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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. So Cate is off again on yet another trip to AC? To see her girl Hoopz? Because why....?
  2. Did she get new teeth too??? So sad, to be honest I thought she was so pretty and fun when she first started on season 1. Now? Not so much. She is her mom that she hate(s) so much. Just with more money.
  3. Can he open carry in CA? It’s a lot of work to take your firearm across county on an airplane. It’s a complete pain in the ass to be honest. Other than that, why are they out there anyway? She’s modeling ugly clothing for why? WHO IS MONITORING THE HOME SCHOOL??? Heck, out of all their egregious parenting fails, is no one checking in on Maryssa? She doesn’t even have mandatory reporters in her corner.
  4. I thought she had at one point claimed she was too famous to go to therapy. But that may have been AA that she was talking about. Either way, she thinks she is above any aftercare
  5. Why can’t she just ever respond with a pleasant answer? I’m all for the F word. I use it more than I should. But with Kail it can never just be a simple “no, we are not.” And this is someone with a supposed degree in Communications that wanted a job in broadcast. You’d think she would want to present herself better. Are they required to do these Q&A’s by MTV? Are they getting paid for these? Why are they all doing them?
  6. Has Jason had or have a GF or SO since the separation / divorce? This is a sincere question.
  7. Stocks are full? She can have investments? How is she getting away with this bullshit? Does she not know about the Guidice’s? Not to mention she should be on someone’s radar having been previously incarcerated. Hosue paid in full? That’s dumb, too. Your house SHOULD be your biggest asset, but leveraged without all your cash sunk into it unless you are in that level of income / asset profile. She has ruined that’s house as we have seen, so she most likely won’t get a return on it. They can also put a lien on it. WHERE IS HER PACK OF DOGS? And cats. She had cats too. ?
  8. His childhood best friend? Oh, OK. That totally negates the confederate flag draped videos from a week ago. Have we seen him with ANY true friends at all? Nope. He had the ones that were helping to move but that was a couple years ago now and I’m sure they’ve ghosted. I wonder how Maryssa’s grade card turned up for 1st quarter. Can someone put that to her on one of these AMA’s??? Also, how is the super lucrative diving biz going? How is the foundation on your house holding up? I could care less about David’s supposed childhood friends....
  9. Is she still a stripper? Maybe her good heels are super important to her performance!
  10. @Talky Tina does she do a lot of cooking? New kitchen stuff is always fun (for me, anyway). Gadgets, utensils, etc.
  11. Why does she need a his and her bathroom? Why does she need to “make it a thing”? Good luck, Kail. Because Jenelle is doing her best to get the show cancelled. Oh, and her kid is ugly. Yep he is.
  12. Is this all for real??? Or are they playing the game? Let’s not all fall into their trap...? I honestly need to question did they are real with this or gaming us all.
  13. Yep!! Thank you for putting my life into words. Like it or not, they are not Carly's certified and legal parents. I’m so glad to have closed adoption. My son’s bio mom (aka first mom) FB message me last week and I had to call in a no contact order to the police (she is out on parole currently). She is NOT HIS MOM. Has not been and never will be again. I cannot even imagine dealing with this white trash shit show. PS Why is there a camper parked in they driveway along with all them other vehicles?????
  14. My mom is visiting for the weekend and she jokingly ask me if she needed to rinse out a used zip loc bag and turn it inside out to dry, like her mom (my grandma) used to do. Then we laughed about re-using cereal bags, bread bags, tin foil over and over. That the way it was!
  15. 30 hotel rooms? Did I read that correctly? For why??? Farrah, honey, there are not 30 people on this planet that can stand to be around you. Good lord, you are not Beyoncé or J Lo, so quit with the over the top demands. I hope she gets sued. PS, is Michael back on Twitter?
  16. Carly. That’s her name. That’s what they should call her. Termination of parental rights (which they signed) is called termination of parental rights for a reason. Carly has a birth certificate with Brandon and Teresa listed as her parents on it.
  17. I look at Uncle Marcus and then I look at Chris. And all I can think is dang Kail, you really went for the Equate version Uncle Marcus. (Equate version credit to someone in TMOG forum). It’s got to burn her a bit. Jo has some good looking friends and Kail has......even dirty tampon Bone ghosted her.
  18. So basically UBT went on another all night bender. I can’t imagine how terrified I would feel as a kid living in that house. I hated when my parents even argued behind closed doors, can you imagine laying in bed at 4 AM listening to your dad going off on a tirade and recording himself?
  19. He skeeves me out and I’m a 41 year old adult who has only ever seen photos of him (I don’t watch the show anymore). So yah, not a stretch. Let’s also consider the fact that Amber let one of her rando’s back in the day change Leah’s diaper. It’s not out of the realm that Leah did suffer trauma from that, which makes he uncomfortable around men who are not her dad.
  20. HUSH YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW. You know that’s their next cash grab once he gets her ass fired from TM2.
  21. It’s not in the shape of a cross, so yay? ??‍♀️ Sorry, can’t stop laughing at how lame AF they are, yet they think they are so bad ass. Can’t make this shit up!
  22. Compare and contrast. After spending the day at my kids elementary school, I’m happy to be a Barb. In my single and wild 20’s - early 30’s, I was all about the Jenelle sexy costume look (at the bar). Still single, but now a mom. Who is she dressing up for anyway??? It’s not like they are going out on the town. They can’t even have trick or treaters on the laaaaaand, can they? So she put that on and asked David to light the ground on fire and take a photo for why? Gawd, they are so lame.
  23. But Chelsea can spell her numbers!!!! ⭐️
  24. Agree. I don’t need a special message from Mark every other week. I did enjoy Jackie this episode. Her comments on the ninja had me laughing out loud.
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