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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Does that sign actually say her favorite thing to do is “live”?
  2. Smurf made a point of her meeting with Pete being in eye sight of Mia. To me, that was intentional to send a message to Mia that I (Smurf) am in charge and if I tell Pete to order you to kill Lucy, it will happen so don’t fuck with me little girl. That’s just my take on it. But then again, I think Smurf is mind fucking them all.
  3. Dead! Although in my mind he is Justin David Silver Bieber. #mhkeeptalking and talking and talking and talking....
  4. Sofia’s dress is awful. All I can see is 9 year old side boob and one twist or turn away from a nip slip. Totes cool if you are playing dress up at home, but why again is she going to the profanity and adult content laden VMA’s????
  5. This why you should have your affairs in order. Legally binding agreements come into play. Legally, Dennis was still married. I’m sure they were all living the life they chose, but at the end of the day he is bound by marriage to Jill. It’s a sad but true fact when someone dies unexpectedly. I learned this myself when my fiancé died suddenly before our legal marriage. His parents had to sign off on everything that was not in our joint names. I was 25 years old and had no clue, but certainly learned from that no matter how little assets I have to my own name I better have it in writing and certified my intentions. It’s sad for Bethenny because I am sure she loved him, but if you don’t settle things, this could happen.
  6. Jenelle, darling, that’s not PTSD. That’s guilt and shame you are feeling because you know deep down inside you somewhere what you did was wrong and embarrassing, not to mention reckless.
  7. That’s what my bestie and I refer to as the “long cleve.” As for Cate. No words. The top may have been on with a better choice of leggings but those baby poo gold things are hideous.
  8. It’s most likely in his name alone because he used his VA entitlement and if that’s that case, unless you are married or a widow of a veteran you can’t go on the loan. Veteran and spouse is the only way VA recognizes a borrower for a VA guarantee mortgage.
  9. @biakbiak THANK YOU! So I’m not completely losing my mind
  10. I thought Shervin was GG’s cousin? Or someone on the shows cousin? Am I completely misremembering? Very possible, I could swear that’s how he was first introduced.
  11. Nema’s crooked suit in his talking head is already on my nerve. I just want to reach in the TV and straighten it. Just me or is he majorly lacking in the shoulder department? Is Mona a friend of even? Or just there because her brother lover is now on cast?
  12. Nice of her to make rude comments about Isaac’s beloved grandma. I’m sure he doesn’t listen to her podcast, but it’s out there.
  13. I was thinking the exact same thing! It shows that Gary and Kristina are most likely very respected and involved members of their community and the school district.
  14. This is awesome! I honestly believe Gary is genuine and does want to give back. I’m guessing some of that is rooted in the fact that he grew up poor and in a somewhat chaotic house (see Being Gary for a taste of Crazy Carol). This may be something he would have wanted as a high school kid, but his parents couldn’t afford or support. So now he is making a dream come true for his own family because he has the resources to do so! You go, Gary!
  15. Add me to the list of being a quitter. It’s been 3 or 4 seasons now. I do admit I watched the Being Gary and Being Vee specials. Oh and the Barb one too. But other than that I just read on here and that sends me into enough rage. I remember people being all up in arms about some of the goings ons with the Real World (which I watched religiously). But this is a whole other level that is involving innocent kids. Shame on you MTV!
  16. Tell the truth, are you going to wear your classy court heels? Well, duh! Just praying I don’t do a digger like Jenelle did ???‍♀️
  17. It’s probably a judgment recorded against him rather than a lien (assuming he does not have any real property to put the lien on). Either way, it’s not going to go away ever until it’s paid / settled and released. I was under the impression that Jen and Larry owned any property Ryan has ever occupied including the current lake house. Mac just likes to front it is theirs (Home Sweet Home / Lake Life posts).
  18. Preach! I have to appear in court next month for our adoption hearing and my attorney sent me a very specific letter stating many things, including to dress appropriately. You must show respect to the court and the judge. Now me, being a normal human, has already planned my very nice and respectful outfit. I’ve also been in court before and know how it goes. Farrah is fucked up. And so is her supposedly home schooled spawn.
  19. Winner winner chicken dinner! That’s all there is to it.
  20. I am beyond. Dragging Andrew up as a story line? That’s low AF. Barb needs to pull the plug. This is nothing but disaster for Jace. MTV clearly has no care for these innocent children. WHY WHY WHY do they have to go this low to bring on the drama?
  21. It’s abuse, in my opinion, yes. As a foster soon to be legally adopted mom of a medicated child, you have to be diligent about the regulation of meds. Their little bodies feel the withdrawals much worse than we adults would. Not to mention they have got to keep up on it to keep it level. Jenelle is evil in so any ways and withholding meds is just another one of her wanna be control manipulations. And as usual, her progeny suffers. FFS. I think she isn’t on the pill, but equate it to that. You miss a day or a dose and you are effed. Sometimes on the weekend I delay my sons morning does a couple hours just because we are late and slow on the weekend. I can promise you I see him crawling out his skin before too long. He is so much like Jace, in so many ways (same age, same mannerisms, same fucked up bio mom situation) I had to quit watching this dam show because it made me so sick to see these girls toying with their young kids lives on camera. And that’s all of them top to bottom. TM next generation is gonna be a fucking case study in damaged kids.
  22. I don’t think there is any familial relations, BUT, I did watch Paris Hilton’s show years back (not the farm one, this was after that), and if I remember correctly, Paris was pretty tight with Brooke Mueller to the extent that Kathy Hilton drove her to drug rehab on at least one occasion. So....small world between them all, eh?
  23. Good thing Gary and Krissy are showing her a fun time. Once they hand her off to Amber the best she is gonna get is a ride in the rented RR. They look so cute in these pics. And I want K’s sunglasses!!! And with any luck, I can probably afford them ?
  24. I’m assuming they used Javi’s VA entitlement for the financing, and in that case she wouldn’t be on the loan because they are not married. He could vest her in title to the property, tho.
  25. People relapse all the time. How they deal with it is up to them individually. Ideally you would complete your inpatient or outpatient and then continue in aftercare, meetings, etc.
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