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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I wonder who he's going to appoint as his interpreter. You know, the person who has to go on after him and explain that he didn't actually mean what we just heard him saying.
  2. I feel sorry for anybody whose job it is to compile a retrospective of 2016 now for broadcast/publication in the last week of December. They're going to have to leave some time/space blank to include the deaths of the next few weeks because we know 2016 hasn't finished with us.
  3. Maybe to bring it home how limited her choices were. Verity was pretty much 'on the shelf' when she met Blamey (IIRC in the books she met him at Francis & Elizabeth's wedding). He was basically her last chance at marriage and maybe she was willing to overlook his flaws for a chance of happiness.
  4. It probably pisses off Trump every time he's reminded of it, so that's something.
  5. 22/25 not bad considering most of what I know about the American political system comes from TV!
  6. Sippy cup quest happy ending Because we need to know that there are good people and good things happening in the world.
  7. Arnold's doing the Apprentice? Oh please let the show win an Emmy!
  8. Yeah, sure he may not openly support racist groups, he just hires racist people, incites racial hatred, and doesn't disavow racist endorsements.
  9. Another one on Twitter (can't remember who posted it) CIA "We've tried hundreds of times to get him, nothing's worked" 2016 "I got this covered"
  10. I am working my way through the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer. I'd actually started reading the first book back when it was originally published, but I was so pissed off to find it was the first in a series - and ended on a cliffhanger - that I refused to buy any further books in the series until they were all published.
  11. A UK comedy panel show that aired the week after the election asked the panellists was there anything that Trump could have said that would have lost him the election. Their answer was "Hi, I'm Hilary Clinton"
  12. The EC is the contingency plan. The whole point of it was to make sure than an unqualified candidate- no matter how popular they were with the masses - wouldn't automatically become president. Thats why people are keeping their fingers crossed for 'faithless Electors' who aren't necessarily going to vote for Trump just because he 'won' their state.
  13. Curious. When was the last time the KKK supported or endorsed somebody for a non-racist reason?
  14. Probably not so much 'ladies first' as using the full version of their names, i.e. Melinda coming before William.
  15. I'm curious as to whether he did it unprompted or only in response to a question. Of course either way, I'm sure his next meeting with his nazi advisor(s) he'll be back-pedalling again. The NY times had an editorial along the lines about how easily he flip flops depending on who his last meeting was with.
  16. Trumplethinskin has apparently cancelled the NY Times meeting because they "changed the terms and conditions". This - according to his tweet - is apparently not nice. (I asked him if he wanted some cheese with that whine)
  17. Given that porn can be a driver of technology, yeah, I'm pretty sure the first commercial time machine will have an 'orgy' setting!
  18. Trump to directly negotiate with climate to ensure it doesn't change Waterford Whispers is an Irish equivalent to The Onion (just thought I'd better mention that!)
  19. The books have Sir Hugh Bodrugan (the host) regularly in pursuit of Demelza. Neither she nor Ross really take him seriously but as you've said, she does occasionally take advantage of his interest for her own ends - most notably before Ross's trial when she's trying to get some info on the judge. The second guy at the door in the book was Sir John Trevaunance, another man of her acquaintance who fancied her. In the books, by the time the two of them get to her door, she's already long gone - it is played a bit for laughs as well with them tossing a coin to see who gets to go in, and Hugh (having lost) waiting because he's sure Demelza will send John packing.
  20. Judging somebody on their prior legislative record isn't exactly 'buying in to the spin'. Pence's political history is a matter of record. Maybe he isn't a 'morally corrupt and hateful' person but many of his policies were.
  21. Reading all these posts, I am seriously considering getting involved in politics in my own country. Granted, we're never likely to see somebody like Trump get into power - for one thing, our head of Government is the leader of whatever party is in power, so is of necessity has to be a politician who by the time they get to the hot seat would at least know what they're doing. Still, I feel the need to do something.
  22. Regarding Doc, I have a theory (behind spoiler space, just in case)
  23. I just hope he doesn't feck up the country beyond all recognition before he's finished. I doubt if he'll last until 2020 though. He's bound to screw up bigly before then. (Apologies for the double post, I hit quote instead of like and once there's a quote in the reply box I can't get rid of it.
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