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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. The girl who could barely be bothered to obtain her GED read The Secret from cover to cover. HAAAAA! We have all done things in our past I’m sure we would rather smooth over, but the way she totally wants to erase everything pre Cole (minus Aubree’s actual existence) is silly. OWN IT (TM Lisa Rinna). ?
  2. Oh please nooooooo! Tyler already fancies himself as the ultimate sacrificial lamb. The martyr of all martyrs. ?
  3. How old is Andrew chronologically? I’m asking seriously. Because dude acts so stunted, but looks in his 50’s.
  4. STOP IT! I was singing in my head to the tune of purple rain “Ti-err-a Rain... Tie-err -a Rains....”. But then this came along. Poor child
  5. Here’s the thing. Chelsea ended up on a show called 16 & pregnant for a reason. Yes she has “moved on” (questionable in my opinions, she found a working man to take care of her besides daddy). BUT. I would like to know the whole story. And we are never going to get that. She has been paid A LOT of money. I want to know how / why at 16 she got roped into bad boy Adam. I’d also like to know why Mary and Randy divorced and what impact that had on the bringing up of Chelsea etc. She is not the only teen mom in that brood. She only looks good because she is on this disinter of a show. Put me next to her and I could shine, as many of us moms could. Alas we won’t get a paycheck to be basic. Just saying we have never got the whole 411 on the whole story. And sorry not sorry, “the family doesn’t want to be filmed” isn’t an excuse when 9 years later you are still putting your family on TV, SM, etc and gettin PAID.
  6. Signed, Baby Kangaroo ❤️ ? nice back boobs you dork!!!!
  7. She’s a bazillionaire why are they in such a tiny boat??? That alone is sad to me. ?
  8. Must be nice to flit and float between a hurricane, she shed delivery, free food claim, trip to Disney, and then to the hospital.
  9. Her boobs she has paid for twice (?) look like fat girl / middle age lady boobs. How much each of them sandbags weigh???
  10. I get where you come from 100%. FFS. If I was real life friends with Cole I’d be making fun of him so hard based off his SM posts. And I’m a romantic at heart (seriously I’m 10000% Charlotte). If I was real life friends with Chelsea I’d be rolling my eyes too. And I would probably call her out on it too. I wonder sometime how Chelsea Grace can deal with it all. I’m sure the paycheck helps. PS I do know someone who lives in the same town as Chelsea. It is a remote work ship, so it took me a while to fess up and admit that I watch(ed) this show. He said yah I know of her, and I’ve seen her about town. she wears A LOT OF MAKE UP and never looks natural. He is a 40 something dad who would have no opinion on her either way so I found that humorous. Like honest I was embarrass to ask.
  11. @DangerousMinds if I had to guess she is contouring. She is a make up pro it would make sense. For all I know she has had work done, but if she did it’s not as obvious as the mother Russia ass.
  12. These and the Shirleys (Gary TM OG) are the best. Live humble and with love. This is real life not the other fools!
  13. It will be interesting because this time she will actually have skin in the game. Her last 2 home purchases she used Javi’s VA guarantee. It’s a whole different ball game when you actually have to put your own liquid funds towards your home KAIL (I only direct this towards Kail, because she is a benefits whore).
  14. So now they’re “too good” and above it all to watch the show that pays their bills? And Butch’s bills, Amber’s bills, April’s bills, Catelynn’s dad’s bills.....
  15. I was trying to determine the same thing. I had the same thought.
  16. Rhylee (why the spelling) looks very familiar. Is she a reality show repeater? Either that or she really reminds me of someone famous and I cannot out my finger on it. Glad Kate and Lee are back! Keeping an open mind on the new chef. For now.
  17. Why were the kids at SNL? I can’t think of a less appropriate place for children to be hanging out (I’m sure I can think of plenty of inappropriate places for kids, but...). It’s 1 AM for starters. And from everything I’ve ever heard or read about SNL it sounds like the booze, drugs and sex are rampant. Maybe I’m just a prude.
  18. If she had a mortgage yes she could escrow for her property taxes. If the area where her house is located is as fancy as she purported it to be, I’d guess those taxes are not low. In addition, I’m sure she has a HOA that was previously covered by the landlord. Isn’t there a lake within her community? The boat?
  19. So she paid cash (that could not have been cheap, probably liquidated the rest of her “assets”) and will now have a lien from the IRS placed on it. She’s too ignorant but she should have gone to Gary for real estate advice. How long before she is in arrears on her property taxes?
  20. I’m with ya @Christina87. It is grating. Like the schmoopies from Seinfeld. But it appears that Chelsea and Cole get fixated on certain things and go ALL IN. Like the deer / hunter theme, cammo, lumberjack, American flag.....we get it already!
  21. 6 months would track with when she went back to the show. And I did notice on this weeks episode she was not wearing her wedding rings in both the show footage and the confessional footage. I’d have to go back and don’t have any of the precious episodes saved to see if she was ever wearing it. The news made me sad, I always thought they were a good match and found each other at just the right times in their lives, the tail end of their shore clubbing days.
  22. @BitterApple nope, we still get peppermints with each order. And a salt and pepper packet ?
  23. OMGZ. Sonic is our jam. It’s literally halfway between our house and school, we are there for one thing or another 3x a week minimum. Yesterday was 50c corn dogs. 2 days ago I said son remind me so we can pull thru for supper on the way home. Sure thing we roll up and order. Ticket is $9??? 4 corn dogs and a chedda peppers. Da fuq is it not 50c dogs today? Ma’am you didn’t mention the deal when you ordered. LAWD!!!!!! Needless to say I got it settled. I love me some Sonics but COME ON. PS. We will be back around in a day or 2 for certain. ?
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