Tam to tell Carmon that she needs to apologize to MJ. Tam wasn't there, and if Kandi and Carmon are straight with what happened then that's all she needs to know. As someone else mentioned above, it seems like Tam is very jealous of Carmon being the "fun" best friend. Her face was priceless when Rico (is that the designer's name?) called her the plain one. Speaking of Rico - no one called him out on the fact that the "nude" mesh completely did not match Kandi's skin tone?? The hell?
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