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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. George’s Uncle was in the books. It was probably to keep cast numbers at a manageable level that they left out both of George’s parents. In the books IIRC, George’s father - while by no means on the side of the angels - was still able to curb George and Cary’s malice on occasion.
  2. Currently working my way through the Dubh Linn series by Ruth Frances Long and I'm kicking myself for not reading it sooner. I'd bought all three books (A crack in everything, A hollow in the hills, A darkness at the end) when they were launched, but I was buying them as gifts for my sister who loves Ruth's work and i never thought to read them myself until I picked them up at a convention. They're a young adult series (protagonist is a 16 year old Irish girl) but they read well for adults too. Filled with faeries and demons and a Dubh Linn that's not quite the same as the Dublin the ordinary people see, it's an exciting read so far.
  3. Just finished re-reading "Collision on Tenerife: The How and Why of the World's Worst Aviation Disaster" by John Ziomek and Caroline Hopkins. I'd seen a few documentaries about the Tenerife disaster but this goes into so much more detail. Caroline Hopkins survived along with her husband and as as result this book focuses a lot on the human side of the incident with stories from the survivors. But there's also a good bit of technical background too and a whole list of all the various little things that individually wouldn't have caused an issue but combined in a way to make the disaster inevitable. There's also chapters about the psychology of the incident and how many people may have died as a result of 'negative panic' i.e. they weren't injured in the initial impact but simply didn't react to the seriousness of the situation and never made it out of the plane. Worth the read.
  4. True, but how many of them are going to be regular characters and how many are going to be just one episode appearances?
  5. It's very lucky that these ghosts hold their original form and not their form at time of death. Imagine if poor Trevor had had to spend eternity without his, ahem, 'personality'. IMO the ghosts were a bit foolish when getting rid of Margaret. By all means do the whole dismemberment thing, but then why not just chuck the head over separately to make sure it was still breathing when it crossed the line. Am I the only one who initially thought there was no way they'd expect us to believe Finn was 20...and then realized that 1989 was 30 years ago, not 20?
  6. Channel 4 have an app called All 4. It’s ad supported so I don’t think it’s region locked (which makes it legit)
  7. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/great-british-bake-off-michael-panic-attack_uk_5dc293c6e4b0f5dcf8fd9664?ncid=tweetlnkukhpmg00000001&guccounter=1 Michael’s meltdown was a full blown panic attack.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/food/2019/nov/06/bake-off-winner-david-atherton-i-enjoy-the-buns-innuendos?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Interview with David. Interesting that both he and Alice were reserves for the show and only got called up because somebody dropped out
  9. When the husband was talking about the gift for Max, I thought his wife had had him pick up a bunch of stones so Max could go skimming them across the lake like she'd taught him. And I can't believe that with all the comments about lack of medical ethics/realism that nobody has called out Dr. Sharpe for telling Max about Luna's heart in the first place.
  10. Sandi’s voiceover said that Alice had gotten some distressing news and we saw her on the phone to her parents. While I agree it’s possible that Alice was told by production and then they made sure to have cameras on her when she phoned her parents. I think that it’s much more likely that the parents phoned to wish her well and told her then. Personally I would have just lied and said they were heading to the airport and not mention there might be a delay. Better to have the disappointment after the competition is over.
  11. I did a chocolate dessert once which called for it to be baked in a tin which was standing in cold water. But the intent in the recipe was to have a semi liquid core when the baking was finished.
  12. Aww! Are they the first couple to get together through the show?
  13. Trevor can’t be compelled to testify against her because of spousal privilege. But AFAIK, he has the option to waive that privilege and agree to testify. The thing is though, if he now went to the police with his story would he be considered an accessory after the fact? He’s had five years (less coma time) to come forward. I doubt he could claim to have been intimidated into silence by Margaret.
  14. Ceindreadh


    posted by the Olympic channel - make yourself comfortable, there’s over an hour of Chusovitina!
  15. I found it rather amusing in the BBC scheduling that Peaky Blinders finished up their season with an episode featuring Mosely talking at one of his rallies, and then the following week in the same timeslot a new series (World on Fire) opened up its first episode with Mosely...talking at one of his rallies. Pure coincidence I know, but nicely timed anyway.
  16. IIRC, he’d already taken the formalin before he was admitted, so that at least couldn’t be blamed on the hospital.
  17. A dessert is usually the dish that you have after your main meal. Something that you’d probably eat with a fork and/or spoon. While a cake or a pie could be served as a dessert, they’re not specifically dessert items as they’d be often served on their own.
  18. It took me considerably longer than it should have, to realize that he’s also Tommy Lascelles from The Crown.
  19. I think RR was watching Brooke from a distance - close enough to hear her but out of sight so she didn't realise he was there.
  20. She’d probably be in line to inherit, assuming she can come up with a good story for the cops so they don’t pin everything on her. Then again, there aren’t going to be any bodies to find (except those in the pit) so she might get away with it.
  21. Lawrence having a handmaid in his house means that there’s one woman in red not getting raped every month.
  22. Allie asked Tommy how long it took him to find out that he was alive. Tommy pointed out that Allie had written to him, so presumably either Allie said where he was living or Tommy tracked him down once he knew he was alive. It was the barman who ratted out Ada’s baby daddy. Tommy has spies in the telephone exchange and they told him. I liked Arthur’s comment about the ceiling being cheaper to fix (from a bullet hole) just before Tommy executed the barman, but I was surprised both of them were so affected by it. I do hope Finn’s friend doesn’t end up going the same way after being dragged into the Shelby dealings.
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