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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. Putting keys in a bowl near the front door is actually not a great idea. It can be possible for thieves to use a fishing rod through the letter box to hook the keys and either break in or steal a car.
  2. Poor Rav! But at least he managed to not come last in the technical. I was surprised they didn't have his reaction to that afterwards. wasn't surprised that he had to leave. This felt like the first week that he wasn't enjoying himself.
  3. Most of the recipe books I've used* give the quantities by weights. I always assumed it was an American thing to use cups. Heh, in University when I baking for fundraisers, I didn't have much actual kitchen equipment, so with the help of a few blocks of margarine (which could be cut to an exactish weight), a ruler, some plastic freezer bags, I managed to make a reasonably accurate balance scales to measure my quantities correctly. *bought and put on my bookshelves
  4. Ross 'rescuing' Demelza wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. It looked like she was practically ashore under her own steam before he came along. Question, how many eps are there in this series? I thought it was going to be 8 eps again - 4 per book.
  5. I watched several seasons of NCIS where Tony was written as a buffoon, an idiot, somebody who shouldn't have been on Gibbs's team. I watched as his team treated him like something they'd scraped off theirs shoes. I watched as he was abused verbally and physically by his teammates. I watched because I liked MW and was hoping that TPTB would remember what the character and the team had been like back in the beginning. Now I'm watching MW play the leader of a team where his character seems to be intelligent and liked and respected. Nobody has smacked anybody on the head, nobody has pulled a gun on anybody and expected to be considered not only a loyal team member but also a potential love interest. If this show crashes and burns (which I really hope it doesn't), I hope that MW stays miles away from NCIS. They treated his character like crap, they gave him a send-off which could have been lifted from a dozen badly written fanfics. NCIS doesn't deserve him.
  6. Chicago Med was a one and done for me. I cancelled Chicago Fire when I found out they were killing off Shay - I'd spent most of the summer wondering who if anybody was going to die after the season finale explosion, and realised that she was the only one I'd miss. And Chicago PD, Roman isn't coming back, so neither am I.
  7. Or if Apollo just came out of the shower and described the entire episode...I would have been more than okay with that! ?
  8. I don't know what the story was with Hobart & Munro. Hobart definitely seemed to be completely on Munro's side throughout. I remember a few instances in S1 where Hobart seemed a bit at odds with Lawson, so it would make sense that he aligned himself with the new boss. IIRC, it seemed to me at the time that Lawson was set to give Hobart a second chance to redeem himself for trusting Munro. And while they never came out and said it, I think it's clear that it was Lawson that Charlie was on the phone to and not Munro (as had been implied). Would have been unlikely for Munro to be phoning Charlie covertly when he could have easily spoken to him in person. I did find it interesting the Mattie overhears Charlie talking suspiciously, and the very next episode we get Blake asking Charlie his opinion on Munro - presumably Mattie had alerted Blake about what she'd overheard. The whole thing with Blake's mother and indeed her relationship to Ashby just seemed to come out of nowhere. I know that Lucien was shipped off to school at age 9, but surely if Ashby had been that close friends with the Blakes then surely Lucien would have known who he was when they crossed paths in S1. I'm afraid I wasn't too sorry to see Ashby go. I took agin him in S1 when he appeared first - I know he was grieving for his daughter, but it seemed like he wasn't a nice person, or at least not a nice boss to Lawson (and I dislike anybody who treats my Lawson badly ;-)
  9. Why would you suggest two American sports presenters (who I and probably most BBC viewers had to google to find out who they were) for a British baking show? And your comments about 'much better presenters' than Mel and Sue, I can only ask, do you actually watch this show at all or are you just trolling?
  10. I read about 3 or 4 of the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella before giving up on them, for the simple reason that every book seemed to be retreading the same plot over and over again. I got so frustrated with the last one I read that I actually physically threw it against the wall. (I do actually like her writing though, and I've enjoyed most of her non-Shopaholic books)
  11. Malcolm McDowell (Star Trek Generations) is uncle to Alexander Siddig (Doctor Bashir - Deep Space Nine)
  12. I lived through the Carby/Luby wars on ER, I feel your pain! Personally I don't care for romance on a lot of shows because it tends to reduce those characters plots (or less face it, reduces the female character's plots) to being more about the relationship than the original premise of the show. I also hate to see partners on a police procedural paired up because I think it ridiculous that they'd still be allowed work together in the field. I've pretty much dropped NCIS LA because of Deeks/Kensi - it would have been a bit hypocritical for me to approve because I liked both characters when I was so adamant that Tony and Ziva on NCIS wouldn't and shouldn't be allowed work together if *they* had hooked up.
  13. So is "I'll be on my charging station" the android equivalent of "I'll be in my bunk" ? ?
  14. The 'advantage' of not lighting up the medal tables means there's less of a choice in terms of flag carrier ? Gary O'Donovan (silver medalist men's double sculls) will be carrying the flag for Ireland. (His brother/teammate is competing in the World Championships otherwise they'd probably have done a 'rock paper scissors' to decide!)
  15. Was watching the riding round earlier. Is it wrong that I was cheering loudly whenever any of the riders knocked a fence? :-) (in my defence, there's an Irish competitor still in the mix and I was just happy that he got a clear round early on)
  16. Heh, there was a lot of number crunching going on in Ireland before the race! It's all to do with how well you did in the previous 10 races. Basically the winner had to finish less than 5 places behind Annalise Murphy and she finished 2 places behind her. (And no, I don't understand it either, I'm just happy she gets silver this time after coming 4th in London)
  17. Woo-hoo! A second silver medal for Ireland!! This time in sailing. Yay!!
  18. There's an Irish myth/legend about a footrace where the winner would be the one who first set their hand over the deemed finish line. There was nothing in the rules that specified that it had to be attached to the racer's body, so I think you can guess how the story ended!
  19. Is the order for finals random or based on qualification?
  20. The jump is measured to the point farthest back where you land. It looked like his left hand brushed the sand farther back than the rest of his body so that was where they measured to. Bad luck for him.
  21. Once they've got started AFAIK, the runners can use whatever lane they want, but they'd be foolish to make themselves run a longer distance than necessary.
  22. Because it's been banned or removed from the code of points. Presumably because it was considered to dangerous.
  23. Plenty of alcohol in the mix and 'feeding' the cake generously before icing it always helps ;-)
  24. Just thinking about the trampoline and wondering if some of the gymnastic skills would translate to trampolining and then was thinking that if Simone ever switched to trampolining they'd probably need to double the height of the arena ;-)
  25. Personally speaking I find the marzipan/icing considerably more edible than the fruit cake underneath!
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