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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Which is why I honestly think behind the mask, Jenelle knows she has fucked up. Her “PTSD” is remorse. She has gone all in with David and there is no way back until one of them ends up dead or incarcerated for a significant period of time. One of them has to hit rock solid bottom. She does have that feeling in her, I do believe, that she knows it’s a mess. But she is too far gone. Been there myself and I know the sick feeling of anxiety at every turn but keep making bad decisions. She needs hard time to turn it around, some kind of real consequences. If her house sinking into the ground and going BK isn’t enough then I can only hope the law will catch up to her (they did with me and it was a hard fall, but saved me from myself).
  2. Of course she did! Maybe she can fulfill her favorite thing to do and let let this puppy LIVE! Farrah really missed the boat. They are playing a new version of the Bad Seed on Lifetime. Sophia would have been a shoe in to play the lead part.
  3. Yes but most moms are not on a reality TV show, pod cast, public SM and pimping their lives out to strangers. Meanwhile documenting every moment on SM or TV for public viewings. It’s totally not odd to ha e sex in your own home with discretion. But why must she make a moment of it??? These poor kids (ALL OF THEM) are so warped. Of course we all know our parents were up to shenanigans. Did they put it out there? NO! @Scarlett45 not at all pointed toward you, but just piggy backing off your post. Sex = good. Embarrassing your kids on tv = pas bon!!!
  4. If you’re gonna go like that you need to get a contract to be paid! ? What I really need to know is the current elevation of the swamp house. It’s been crickets on that for a bit. They were all buck wild about going after Clayton and now nothing. I’m guessing the laaaaaaand didn’t somehow miraculously firm up and raise that house back up.
  5. Yah she got fugly feet. I wouldn’t advertise that. ?. FFS none of those toes are right. Da fuq????
  6. I’m with ya, translation please! They are really taking this “keep talking” mantra too far. Sometimes it’s best to shut up.
  7. Comparing ourselves to Bethenny in terms of SM sharing doesn’t even make sense. Sure enough, I post pics of my kiddo for my friends and family to keep up with us. I don’t have 1 million+ unscreened public followers. As successful a business woman that she is, she should know to be more discreet. She must have private SM accounts she could post these moments with her child on. Certainly there is a clear difference between us and B. Or maybe not. Maybe some of y’all have 1 million unknown followers too.
  8. Real or fake, until she earns a real job utilizing it, it’s just a piece of paper. No offense to anyone who has actually earned a degree and did not pursue their major, my comments are punted directly towards Kail and Kail alone. She brags it up and does jack all with it. Slow clap.
  9. She crying because she has backed herself so far into a corner with David she knows she is fucked. The only way out is groveling back to Barb or death. Her house is literally sinking into a sess pool and her husband keeps isolating her more and more. I don’t feel sorry for her one bit, no matter how tragic it is. What about the all important BENEFITS??? Which begs the question, who is pointing up for Lux health insurance? Sure as hell not broke as a MF Chris.
  10. I’m way late to this party but catching up. Not to make light of the disgusting mess that they are, but her name is really Jen Harley? Because JWoww is (was) Jenni Farley. Sorry that kind of made me chuckle. I wouldn’t put it past this chick to have made a “stage name” for herself. Either way they all a bunch of cray crays!
  11. @ginger90 thanks for the info! I just can’t believe she left Baby Huey in CA to return home alone to care for James. She’s so dam codependent! Who is driving her around? Maybe she really has grown up. Now I will go throw up for saying that out loud.
  12. I think Nova is too old to be running around in public nude like this. I’m sure Cate and Tyler will disagree and clap back against their haters, but I’m ok with my boundaries not being in line with theirs. Sadly we don’t live in the innocent age anymore. EVERYONE has a camera on them at basically all times. But either way, Nova is out of diapers and in school. Is time to keep the shirt on.
  13. Is she still out in LA or is she back in Indiana with the baby? Anyone know?
  14. What no #tag for Isaac’s outfit? Shirt is by Cat and Jack (Target). I know this because I live and die by Cat and Jack. They have the cutest stuff for the kiddos!!!!
  15. Why was Khloe’s OB appt at what appeared to be the crack of dawn? Did she have to arrange an appt during non business hours to avoid the paps? So strange.
  16. Is Asa scheduled to appear on the show at all this season? If I missed any notice of it I apologize in advance because I missed it.
  17. I had a good laugh. Didn’t buy it because the lunch meat I normally would purchase next to it was on sale with fuel savers. But my friends who watch the show got a kick out of the pic I sent to them. I’ve never seen any of her other products in my local stores. Even the amazing popcorn.
  18. Dang you should be here. Friday night is dog and Mac night in our house. Johnsonville Cheddars with ketchup. Because that’s how cheeseheads roll, yo! ❤️
  19. I honestly couldn’t give a F. My dad has spelled my name wrong for 41 years. (The short version of my give name). It really at this point makes me laugh. But in this case, it’s neither here nor there. As long as Bethenny is up Andy’s ass it all G. ?
  20. MENTION IT ALL!!! I “won” a bottle of SG one time ago. Let it sit in my fridge and it became moldy. Seen her bologna one time in my grocery and even took a pic to laugh about it with my friends. Haven’t seen it since that day 2 years ago. I’m sure she is making bank but I ain’t contributing to that. I honestly wouldn’t even donate to her causes based on her nasty attitude on this show. I’d rather my money go straight to my kids school or anywhere else reputable besides her. I don’t need to see my charity dollars being handed out by Bethenny.
  21. AGREE! This is a safe place for all us B haters to gather. The thread title cracks my shit up to no end. And the fact her name is spelled wrong makes it even more giddy to me. Like we don’t even give a F to spell your name right.
  22. Why would you put that out there without putting a patent on it first??? @Happy Camper do better! You could be looking at millions.
  23. FFS. A couple weeks ago we were flying out of MKE and they had a family restroom right next to a doggie (service animal relief station) room complete with a turf to piss on. MENTION IT ALL. And yet here we are still talking potty options. Is now a good time to also bring up how awful Jason was for feeding Brynn hot dogs? ?
  24. I doubt that was her handwriting at all on that board. FFS. My cognitively delayed son at 10 years old would list his favorite thing to do as “play Minecraft.” As for Cupcake....good luck. She will Lenny that dog too.
  25. He could always stick Brynn on the side of the road to pee. Worked just fine for her mother.
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