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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. Not really the same thing though. Singapore has a specific law against chewing gum and if somebody breaks it they get prosecuted. Kelly and Bortus were criminalized simply for existing and through no actions of their own.
  2. Oh but Gina did win the chess game, didn’t you hear her say checkmate at the end? Because rules of course are for other people, not her I lasted until the start of Amy’s scene and then figured I’d check here and see if it got any better. I can understand a little why Amy might want Gina’s approval. After all, Gina is supposed to be Jake’s oldest friend and Amy would probably figure that it would make Jake happy if his wife and oldest friend were on good terms. Gina obviously doesn’t care one way or the other. Question though, have we ever seen Jake’s reactions to Gina dissing Amy? Is he cool with that? I know Amy should be able to fight her own battles but Jake should have her back.
  3. The new season is scheduled to start on BBC2 on Tuesday the 12th February.
  4. The UK equivalent of The Day After was a two part mini series called Threads. I remember I only saw the first part as my parents (wisely) decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to let me watch the second episode. One thing I did find somewhat ‘reassuring’ was that the bomb didn’t get dropped out of nowhere, in the first episode there was a few weeks or even months of a preamble before things went bad and I remember thinking that at least there’d be some warning if it happened in real life.
  5. I was hoping they’d both end up dumping her two-timing ass. And I say this as a Rosa fan, but having her cheat on her partners is not a positive attribute. (Poly relationships are fine as long as parties are properly in the loop) And count me among the good riddance to Gina bunch. Has there ever been an episode or stroryline where her crappy behavior was called out and she learned from it? Ah well, fingers crossed it’s not a fake out and there’s only one more episode of her to suffer through.
  6. The Prime Directive prevents them from influencing the natural development of a pre-warp culture, so beaming the inhabitants off the planet to save them wouldn’t be allowed. Or indeed any sort of intervention that would have exposed their presence to the population. Since they were able to save the day without making the humans on the planet aware of it, I don’t think the Directive was broken. (Who knows how many times Earth has been saved from ELE’s by kindly aliens! 😜)
  7. Vulcans have a longer life span than humans. Spock could be several years older than Michael but just aging more slowly.
  8. I don’t think many of the characters are aware of Trixie’s alcoholism. Nurse Crane and Sister Julienne are because they’re in charge and I think Barbara knew there was a problem when she had to cover for her at one point. But as far as the others knew, Trixie was just visiting her Aunt and not drying out/getting back on the wagon.
  9. The closing credits listed Sister Winifred. I think she may have been in the congregation when the novices were taking their vows but my picture wasn’t clear enough to be sure. I was half convinced they’d lose one of the triplets as well. I’m glad they pointed out that most of the women getting ‘helped’ did actually get help without complications.
  10. Cable missed a day of work and they couldn't contact her so Danny checked out her apartment. Within a day or two they have her officially listed as a missing person and Danny goes back to get her laptop to help track her down. There wasn't much else that any of them could do, expect keep going with the jobs they're being paid to do. IIRC, the bridge collapse was in New Jersey, not New York, so maybe it just didn't occur to them that she could have been anywhere near it, especially since the victims appeared to have all been in cars and Cable didn't have a car (they mentioned that she'd hired one). So Bull gives the mother 2million. That's great. She can spend 400k getting tested and use the remaining 1.6mill to hire a hitman to bump off everybody on the list ahead of her and then take out somebody with a matching liver. That is one forked up health system you've got there.
  11. Well that was unexpected. I had no idea the actor was leaving. Now I feel guilty that I was so annoyed early on when it looked like an Alara focused ep. I agree with everyone who wondered why send the one injured person to climb down and save Ed. Surely all three of Alara’s family should have taken the opportunity to get out while they could - just in case Alara hadn’t been able to subdue the bad guy. Then again, given that neither her mother or sister did anything other than sit there when Alara was fighting the woman, she probably thought they’d be useless. And another thing. If you’re sending to people to a planet where they’ll be crushed to death if they exit the ship, why not provide a suit for each of them? For that matter, they both should have been suited up on the journey in case they had to make an emergency landing.
  12. Now if only he could get over his creepy obsession with Jake and Amy.
  13. Just finished reading Graham Norton's second book 'A Keeper'. It is a real page turner and you wouldn't think from his chat show persona that he could be so dark and deep.
  14. I think that Otis said the elevator car had gone up instead of down and opened on the fire floor. It’s something to do with the heat short circuiting the electronics and calling the car to the wrong floor which is why you don’t use elevators in a fire situation.
  15. I remember in that episode, Abby lying flat on her back as Doctor Coburn told her they’d have to do a hysterectomy and Abby just totally uninterested in the whole situation. And then I started thinking that she probably had that same expression on her face when she’d conceived the kid in the first place. That’s when I decided I’d better things to do with my time.
  16. I don't hate it when it's used to highlight the dangers of having to resort to illegal backstreet or self-induced abortions because there's no legal means available. (IIRC, Call the Midwife used that trope a few times)
  17. Yes, but it took several hours to prep the shuttle and fly it to the planet. They had at least that much time to do the lottery as to who was going to travel in the first batch of evacuees.
  18. Did they ever address why he was skivving off early? I mean, was he originally just planning on using that 15 mins and getting home at his usual time and just kept overrunning? I know it was partly to highlight to Ed and Kelly that Bortus was behaving out of character but it doesn’t make sense that he’d need to leave early when he was going to be spending hours in there anyway Bortus is third in command. He would probably have the authority to approve a non standard piece of software. It’s possible they felt it was better to keep families together as much as they could. Rather than send a bunch of kids off with nobody to look after them. They should have had some sort of evacuation protocol in place even before the shuttle got there though. Even without the shortened time, they would have still had to split the evacuees up - with no guarantees that the shuttle would be able to return a second time. It it was also nice and convenient that the survivors were all humanoid. When they couldn’t get video, I was expecting them to land on the planet and discover that they were maybe all giants or some species that they couldn’t fit more than a few people at a time in the shuttle.
  19. All of whom are getting paychecks from the same source and who will naturally have a vested interest in not saying or doing anything that would negatively affect that source. Given what happened to Eliza - somebody who could reasonably be expected to have a bit of power on the set - I’m not overly surprised that other people weren’t speaking out. And if a ‘chaperone’ was being paid by the production, guess where their loyalties would inevitably lie.
  20. I've no doubt that some midwives of the era would have helped women out when necessary, or at the very least they'd have known somebody who did terminations and would have passed on that information to women who needed it.
  21. I went to see it in the cinema with some friends and I did expect to be pretty much bored until the iceberg showed up. To my surprise I did actually enjoy the first half of the movie. (Although if I was rewatching, I’d probably fast forward through that bit now).
  22. Nice to see Tamal back. His was the the first season of Bake Off that I watched. Here’s hoping he does start making his own clothes and then takes part in the Great British Sewing Bee!
  23. I agree with you about Les Mis, that is, I was okay with Jackman's acting, but very disappointed with the way he sang. I think it wasn't so much that he was a bad singer, just that the songs weren't in the right key for him. Colm Wilkinson is a tenor, but I think Hugh Jackman is more comfortable at a lower range and they should have changed the key of the songs rather than have him trying to match the original. (to be fair, having spend 30 odd years listening to the original soundtrack, I'd have been critical of anybody taking the role).
  24. I think it was the Vatican 2 council (62 to 65) which ushered in a lot of changes - including those to nun's habits. But that was for Catholic nuns and I don't know if there was any equivalent for Protestant orders. So what was the big difference between a mother to be booking in for a hospital birth and going to Doctor Turner's mini-hospital? The midwives seemed to think it was shocking that a woman would want to be in the actual hospital instead of at home, but seemed to have no problem with them planning to deliver in Doctor Turner's wards rather than at home. And honestly, for many of these women, especially those who already had children, I can quite see the attraction in having a few days where home and chores and kids are somebody else's problem not theirs.
  25. Charlotte Richie (Barbara) is in the Doctor Who new years special.
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