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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. For anybody in the UK or Ireland, Season 3 is starting on BBC2 on Monday 30th November. As usual though, they seem to be airing it Monday to Friday in an early afternoon slot, and by the looks of things they'll be running S2 once they've finished S3.
  2. What gets me is that surely Scotty has gained enough brownie points with the president at this point to get a pardon for Rhonda. Poor Celine, no wonder she was so upset in the bunker. And poor Gaines at the end, but I'm happy to see that he made it to the bunker in Slough. Speaking of which, who do we know so far ends up in the bunker? We've seen Rhonda, Spike, Scotty, Gaines, Celine, Frankie, Dave, an unknown person in a crate, the batty old lady who had the bunker built and her doctor. Have we seen Layla in the bunker yet?
  3. M knew that if the guy who was a member of Spectre was killed that they'd have to meet in person to appoint his sucessor.
  4. The Great British Bake-Off is an hour long with no time lost to commercial breaks. The Great Irish Bake-off is an hour long with probably 12 to 15 minutes lost to commercial breaks. I don't know about any other international versions but clearly if they have the same running time as the GIBO then they're simply giving less time to airing each challenge in order to fit the extra one in.
  5. Wait, so clutter and mess are a sign of depression? So I'm not just a lazy slob who hates tidying! wooo-hoo!! (and yeah, that's about the only thing i got from this episode)
  6. I like that he's working with the police department in an official capacity and not just randomly solving crimes that happen to fall his way. When I first started watching, I figured that Superintendent Lawson would be the bad/incompetent 'good' guy who ignored the maverick doctor at every turn, and I was pleasantly surprized to see that that wasn't the case. (in fairness, I was expecting Joel Tobeck to be playing a bad guy like he usually does!) The game show ep was one of my favourites of S1, in part because we got to see a bit more of Lawson especially outside of the station.
  7. The Doctor said 'she's taking year seven for Tae Kwon do'. Presumably meaning that she's teaching martial arts to the kids of year seven (because of course there's nothing Clara can't do)
  8. S3 is scheduled to start on Sunday the 25th October at 9pm.
  9. I'm surprised they're able to keep the results quiet for so long. I hadn't realised that so many people - all the guests at the end party etc - would have seen the winner being announced back when it was filmed.
  10. I haven't read the books myself either, but from what I've read about them, AFAIK, Jane is in the books and I think Phrynne has another foster daughter as well.
  11. IIRC, in Season 2 she was sent off to school in Europe and came back in the final episode. I don't remember her being mentioned at all during S3.
  12. Growing up in Ireland, we always called them 'queen cakes', but they were tiny compared to present day cupcakes!
  13. Finally got to watch this episode and all I can say is that I really wish they'd do a crossover with Supernatural...so that they could burn and salt Mike Frank's bones and stop his bloody ghost showing up every five minutes. I was seriously tempted to just stop watching when I saw the guest star credits. Next time I won't waste another 40 odd minutes of my life on it.
  14. I usually go to the cinema on my own, and if i'm getting popcorn I always ask for the smallest size. Invariably, the person behind the cash desk will show me the next size up and suggest that I buy it for only about a euro more. I know they're probably trained to do that, and it's not their fault, but I have to resist the urge to tell them that if I wanted a medium bag, I would have bloody asked for one. (I'm an accountant and I've seen supplier invoices for what's sold at concessions and it is such a massive mark-up, it's ridiculous)
  15. Just sent you a PM (to save having to put spoiler tags on most of the answers!)
  16. AFAIK, we've never been told explicitly what stage Palmer's medical training is at - there used to be the occasional reference to his studies/exams, but I haven't noticed anything like that recently. Given that he seems to be working pretty much full time as Ducky's assistant, I suppose it could take him considerably longer to train than a full time student. I think that Ducky would definitely have switched to calling him 'Doctor' Palmer if Jimmy was entitled to the title.
  17. If you've any specific questions, ask away. Or send me a PM. (I'm always glad to blab on about the show!)
  18. It was nice to see Mattie all dressed up for a change :-) Back when this aired first in my locality, it was scheduled for an early afternoon slot, and it was pure luck that I was home the first day it aired and able to set the recorder. Haven't missed an episode yet!
  19. (working my way through the DVDs because the original airing that I saw cut chunks out of the eps) The pages that Beatrice had at Phryne's house were copies that she'd made to work on her study/project about the book. AFAIK, the pages were left deliberately by the student who had stolen the book. It wasn't so much that nobody had noticed them, I think that they'd only been recently planted when Phryne saw them - she'd surely have noticed if the book had been buried in that spot when they found all the blood.
  20. IIRC, she appeared in the first ep of S2, when Piper was transferred to a prison in Chicago(?) so she could testify. Piper met her either on the transport plane or in the Chicago prison. In S3 we see LP's character on her first day at Litchfield, presumably she was transferred there - maybe she was being moved to a less secure prison as she served out her sentence or something like that.
  21. Question, when they sounded General Quarters, the crew on the bridge started pulling on gloves and scarves. What was all that about?
  22. I wouldn't be stopping at the scar (shallower) :-) AFAIK, you're correct about the 70's version, but that differs from the books.
  23. Martin Sheen's cameo in Hot Shots (think it was in Part deux) with his and Charlie Sheen's boats passing each other on the river and both characters shouting "I loved you in Wall Street!"
  24. IIRC, the panty bit all starts after she has a visit from her parents and her father says she's failed at life or something like that. My theory is that Piper is running this business so that she can prove to her parents that she can be a success at *something*.
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