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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I think that means that it’s exclusive to Netflix and new or at least relatively up to date. There’s a number of shows broadcast on Netflix in the UK and Ireland the days after they air on a USA network and they’re classed as ‘Netflix originals’ as well.
  2. Only if they wanted to show that Ruby was racist. How was the comment taken by the other characters?
  3. Many of the technical challenges are bakes that wouldn't be that difficult if the bakers had the full instructions and were able to take their time and practice in advance. It's a different story when you're thrown in at the deep end baking something you've never done before, and in some cases may never even have seen or heard of before.
  4. I don’t know if it was, but I actually felt sorry for Queen Oona. She’s gone through with an arranged marriage for the sake of diplomacy. Her husband is still in love with his first wife and so too it appears is the rest of the kingdom. And then she gets blamed for the stone related shenanigans in the final episode. I enjoyed the show right up to the point where I realized it was ending on a cliffhanger. I hate it when shows do that without warning and I just somehow didn’t expect it of a cartoon. Anybody know if it’s got a second season?
  5. I don’t know if fits or not but I think it’s an awesome piece of music Did they know beforehand about Maia planting the lie? I think Mike was going to go after them one way or another, Maia’s lie just meant they knew what one of his avenues of attack would be. Land if I was Elspeth I’d check her ‘Ava’ for bugs before ever using it again. Better yet, don’t have an automatic recording device in your office.
  6. Do we believe Seth’s former colleague when he said he had to beg the DA to hire Seth or was he just trying to put Seth off his game so he’d mess up the case?
  7. Frieda suspected everyone, but what clinched it for her was when the assassin used the sisters catchphrase back at her. “Bull shit” “bull true”
  8. The difference is that Romano and Frank were intended to be arseholes. They were the characters that got given the ignorant comments to say so that the rest of the characters could show how enlightened they were. The audience is supposed to condemn Romano and Frank for their comments and behaviour With Friends though, these are the main characters and supposedly the good guys with the audience on their side. Which makes it worse when they’re saying offensive things.
  9. But in the context of the show, the term wasn’t being used to refer to a person but an inanimate object. Is that also considered offensive?
  10. What’s the problem with the word oriental? Is it not a word that the average American would understand?
  11. Homicide: Life on the street It's been nearly 20 years since I watched it, but wasn’t Pembleton AKA Andrea Braugher the lead?
  12. I wonder was it coincidence or staged that they had the two potential star bakers sitting at one end and the three ‘in trouble’ sitting together at the other end of the line. I’m sorry to see anyone go at this stage but I’ll miss Imelda less than I would have the other two. And what has Noel done with his hair! His face looks so big without the ‘curtain’ of hair around it.
  13. The weather and the walking distances required probably had some effect on the numbers. But yes, it was certainly a far cry from 1979. (Pretty much all I remember about that visit was that we got the Monday off school, so yay!)
  14. That’s not really going to help her in the job market if everybody she lists as a previous employer can only say “ribbit ribbit” But on a more serious note, turning people into toads because they disrespect you, that’s assault. Even if there’s not an actual statute on the books - and I’m sure there could be a few old ones kicking around - it’s no better than punching somebody in the face, no matter how much of an arsehole they’re being.
  15. Ceindreadh


    The gymnasts are required to do at least a full turn on the beam, but there's no minimum difficulty requirement. They used to have to do a full turn on floor, but I think that requirement was removed for the current quad.
  16. Chanel 4 - which has commercial breaks - schedules an hour and 15 mins for the show so they can fit everything in.
  17. Was that the Christmas episode or the one after? They've made and broadcast 5 seasons (total of 44 episodes) followed by a feature length telemovie which was originally intended to be the final installment and tie up any loose ends after the show was cancelled by the ABC Australia network. The show was then picked up by Channel 7 and the intention was to film 3 or 4 telemovies instead of 8 hour long episodes. So far one telemovie has been produced but there's been no airdate scheduled in Australia.
  18. AFAIK, the show is fully completed before it starts airing. So it won’t matter who the audience take to or against, by the time viewers see the bakers, the winner has already been decided. I much prefer this way to shows where the audience get a day in the voting process and talent comes secondary to audience appeal and/or a good miserable back story.
  19. I’ve happened across a number of good shows and movies that way. Some crap as well!
  20. The colour blindness didn’t help them find/eliminate the suspect. The perp was a suspect because he’d been having an affair with the victim. The colour blindness just meant that he messed up in covering up the crime and ended up highlighting an area for the cops to examine instead of concealing it.
  21. (raises hand) That would be me. There's just been too many movies to keep up with. I have been well spoiled for the shocking ending though, and am quite happy that i didn't see it in the cinema. (I'd have been the one shouting at the screen when I realised it was a two part movie)
  22. To me the most implausible thing about the episode was the fact that the pharmaceutical company weren’t actually the bad guys. Yes, Quincey didn’t get a place on their trials, but it wasn’t down to any evil or greedy intent, it was just luck of the draw who got picked for what was likely a limited number of places. I did think honk though that if the guy was able to hack into the systems to get all that security info, would it not have been just as easy to get into the stock control system and order a batch delivered and then change the records to hide the discrepancy.
  23. It’s usually available on the Channel4.com website soon after the air date and I think because it’s ad supported, it’s not region locked. (I’m not in the UK but I can still legally watch it on their site - useful for when the DVR is playing up).
  24. I’m working my way through a rewatch of the show. Getting a bit bogged down on S4 because it’s my least favourite season, but only a few more eps to go until From what I’ve heard about the telemovie that’s been filmed without Craig, they’re going to jump forward a few years and Lucien is going to have been missing for some time. I’m thinking that by the time it airs, Craig’s situation will hopefully be resolved and we’ll know whether he’s going to return to the show.
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