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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Yes, when you are in jail and have nothing else to do, 4% of your day is quite easy to come by.
  2. Since always. It's definitely one of those things that the writers have actually kept consistent in her characterization, even after her trauma, which I appreciate. I also thought this was very odd and out of place. I don't believe anyone their age knows who Phyllis Diller is.
  3. Well then. I guess we know who her next rap will be about. Good for her for finally moving on. And what's this about her dating Tom Hank's son?!?
  4. The best part of the show was the short scene of Shar and Countess driving down Sunset Blvd. Next season should definitely be "Hollywood Divas: Countess and Shar". Forget the rest of those broads. Paula thinking that the reason the ladies are upset with her is because they are jealous of her is beyond laughable. Bitch, you are living out of garbage bags....on national TV. Ain't nobody jealous of that. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why she didn't just tell them upfront she had a premiere. She had several opportunities to mention it: when they originally set their schedules, when they discussed Paula being on set more, when they got together to discuss the miscommunication about the cancelled shoot day, the morning of the last day, etc. No excuse she gives, including not having a fucking daddy, makes sense to me. I have to send some love out to Alan (?), the director of photography, who high tailed it the fuck outta there the second Mama Paula started with, "oh, so this is what you've been doing but for no pay". Lol. Also, great move on the part of him and the AD to gently stroke Elise's ego to convince her stay after she threatened to leave. It was so masterful, you just know that they've had to do that multiple times catering to real stars.
  5. Lol! Don't forget he also mentored kids about staying out of a life of crime, all while he was all up in other people's accounts. I think that's one of the things that pisses me off the most about his whole situation. Selling lies to teenagers who are only looking for role models as examples to help escape the cycles they're born into. Fucker.
  6. Not a bad episode. I found a bit insensitive that Zig was all, "people say that they're going to kill themselves everyday", especially when he was there when the whole Cam thing happened. In fact, wasn't he the last person to speak to Cam before he ran off to the greenhouse? I was a bit annoyed that Cam's name didn't come up at all during this episode; not even Maya looking at a picture of him or something. So, Miles is home sick and Tristan takes off of school to play nurse? What the hell? Have their teachers not noticed they haven't been in class at all this semester? We are 6 episodes in and they have literally been in class twice! I guess Miles' parents know for the most part, since he's always home and they seem to work out of the house, but what the hell is up with Tristan's parents. Have we ever seen or heard anything about Tristan's parents? I mean, Snake didn't even call to notify his parents that he was being assaulted by a teacher who is now suspended. I guess it's par for the course in Degrassi. At least next week, an adult is actually questioning why the cheerleaders have so much money. Lol! That's the same thing I said about Eli when Imogen asked him relationship advice. I figured that whole "polyamory" thing was Jack doing her normal, I'm so above normal teenager shit, bit. So I wasn't surprised when she backtracked after getting called out on it.
  7. Y-A-S-S...yass! Based on that alone this show had better be renewed. Nikki is no Amanda, Moniece is not going to get away with all her shit with Nikki. That would be epic. Although, I suspect that Nikki knows how to spot crazy when she sees it. That was Amanda's downfall; not spotting the signs even after Fizz told her. I believe Nikki will definitely give as good as she gets with Moneice, but once she realizes that Moneice is not kidding when she says she'll cut a bitch, Nikki will protect her assets (and by assets I mean her "expensive" surgeries) and hightail it outta there. Done! And done! I will definitely miss this thread. Only 2 (or 3 ?) more episodes to go. I may need to consider watching the New York one.
  8. We all know, thanks to Phaedra's OBGYN during her first season, that Phae was pregnant BEFORE she and juvial Apollo were married. Lol! That floor mattress sex will get ya every time!
  9. Lol! Yeah, that outfit was all kinds of wrong. I did do some internet research to find this "scripted series" Masika was in (http://youtu.be/GhEd2jnqNjs - they don't really show much of anything, but probably still NSFW). She shows up at about 34 sec. In the first episode clip she's right at the beginning. From what I've read, the sex is simulated, like on Skinimax, but apparently some acts were not. It really did look like she was kissing him, but he wasn't kissing really kissing her back. I did love Ray J using his anger management therapy as the reason why he pushed ole girl in the pool. And that scene will never not be funny!
  10. To answer RealityGal: 1. No. But if must have given her brain damage if she went and got that fools name tattooed on her neck. At least he was smart enough to get her name some where that can easily be covered. 2. I guess not. And what the hell happened to Moneice's wrap up talking head? I wanted to hear her delusional plans for the future and how else she can keep herself busy to avoid seeing her kid. 3. I wouldn't trust Soulja boy not to roll around in his own poop. He just always looks so dirty. I just imagine him acting like my dog, always trying to run away from a bath even when he stinks like holy hell. Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. Girl, it is the end of the season; you just need to let it go. All of it...Berg, the rap career, your dignity. She really needs a mentor and some therapy. Surprisingly, Teairra sounded really good. That's what rehearsal time will do for you. Not sure how I feel about her and RayJ's true love forever, but more power to them.
  11. I would totally watch a spinoff with this storyline!
  12. Eli's college semester is over in a couple weeks, so his summer is starting earlier than Degrassi. Frankie was great this episode. I'm glad she stood up to Zoe. Although, Zoe is this close to showing those girls her pimp hand. I can definitely appreciate that her character is consistent.
  13. Where was Spinner's wedding ring? They better not bring Emma back. Manny on the other hand..... Another solid episode for me. I chuckled through most of it. Especially Becky singing Cherry Bomb and Imogen asking her if she knew what the song was about, cause I was asking the TV the same thing.
  14. Anyone see Lisa on WWHL on Sunday? She looked very different. I couldn't tell if she'd put on weight or if she did something to her face.
  15. I just need to thank RayJ for the best laugh I've had in weeks! I also rewound it several times because that shit was funny as hell, especially after she threw the red wine on herself, lol! What a dumbass. And she fell in the deep end! It was greatness. I thought the same thing. She looked lovely, and I was shocked. I think it's the lipstick. She always has on some awful nude or glaring pastel color; in that scene it was a soft rosy, natural looking color and her face looked less horse-ish. Yes. Teairra might be crazy and violent, but the girl is always dropping some truth bombs. I almost thought for a second that Hazel had come to her damn senses, but when she slipped in that little bit about Teairra not doing the Berg song, in between her fucking sniffling and her peaking up to see Teairra's reaction, I personally felt hoodwinked. Girl needs to get a fucking grip and come back to this dimension. And she's choosing to go back in on Masika again over Berg. Who cares! If he's such a piece of shit [which we all know is the case], just be happy that his attentions will be on someone else and you can get back to your life and your awful raps. I don't know why she wants to be with, much less procreate, with that troll. He blocks her twitter and instagram after she expresses that she's upset about a miscarriage?!?! He needs to punched in the balls. Thank you! She keeps saying she's doing this and that for Cameron. If she really wanted to be a fucking mother, she would be and she would do what it takes to make that happen, not all this other shit. But it's Fizz's fault that she can't see her son. He didn't take your son away; the courts did because your ass is unhinged. And the way that she didn't deny that she lied about the stuff in the article/blog was scary. Classic example of why these "stars" need to wear protection when they're fucking around. Now Fizz is tied to that psycho for life.
  16. Man, Golden is....I don't even know how to describe her. Loved that she freaked the fuck out about Paula calling her a Jezebel but didn't have a reaction to Paula calling her a whore 5 seconds before. And as much as she dismisses "reality stars"she sure is relishing her role. The way she asked Countess oh so sweetly, "do you want us to write out the role?", then when Countess said yes, she attacked with the "you would make us do that!?! How dare you!" it was quite scary. Paula is still nuts. Although I do think she has a point about how women are treated in the industry, I think they didn't call her because they didn't want to deal with her crazy. It was also really scary watching that car plow through Elise's door seconds before she stepped out. I would have been completely shaken up! Love Shar and she and Countess should have their own show. We should all start emailing Todd.
  17. That's always been his thing, so at least they are keeping him true to character. Leave it to Audra to come in and take everything over, and also to request a paternity test because of course Drew didn't think about it. I found it weird that she didn't know who Eli was though; weren't he and Adam best friends? And again, where the hell is Jenna? (At least I know now that Connor was off filming the horrible Aaliyah movie.) There was no need to bring in random lady with a baby hanging out at The Dot, when she has a best friend who has been through this! Especially thinking that nothing would change (I can still be a cheerleader; I can still compete on a TV show; I can still do all the teenage-y things I did before ....). It's just really annoying the way they always have characters disappear; at least give us a throw-away line or something. And it's doubly weird because Jenna was in all the pictures from the cast photo shoot for this season. Loved and Zig, Tiny, Grace, and Maya were eating poutine. So Canadian (and so delicious)!
  18. "Our friendship went out the window….with your purse." Oh Berge. You're an idiot, but you can be funny sometimes. But, the “love pentagon”. Who hears that shit and still wants to be with him?!? Masika, I’m sorry girl, but that track was awful. The faces on the audience were killing me. But thank god for Hazel, because she started her wack ass rap, all off beat, and distracted the guests from how bad Masika’s song was. Hazel, honey, you’re not embarrassing anyone except yourself. Why wear all black? Just don’t go to the party! It makes you look like a dumbass. Mega? Really? I understand Apryl’s frustration’s with her mom. However, she needs to understand that her mom may have her own trauma, and if she’s not ready to discuss, then Apryl can’t force her to. Morgan stays messy. She's been causing a lot of drama although she hasn't been onscreen in the last 4-5 episodes. And who the hell is Floyd? What the hell was that preview with Princess? It looked like she fell off the side of a building or some shit?
  19. This! Especially since it seems like going after young girls is part of his pattern. That and peeing on them. (Back on the TWoP Hollywood Ex's thread someone from the same high school/area wrote a great post about him returning to the school after he made it big to scope out the teens.) ETA: And word to what Avaleigh posted in her first paragraph.
  20. If Nene said those nasty things on camera, then why not address her on camera? I'm not saying that how either of them handled it was best, but Nene can't expect people/friends to treat her with respect and/or respect their friendship, when she doesn't do the same for them. She's a straight up hypocrite.
  21. I may be wrong here, but I think the issue was that after they squashed it, Cynthia and Peter saw what Nene was actually saying in the talking heads about them when the episodes finally aired. Not to mention the shit she was spewing on her one-on-one on WWHL shortly before the end of the season. Nene truly was saying a lot of shit about people who she claimed were her friends/she was close to. It certainly would have made me reconsider making amends if it was one of my friends.
  22. Not only that, but Kandi remodeled the house to what MJ wanted! And after getting a newly remodeled, payed off home, she decides she doesn't want it??? Bitch please. My mother would have gotten a couple words from me. And while I probably would help her look for a new house and pay the downpayment (you know, if I was balling like Kandi), she would be making those mortgage payments. And as many of you have already stated, what the fuck does she need a 7 bedroom, 4 bath house for?? Insane. Oh Apollo. The look on his face when he admitted so nonchalantly to the group that he lied about it all, was so fucking creepy and scary. Sociopath indeed.
  23. And what happened to Zendaya? I thought she was supposed to play Aaliyah.
  24. Was it just me, or did they try to downplay R. Kelley's role in their relationship and subsequent marriage?
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