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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. Clearly Eichenwald was simply following the president-elect standards of accuracy with the Tweet.
  2. So when do these selections actually get confirmed? Are they all supposed to be in place by the inauguration date? If they don't get confirmed does that mean that Obama's people stay in place or do the departments just keep running without a leader?
  3. Why isn't anyone asking for trumps birth cert to prove that he slithered out from under an American rock?
  4. Tony probably has way more money than Trump as well.
  5. Why is anybody surprised by this? Does anybody really think that Trump will put American interests before his business interests? The only thing that's surprised me a little - although it probably shouldn't - is that according to the Rachel Maddox link, Trump practically painted a target on his business colleague's back by mentioning him to the Turkish president. Anybody working for Trump abroad might want to update their insurance policies!
  6. Will that be before or after China calls in his loans?
  7. My guess is that 'Wucy' will become a thing on one of their trips. And said trip will have them return to find that Wyatt's wife is alive in that timeline. Because of course it's not going to be straightforward!
  8. So just to be clear, it's a "fact of life" when the USA does it, but nobody should be messing with the USA? Double standard much?
  9. One can appreciate the irony in a country with a history of election manipulation being itself manipulated. That doesn't necessarily mean you approve of it. If the stakes weren't so high, it would be a case of serves them right.
  10. A quote from that CNN report Heh, they are only now realising that Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word 'loyalty'. He will screw over anybody and everybody to get his own way. Hah!
  11. Not that I particularly want to defend him, but is an executive producer credit anything more than a courtesy title? I mean, I see a lot of dramas after several seasons will add their lead cast as exec producer and I always it was just a way to keep them happy/give them more money but they didn't actually *do* anything in terms of production.
  12. I think he may have deleted it...or I could be mis-remembering whose timeline it was on (facepalm).
  13. Val Kilmer pointed that out on Facebook. I'm sure it was totally accidental (snicker)
  14. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/trumps-plans-hit-the-wall-as-application-for-doonbeg-barrier-scrapped-35272669.html aww poor guy isn't going to get one of his walls built. I wonder how long before he starts tweeting about ungrateful Irish locals.
  15. He should just accept delivery and stiff them on the bill. Isn't that his usual method of trading?
  16. Would be tempted to name one Trump, but it wouldn't be fair on the poor cockroach.
  17. I wonder who he's going to appoint as his interpreter. You know, the person who has to go on after him and explain that he didn't actually mean what we just heard him saying.
  18. I feel sorry for anybody whose job it is to compile a retrospective of 2016 now for broadcast/publication in the last week of December. They're going to have to leave some time/space blank to include the deaths of the next few weeks because we know 2016 hasn't finished with us.
  19. Maybe to bring it home how limited her choices were. Verity was pretty much 'on the shelf' when she met Blamey (IIRC in the books she met him at Francis & Elizabeth's wedding). He was basically her last chance at marriage and maybe she was willing to overlook his flaws for a chance of happiness.
  20. It probably pisses off Trump every time he's reminded of it, so that's something.
  21. 22/25 not bad considering most of what I know about the American political system comes from TV!
  22. Sippy cup quest happy ending Because we need to know that there are good people and good things happening in the world.
  23. Arnold's doing the Apprentice? Oh please let the show win an Emmy!
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