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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Just saw the breaking news on JWoww filing for divorce. Makes me so sad! Just noticed watching tonight’s episode she isn’t wearing a ring. Wonder if it was already in the works during filming.
  2. Larsa sure is around A LOT lately. Thirsty much?
  3. Why can’t she make her own damn coffee in her she shed? I’d think that would be a nice and relaxing activity fit for the she shed. Brew a pot of coffee, light one up. They sell DD coffee grounds at the store FFS! LMFAO! I’m dead @TexasGal!
  4. All I can think of now is that Allstate commercial with Cheryl and her She Shed. ?
  5. @Nic330 I agree with what you are saying. I think part of it was because it was shorter (which I get since Snooki and Jenni both have families to tend to back home), and also the interlopers (crazy Jen and Joey). I include Angelina in that group. If they do another installment, I would prefer the core 7 returning to Seaside or some other shore location, maybe even with their significant others and kids for part of it. The reality is, they have grown up and moved on so I’d rather see that reality and dynamic.
  6. @bridget I’ll see what I can find out from her when she gets back from her vacation. I have many unanswered questions too!
  7. She sure did love Javi’s BENEFITS. And she found him acceptable enough to replace Jo as Isaac’s dad for a period of time. Does she bring any of that up? Or no, because that makes her look bad. As for the house hunting, this time around she is going to have to make a down payment, unlike in the past where she was able to use Javi’s VA guarantee. I’m too lazy to look up her property records but I do wonder if she was ever able to refinance Javi off her current mortgage after the divorce. I thought at one point there was speculation that she want able to due to the requirements that would have restricted her loan to value by going from a VA mortgage to a conventional mortgage. Not sure why she needs a new house. Maybe baby #4 is in the oven? I’d like to think it’s because her neighbors hate her or something. But it’s probably the former.
  8. Is CA a community property state? Without a prenup, what is Erica due in the event of a divorce?
  9. Oh sweet Jesus. 6 years and no sex???? And I say this as a pretty much celibate person for the past 10+ years. But I’m also single for the past 10+ years. Kim just frustrates me for reasons like this. HE’S NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND. Her kids are embarrassed once again (except maybe Chad since he seems to be Kim Jr.). Well, I’d be embarrassed if she was my mom or grandmom. But hey, she’s mad at Kyle over an innocuous summer TV show that lasted one season. Who is this mystery man anyways? The non sex BF.
  10. Ha! No need to be ashamed. I bought Snooki’s (Jersey Shore) book. But I like Snooki and find her to be quite harmless compared to these TM girls (all the lot of them). And that was fiction aka summer pool reading fare. I think Kail has taken it one step too far with this one.
  11. Followers on SM are one thing. That’s free. I get what you are saying, but how many of her followers will pony up money to buy a book (and read it)? I honestly don’t want to know the answer to that question because any number greater than 1 is too much.
  12. @FlowerofCarnage dead. I’m dead. It’s so true tho. What is she expecting her boys to learn from this memoir? What exactly about it is a letter of love? I won’t read it. I’m certainly not Team Javi but I don’t blame him for being upset. There’s really no demand or audience for this book, I’d guess that close to no one cares about Kail and her failed relationships. So why put all this out there? She won’t stand to make significant money off this. Will she?
  13. I noticed on an episode this year that one of the many products he uses is Spiker Ice, which my 10 year old son also uses (from Sports Clips). ?.
  14. She asked for a quick selfie and he said yeahhh girl. I ask was it in Pauly voice and she said YES! They were both in a hurry but she called me immediately and said she was shaking. I should also mention we (me and her) are both in our low 40’s. Total fan girls tho!!! ???
  15. Sketchy Christmas light guy gave me a total gypsy vibe before even seeing the back of him. Seems like the kind of scam they run. I need to go back and pause on the flyer again.
  16. I’m all for communities coming together and rising up to overcome tragedy. But this is all so fake coming from Jenelle. They have proven time and time again that they are loners who have NO friends, do not and cannot socialize properly, have no care for anyone other than themselves and their beliefs. They have projected the image that they are completely self sufficient and do not need help from the outside world. So now for her to be coming along and posting Carolina Strong and let’s get together to rebuild our state? It rings so false to me. Her and DF don’t want to help anyone ever but THEMSELVES.
  17. Off topic but no one posts in small talk, so. One of my besties was flying out of our airport this morning and ran into (in her words stalked his ass down when she saw him) Pauly D! She got a selfie with him. I was dying when I got that text at work this AM. ????. She said he was nice.
  18. Is B’s dress the one that Juliette from Ladies of London has also been photographed in? It looks familiar.
  19. @druzy I hope they would come after her like they did with the Guidice’s. Instead she now fancies herself a gala girl. I’m sure she mixes right in with that crowd. ???
  20. @druzy ahhhhhh! Thanks! Why can’t Kail just let her boys have 1 year of peace and stability? It’s ALWAYS something. Good grief.
  21. Why does Cate have beef with Kail?
  22. Wishful thinking I though he had a Dodge Ram? Looks like someone traded up. That’s a $60k + vehicle right there. Burn through that money!
  23. @galaxychaser yes. Even before her face modifications she has made, she’s always looked like Miss Piggy to me.
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