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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. And then they broke up after an away mission she was on went bad and he realized he wouldn’t be able to send her into danger again.
  2. Charity isn’t an exclusively religious virtue.
  3. @Ottis Claire seemed to Kelly’s confidante in this episode. (IIRC, didn’t Claire confide in Kelly about the relationship with Isaac?) Claire is probably the only crew member who Kelly could talk to. I don’t think it’s been specified what rank Claire holds but as Chief Medical Officer she would have a certain amount of authority in her own right. The most creepy bit for me was when Ed told present Kelly that he was going on a date with past Kelly unless present K wanted to try again. I loathe that sort of emotional blackmail.
  4. It’s happened a few times. I reply to a topic but I don’t click the ‘notify me of replies’ button. And when I go back to my homepage that thread is missing. It seems to only happen with single thread shows.
  5. Blum ratted her out. He’d already threatened to do so and those cops didn’t show up by chance. That said, anybody dumb enough to not dump the drugs immediately or at the very least to hide them instead of leaving them in the open isn’t getting too much of my sympathy.
  6. All the rushing around to complete the suit at the last minute would have been a lot more dramatic if they hadn't spent what felt like half the previous episode dithering around saying goodbyes. I mean, I get that the crew going on the one way trip wanted to send their last messages, but they could have done with a bit more sense of urgency last week.
  7. So was Maya aware that Jack and Andi were an item while that pair were sneaking around the firehouse in s1? Or is it only Andi that has to know everything? So it’s not okay to be dating somebody in your chain of command, but SFD had no problem with Andi working directly under her father? Cool that Ryan was standing up for Pruitt, but it doesn’t matter how much experience the guy has in emergency situations, what matters is whether he’s fit to do the job that day. I really hope that Ripley’s only mostly dead, even if that means I’ll have to watch an episode of Grey’s to find out if he makes it
  8. Discovery would have had to drop shields to transport Spock aboard. There was a danger that the drones could have damaged them further in that window. I knew as soon as the Admiral looked at the manual controls for the blast door that she'd end up locked inside with the torpedo. I did however think that she'd do it before Pike got there and we'd have a scene of him shouting through the door to try and change her mind, but I'm happier that they went with her making the decision and him accepting it. A pity they couldn't have tried transporting her out of the room once the doors were closed, but maybe they didn't have intra-ship transport facilities at this point.
  9. For the benefit of people who don’t watch PD or Med, how did this episode get resolved? (Stupid bloody crossovers)
  10. Bortus only knew that Klyden had been born female because Klyden told him. Klyden himself didn’t know until he was an adult and a doctor told him. It seems to me now that one of the arguments the Moclans used in favour of the gender reassignment policy has now been negated. They’d claimed that Topa, as the only female in a generation, would be isolated and an outcast without the surgery. But now it’s clear that there’s considerably more female births than previously claimed, so while females may still be a minority, they certainly wouldn’t be as isolated as the Moclan government made them out to be. If news of the sanctuary was publicized on the Moclan home world, I wonder how many parents would be pissed off that they’d agreed to the surgery under false pretenses.
  11. His mother had denentia and was prone to wandering the streets at night. That’s why there were all the locks on the doors and windows. It was to keep her safe rather than as a prisoner. Yes he was a creep and was likely going to keep V against her will, but the locks were likely a necessity.
  12. It may have been irresponsible of Bortus to put his child in the position of having to lie to his other parent, but Bortus was trying to teach Topa an important lesson. Of course if Topa had kept his mouth shut it would have been a very short episode.
  13. Did I miss it or did they ever finish their top 5 countdown?
  14. I’ve seen some of the IT crowd but I first saw him in Toast of London
  15. I’m not sure that’s a guarantee one way or the other. The episodes are probably being filmed now because Mac and Harm are in them and it’s probably easier to film all their episodes in one block rather than bringing them back after the hiatus. If the show didn’t get renewed they’d probably just air those two eps at the end of this season to tie up that storyline.
  16. One of my great-aunts lived alone until her late 80s. She’d get her pension in cash every week and spend what she needed. Any notes left over, she’d secrete around the house. When she finally left and my parents were clearing out the house, they found a few hundred pounds hidden among her belongings. I can well believe that a little old lady accumulated that much cash and kept it handy in a book!
  17. IIRC from the original BBC UK broadcast, I think that the first we knew of the will was after the woman had died. It could be that part of the process of admitting her to the care home involved getting all paperwork up to date, including wills. But we didn’t see it on screen.
  18. The 'Dentist' song from Little shop of horrors showed up on my recommended videos on YouTube. Naturally I watched it (and sang along) and then noticed Miriam Margolyes was the dentist's assistant who got smacked in the face with a door!
  19. Matt Berry has such a wonderful acting voice. I’d watch him read his way through a phone book!
  20. No, they showed him with the comment that he’d made a left and a right sleeve. I think they mixed up the order a bit. Usually they show them in the order they left the sewing bee or bake off, but they showed Alexei nearer the end than he should have been.
  21. They’re already looking for contestants for next series, so presumably it’s been renewed for at least another year.
  22. Somebody must have been informed because I doubt Big Narstie carries chunks of meat with him on the off chance he needs to make a pie! So obviously whoever packs the ingredients for the technical would have known to give him beef rather than pork
  23. Whatever your feelings about Big Narstie, I think it was a bit unfair to make the technical challenge use pork if it’s against his religion to use it. Kind of made it pretty obvious which effort his was going to be (even if he had followed the rest of the brief). At the end of the day though, this is all being done for charity. And his inclusion probably got a bunch of viewers who might not necessarily have tuned in otherwise and that’s the whole point of the specials.
  24. The problem isn't so much that cigarettes couldn't harm them physically as that the lack of cigarettes could harm them once they'd gotten addicted. We saw how both Bortus and Klyden were acting after only a few days of exposure and Dr. Finn said that it'd only get worse.
  25. The other ambulance driver did say he'd filed the paperwork. Personally I think that Boden knew about the dent, knew that the women were fixing it for some reason, but just saw no reason to interfere as long as it wasn't affecting their other duties.
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