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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Summer is over = pool is closed.
  2. I liked this show, too! It got me through the summer, like reading a beach book. Light and fun, what I like to refer to as “no brain” TV. I don’t think it was ever meant to be an Emmy nominated series, but I tuned in because of Kyle and Alicia. I had no expectations, but was entertained. I’ll be back for more.
  3. Babysitters Club was in it’s hey day when I was 11. It was all the rage to get licensed. My kid now was beside himself the other day when I told him I was caring for babies when I was his age (true story). Such a different time! Alas, I never went on to medical school.
  4. I don’t disagree with you AT ALL, but this isn’t your run of the mill situation. Suzi clearly wants to be off the radar, whether she is in recovery or not (we are not privy to her sobriety status). She was a terrible mother to Kail from what we have witnessed, but at the same time she has faded away and avoided the cash grab. Unlike some of the other unsavory TM grandparents (Butch, April). For some real or another she has declined the paycheck appearances on this show bring. It’s actually fascinating to me, because I would figure her as a fame whore desperate for the free ride.
  5. So when you break up with someone they are supposed to remain single for eternity? Da fuq? I don’t even understand this statement. I’d also like to know who exactly Kail qualifies as true “ex’s”. Jo? Yes. Javi? Yes. So 2 men that have moved on from her? She never copped to the other “relationships.” And pretty sure she ended the Javi marriage on her own terms. She’s trolling for sympathy, as per usual.
  6. It’s probably her PE for home schooling. Which, technically, I do think would suffice as credit. But why are these fools alsways acting like scuba is some rocket science? It’s cool to have interests and passions, but it’s not like some prestige!
  7. Good point. Although for some reason I was under the impression Italy is VERY strict about who they allow residency to. Meaning Teresa who is a US citizen. It is my understanding that Italy requires you to be fully employed to even reside on a visa. Guess we will find out soon enough. (I’d love to be deported to Italy lol! It’s probably the only way I’ll ever get to go there).
  8. This Jen girl is trying to drag my beloved JS down to trashy Teen Mom levels, and for that I am not happy. JS has always been their own brand of train wreck, but it was for the most part light and fun and entertaining. Now we have this crazy bizzle busting into their suite and starting a fight, and her body language (to me) made it clear she was loaded for bear with a direct plan to make herself “known” on camera. JS is about antics and shennangins, not this Jerry Springer bullshit.
  9. One would think, but then there is his wife running all around SM with her ass and titties always hanging out. ??‍♀️
  10. Can you post the TMZ link please? I don’t see it? I agree this one pic posted looks like an odd property. Is this a build job or was the home previously owned by another celeb?
  11. So if Joe gets deported is that it? Is he barred from attempting to apply for US citizenship? I don’t completely understand how all this works.
  12. They’re just prepping her for survival for when their house becomes submerged underwater.
  13. I’ll admit I didn’t listen to her podcast about Suzi. In the headline I did read, though, it referred to her missing parents (plural). Is daddy of the fridge locks missing too? @heatherchandler hilarious
  14. The medical school part is hilarious, but also that she posts CPR as some huge accomplishment. I took CPR class, too, Jenelle. When I was in the Girl Scouts at age 11. So Jace went to one soccer practice and she hops online and orders full size soccer goals for the laaaaand? Good grief. Is this like when Maryssa was forced into cheer and they all got matching head to toe outfits and travelled to Disney? All for her to quit a few weeks later?
  15. Those tweets were both from around 6 AM. Someone had an all nighter, me thinks.
  16. I am certain that during the time Monty was back on the scene, he was living with Kim kind of, but they were both still living independently romance wise. Although that didn’t stop her from macking his pills. ? And yes, Kim math is always fuzzy. Hence the 3,5,7,9 day hospital visits. And in all honesty. With regards to Kinglsey. Does she still really have him in her home? And if so, how the fuck is her daughter cool with her son (Kim’s grandson) visiting? Let’s not forget that dog attack on Kyle’s daughter. “Oh just put a band aid on it.” I’d like to know how that would turn out if the dog attacked Hucksley (that’s his name, no?).
  17. Lol! Let’s just say I will be front and center come Sunday night. Les is more (I miss that cat). As for these bitches on this show? Thank the good lord for closed adoption. Cate and Tyler are the opposite of poster child for this process. I’d have told them to fuck off long ago. Speaking of which, my kids bio has a FB Page in his name. I’ve tried to get it taken down but now luck. It makes me sick.
  18. Speaking as the mom of ANY kid. I’m not diminishing your comment, I’m standing up for all our kiddos. ❤️ I don’t want my kid around parentals like David, Janelle, or any of these fools. All I can do is try to teach my son to be kind to everyone. We have our own struggles being an adoptive mom / son. And at the end of the day? I tell him we are honest, we don’t lie. If someone questions why you didn’t come out my tummy and why you don’t have a dad? You say you have a mom that loves you so much and that’s that. He now has kids in school that may could be trans. He ask me about it and I said who cares? Are they nice? Yes, mom. Then that is all that matters (he is age 10, cognitive age 5 or so). We are getting there, but the bottom line is JUST BE KIND. These fucks will NEVER instill that value in the kids in their swamp sess pool sinking home . Jace has Barb and he is in public / charter school. The rest of the brood is fucked.
  19. @CaliforniaLove thank ya! It’s been a long road and much more to come. But I am ready for the ride! It is really hard for me to see kids like thes ones on these shows because of my journey. I got this kiddo when he was 8. He reminds me in so many ways of Jace on TM2. That’s my beef with these girls. They are all fucking their kids up and don’t even realize the damage. I praise the good lord every day that when I bought my house a few years ago just happen to be in the #1 ranked school district in our state. I’m no saint but I try!
  20. Yup! Mom University / BOY MOM / whatever. She don’t care. Those poor boys. At least they will be good at math. 1 mom, 3 dads, 4, 5, 6 randoms. Equals? Yes! Isaac you get a gold star!
  21. Why haven’t one of her friend advised her to pull back and take some time to grieve? Nope, she’s loud and proud signing back up for this. “Hey girl, lets take a break from the scene and chill.” People like me can’t afford ($$$) to make that choice. B can. Not being on HW is not going to kill SG. You’re either going to buy it or you won’t. FUCK! I am contemplating taking a Mexicoma (Carrie Bradshaw thank you). And I ain’t even rich or in that much distress!
  22. Thanks you! Life is not easy for ANYONE. Bottom line, be kind. I was not always and had a tough road to hoe. I also worked my ass off. The best thing I can say is from a picture I have hanging in my bedroom “she created a life she loved.” Now if only some of these ladies would take that to heart. Lol. If only I could live high society NYC. Alas, I’m in my happy spot finally.
  23. My bad. Truth be told, I don’t know how or why any of these women do this. If my “friends” spoke to me this way, I would be devastated and in tears. And they all have way more money than I do, so that’s not a valid reason to act this way. For any of them. I’ll retreat back to my safe space. Ay yi!
  24. You had me at Red Card and Cart Wheel. ??? Funny story. My foster (soon to be adopted 9/19!!!!) son calls Target “Arrows.” He was 8 years old when I got him 2 years ago and ever since the first time we went there together he called it that. So now all my family and friends know, “mom needs to go to Arrows. AGAIN.”
  25. I’ve never know a private school to turn anyone down based on location, as long as the parents are willing to pay the tuition and transport them there. I’ll go out on a limb here and guess Maryssa was not accepted due to her parents reputation. Which YES, can be and should be (in my opinion) highly considered at any private school. HAAAA! LMAO. David you got your daughter denied because you are a piece of shit, not the high class family you purport to be. No one wants your swamp spawn dirtying up their nice school. Are we all ready for Teen Grandma? Because I’ll put my money on Maryssa being the first one to pilot that series. She’s fucked. Sorry not sorry.
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