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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. I wish our elementary school had mother/son dances. Me and my boy would kill it! We have dance parties often at home just the 2 of us. It’s hilarious! Although I did volunteer at his Valentine’s Day party this past February which included a glow dance floor and DJ, and he told me I was embarrassing him.....in front of his crush.
  2. They’re off somewhere for a month? Is Leah with them? Unreal.
  3. Ha! My kiddo loves to take a drink out of my daily 32 oz diet Dr Pepper from Sonic! He knows he can’t “have it,” he’s like mom can I have a drink of it? Sure! He thinks it’s like he won the kid lottery. He’s gonna act cray regardless so why not?! No one ever died from a soda drink, as far as I know. And it’s not like a daily thing. Kid loves his milk and water. Weekend? Different story but who cares!
  4. Oh lawd! A drink controversy? That’s the least of Jace’s troubles. But maybe I’m just too lax with that stuff. We go out (hardly ever) and my kid wants a soda? He knows sprite or root beer. Most the time he opts for chocolate milk anyway. On Fridays he knows he is getting soda at home, on point. Again, sprite or root beer. I have offered him multiple times out to eat a Shirley Temple or Roy Rogers. And a virgin daquiri? Ok it’s a slush puppy in a fancy glass. Again, acceptable (as a treat, IMO). By then again I’m the mom who says hey wanna a ice cream? Let’s go up to Sonic quick! On any random day. My kid is ADHD, ODD, EDD, and PTSD. Drink choices are not gonna change that one bit. ??‍♀️ ***kid diagnoses was before he came into my home. I did not create his traumas. In my defense.
  5. There was this song back in the day called “Camel Toe.” It was hilarious. And fits Kail perfectly. “Is your crotch hungry girl? Cuz it’s eatin’ your pants!”
  6. Maybe an effort to be cool, don’t be like uncool? ?. Sorry I had to.
  7. The holiday week is over. Time to ghost!
  8. I was all excited for the girl because on paper he sounded decent. But them videos on you tube? Oh hell naw. Then again, she doesn’t have much to offer either. 3 kids, no job.
  9. For the love. These 2 are cooyon crazy and grasping for attention. This lil Eminem wannabe and his fat ass wife are a joke. They have more money coming in than most of the state of Michigan and they can’t shut their yaps and deal with life. Instead of #mhkeeptalking how about #shutup. No offense to anyone who is truly dealing with mh issues and getting the appropriate help for that. NOT C&T
  10. You mean the second it got hot outside and she has a pool. Let’s be real here
  11. Bottom line, if you are not a pill head junkie and can back up your scrips, you should be OK if ever encountered and searched. My kiddo is on concerta and it’s all I can do to get those scrips from the doctor office to the pharmacy stat, and not have them be on my person (I’m a little paranoid that way. People steal shit). BUT. A classic junkie go to move is the “oh I didn’t know” excuse. It’s almost laughable to me because I served time (my offense was non narcotic related) with a shit ton of pill heads and that was always the “reason” they got busted. It was never their fault and they thought they were wronged. If you have a valid scrip it can be tracked. It sucks for legit people that do need the meds. I got my kid handed to me with 2 pills left on a Wednesday. He was crawling the walls in the urgent care when I tried to get 4 pills to get me to Monday. I get where they are coming from but it was awful. To bring it back on topic, give your kids their meds DF!
  12. Bone is a paid friend. She reaped the benefits and now is getting hosed. So what. Go back to real life like the rest of us not on the MTV payroll. Pool season will be over soon, Bone. Then Chris will ghost again.
  13. Didn’t she have a line of pasta sauce she was trying to distribute way back in the day?
  14. I thought their pool was inoperable and drained? I guess she could have broke down and paid for it to be repaired in time for the holiday, but I’m surprised we didn’t get 50 insta stories about how everything is great with the pool and how Pentair sucks. I really hope the pool company didn’t resolve it for her.
  15. So they have a dog in that apartment along with 3 adults and 2 kids? Good lord.
  16. Not quite sure on that advice. I don’t follow any of these fools on SM. I get my updates on here and have a couple friends who still do watch the show. With all due respect, Chelsea is seeming to be a good person, but at the same time someone (anyone) needs to step up and end this madness. She is participating by proxy. Clearly MTV is not going to bow out. And it’s not up to the one upstanding party (family) in this mess to put their foot down, but ay yi! Everyone involved in the future production of this show from the lowly staff that fetches Kail’s Starbucks to the high ups and the TM’s are now contributing to child abuse as passive observers.
  17. Shouldn’t the meth head Amber be getting out of vacation soon??? I need updates!
  18. I have cancelled any recordings off MTV except Jersey Shore Reunion and any future JS shows. Haven’t recorded TM or TM2 in going on 2 years (exception being the Vee special and the Gary special). Sad but not sad times when Snookie and JWoww become better moms and role models than these trash bags.
  19. I cannot. CANNOT. Anymore with this shit show. This is real kids lives not some entertainment. I am actually living this to a certain extent. I have fostered a boy who is now 10, been in my care since he was 8. His parents are in prison. They have signed TPR. But it still breaks my heart every day. I got new info on his case last week, as we are headed to adoption and they submitted the papers on his history. It literally made me sick at work to read the full disclosure. I knew a lot of it, but to read it word for word in writing is a whole different story. Bringing it back to topic.....this is fucked up and these poor babies. No words. MTV makes me ill. I hope that frizzy haired bitch knows what she is enabling.
  20. Here’s hoping the ceiling in her bath tub shifts enough for that chandelier to fall right on her.
  21. Dear Lux Russell, In 17 years you can go to the courthouse and have your name legally changed to whatever you want. I highly suggest Crap Bag.
  22. Am I wrong that in the original 16 & P episode they had a house?? I swear they did. Even if it was a rent house, it was better than the cramped apartment they are in now.
  23. I’d guess power, money, “fame,” and genetics (she did come from Suzy after all).
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