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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. I get distracted sometimes when I can tell a character has furnished their house from IKEA!
  2. I want to see the Commanders and the Aunts punished. The wives, well some are more complicit than others. Some likely had little option but to go along with their husbands. Others though need to end up on the wall alongside them.
  3. Commander Lawrence doesn’t leave his house for meetings in Boston. It’s not surprising he wouldn’t head to DC. Yes, why not have Moira speak up. A woman naming names and accusing a powerful man of rape is totally going to be believed and not accused of lying just to make a quick buck.
  4. I don't know how best to transcribe it, but Fitz's yelp when he saw 7 and a half year old Jemma, had me rewinding and rewatching a few times!
  5. June is fertile and has produced two healthy children. That’s got to earn her some leeway.
  6. When June was asked to confirm his identity, I really wanted her to say “his name is Ofjune”
  7. In terms of prequels and sequels
  8. Looks like Channel 4 in the UK have picked this up. During the credits for bake off professionals they ran an ad looking for contestants to take part.
  9. FYI, It’s actually a prequel to TGWATG.
  10. My last few books have been on the serious and gloomy side. The boy on the bridge by M.R.Carey sequel to The girl with all the gifts and set in a post apocalyptic society. Raising steam by Terry Pratchett - one of his darker (IMO) Discworld books To sleep with the angels - the story of the fire at Our Lady of Angels school (following a recommendation on the non-fiction thread here) Somafter all that, I decided to go for something a bit funnier - “And then you’re dead. A scientific exploration of the world’s most interesting ways to die”. Definitely a lot lighter than my previous reading!
  11. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get 'people covered in fish', but I can see why it got left out. One omission that I wish they hadn't made was Greasy Johnson and the Johnsonites aka the rival gang to the 'Them'. Without the existence of the Johnsonites, we don't get the concept that to an external observer (Tadfield residents, humanity) that both sides (Them and Johnsonites, Angels and Demons) are just as bad as each other. We also don't get Adam's realization the even the good guys need somebody to fight against and that if they ever did succeed in vanquishing their opponents, they'd end up fighting amongst themselves. And finally we miss out on I am however exceedingly happy that they worked in Crowley's line about 'sauntering vaguely downward'. Not so impressed that they made God so obviously American. (I don't think anybody has called a motorway a highway in the UK since the days of Dick Turpin, and was it really necessary to use an American analogy as to why Adam's aura wasn't visible?)
  12. I mostly watch from my DVR rather than live, but I’ve started making a point of watching (or at least fast forwarding) through the closing credits just in case there’s a promo for another show at the end of it. I’ve picked up a few suggestions for new shows to try or reminders that older shows are returning. (And then of course I add them to a spreadsheet so I won’t forget to set them to record...if only I could be as organized in other aspects of my life!)
  13. For any Matt Berry fans with access to Channel 4 in the UK, he's starring in a new series called "Year of the Rabbit" starting on Monday the 10th June. It's a comedy drama 'set in the dark heart of Victorian London' https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8530456/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  14. So Guillermo just randomly decides to have DNA tests run on his boss and his boss’s friends? Who the hell decides to invade people’s privacy like that? Of all the weird and creepy goings on, that’s just going a little too far.
  15. The one thing that should have been a massive road block for the relationship was that Deeks and Kensi were working as partners on the job. I know there’s a lot of suspension of disbelief required for that show, but that was just a step too far for me. (It wasn’t the only reason I dropped the show but it was a strong contributory factor)
  16. I’m really annoyed that Tom didn’t come back for S8. Not that I was all that fussed about the character, but if they’d known he wasn’t going to be back, then surely they could have sent him and Barbara off together instead of writing her off permanently
  17. The lift shaft was having maintenance done to it. We saw it was being repaired during the first scene at the hospital. Presumably the doors had been left open - but blocked - and she just walked into it. I did wonder at first whether it had been the killer come back to finish the job.
  18. Technically yes, she could have been charged. But the police would have been more interested then in prosecuting the abortionist rather than her clients. A few seasons back they had the single schoolteacher use a coat hanger on herself and the police were more concerned with finding out whether somebody had done it to her. They used their discretion and didn’t charge her, but a less sympathetic officer could have charged her.
  19. Even if the women had known that some of Gran’s patients had died, they likely would have still risked it. We don’t know how many women went to her. We don’t know how many she successfully treated. This would have been a word of mouth operation. There had to have been enough successful procedures for her to keep working. Pits one thing that the show has rarely touched upon, the women who went down the back alley, had an abortion and then got on with their lives. The only time I remember it coming up before was with the stripper who ended up buying the dance school that had been run by Valerie’s aunt. The only complication she suffered was with RH issues arising from her second pregnancy that weren’t initially diagnosed because when she’d been asked about previous pregnancies she’d thought they only meant completed ones.
  20. This wasn’t a typical adoption though. Mother Mildred brought the orphans all the way from Hong Kong and probably couldn’t have done so without a commitment from a specific family. While it might indeed have been easy to find a home for an English child, finding a home for a Chinese one might not have been so easy.
  21. Yes, I saw that. I think we may not have seen the last of him.
  22. It came up in the S2 episode Personal when Deeks got shot Kensi asked Callan about Deeks next of kin and Callan asked Hetty who said it was a good question. At the end of the episode she visited Deeks in hospital (ate his jello) and said she thought it would be appropriate to update her records on his next of kin, Gordon John Brandel - his father. (Why yes, I do have that episode practically memorized, why do you ask? 😜 Deeks was 11 when he shot his father, who was wielding a shotgun. His father ended up in jail but died a few years after being released. Deeks was unaware of that until Hetty told him after he’d been shot.
  23. I stopped following the show a few seasons back - when it became clear that TPTB were going with the Deeks/Kensi pairing (not that I dislike the pairing, but I couldn't get past the idea that they'd be totally cool with having a couple as partners on and off the job). Was it ever mentioned why - given that Deeks's mom is alive and on good terms with him - why did he have his estranged father as his next of kin on his NCIS paperwork back in S2 and not her?
  24. IIRC, in Chummy’s last season she transferred to work at a home for unmarried mothers to be out in the country. I think it was intended that she’d be back if Miranda’s schedule permitted. Her husband did make a few appearances after she’d left but the actor has left the show as well and I don’t think they mentioned him, he just wasn’t there anymore.
  25. How will they gain residents? Well, when a Moclan and a Moclan love each other very much... 😁
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