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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. And he was having problems with the bake as well, having to redo his pastry and everything. Amazing how he pulled it off I think Ryan was just in such a rush he didn’t have time to move back to the counter.
  2. I loved the look on Ryan's face when they were doing the preamble to the star baker announcement and he realised they were talking about him!
  3. It’s one of the things I love about Bake-Off and other UK shows like it. The contestants will help each other out if they can. (One of the British sewing bee finals, one of the three finalists was the only one who could figure out how to even get started on the pattern challenge and gave the other two a heads up so they’d be on a more level playing field)
  4. I wish Mattie hadn’t left, but Rose has grown on me. Mainly because I enjoyed her scenes with ‘Uncle Matthew’ in S5.
  5. Flowers in the Attic for me when I was 12 or 13. When I realised that the whole story had happened in part because the mother hadn't any means of supporting her family on her own, I swore that i'd never be financially dependent on a partner, and always make sure I was able to earn my own living.
  6. I was surprised they didn’t include any of Mary and Paul’s discussions re who was in danger/up for star baker or their usually post showstopper chats re the judging.
  7. The scene where Serena lets June nurse Holly. Was anybody else expecting Serena to sit behind June in the chair so she could ‘participate’ in the feed much as she ‘participated’ in the Ceremony?
  8. But isn't Discovery set in the 'new' timeline, so the change in uniforms could easily be one of the things that changed.
  9. There's a few instances in my family tree a few generations back. Partly because of being members of a minority religion in their country, and also many of them would have been of courting age in or around the Great War, which would have limited the dating pool even more. (makes it rather annoying when you're trying to draw up a family tree and have to unite as well as divide branches)
  10. The pop posters on my teenage bedroom wall would confirm that 30 years olds were definitely on my radar. (Only the ones that could sing of course!)
  11. I thought they’d made it clear enough. I may have to rewatch the eps to make sure. (It’s a dirty job but somebody had to do it! ?)
  12. I agree. Charles may have had his flaws, but he was a more than competent surgeon which made up for them. Frank on the other hand, not so much.
  13. Maybe they mean ten years in Gilead time. I think this is the type of show that they need to set an end date and work to it, rather than just keep going as long as they have viewers. We need to see Gilead fall.
  14. How would Eden find out about the letters being distributed? All she knows is that the letters were in her home and now they're not - or at least nowhere she can find them. She's not going to be listening to any international news bulletins, and if there is any news source that Econowives are allowed access, it will hardly be publicizing the existence of the letters.
  15. If a Commander dies in good standing, I can’t see them punishing their widows by sending them to the Colonies or Jezebels. Maybe they'd be allowed to be Aunts, or put in some sort of retirement home.
  16. I would be inclined to show Serena mercy...that is, Aunt Lydia's idea of mercy and give her a quick execution. Commander Waterford on the other hand, I would send him to the colonies until his balls rot off and only then maybe put him out of his misery.
  17. Pyg poisoned the homeless people, didn’t he? Does that mean that everybody who ate a pie is going to be poisoned? And how convenient that Jim showed up just before Sofia had to take a bite.
  18. We’re not cheering her because she was a suicide bomber, we (or at least me) are cheering because a rape victim was able to punish a roomful of rapists. Every man in that room was a rapist. Every man in that room was complicit in the abduction and rape of multiple women. The only part of it I condemn is the part where other handmaids were caught in the blast as well.
  19. https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2018/0602/967779-graham-linehan-reveals-father-ted-musical-is-on-the-way/ This will be seriously awesome, just so long as they get the casting right!
  20. No they didn’t. They saw that she had no ID, assumed that she was homeless and had no insurance so they dumped her. If Mina hadn’t happened to recognize the provenance of the bag, nobody at Chastain would have figured it out either.
  21. Ok, so they’re worrying that they’ve no proof the wife was being abused. Except of course she’s sitting there recovering from fully documented broken ribs and a punctured lung and is still confined to a wheelchair? If that’s not sufficient proof of abuse, what is?
  22. Craig Hall (Munro) is in A Place to Call Home. Rodger Corser (Frank Carlyle) is in Doctor Doctor (also known as The heart doc). I think it was always intended that he’d only be on Doctor Blake Mysteries for one season while Joel was unavailable. (I haven’t seen either of the other shows)
  23. I think they’d have had to invalidate the test. The battalion chief and the higher up guy both said that Andy should have left when the Mayday was called. Even if it hadn’t been just a test, any firefighter should have followed the orders from their ranking officer and evacuated. It’s unusual to see the hero of the show chastised for that sort of action. Usually it’d turn out to be the right thing. Andy was doubly wrong though, not only did she fail to follow the order to evacuate, but she should have been the one to call in the emergency in the first place. A good captain would have managed the safety of their team.
  24. I don’t understand how those exit polls work, but bloody hell I hope they’re accurate. I know a Yes result is only the beginning, and the usual suspects will be out first thing on Monday trying to delay and obstruct and water down the eventual legislation. But I’ll certainly sleep a little easier tonight.
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