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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Dear Kail, your fat is not supposed to ooze out of your ripped jeans holes. sadly, it’s a decently cute outfit if it fit properly. But instead she insists on camel toes and yeast infections. As for the fabletics outfit....yeah no. She can’t possibly think she looks cute or fit. Can she????
  2. Yikes! That’s a long time, and over the holidays no less. I’d say they’re dunzo. Not shocking at all!
  3. Nessa dates Colin Kapernick.
  4. Totally random questions, but is Kousin Krystle still on the payroll?
  5. WTH did druzy just have me watch I nominate this as the new title for the SM thread 🤣
  6. I’m surprised they haven’t announced sponsors (yet).
  7. D. She always looks smelly. Like a granny’s dresser drawer.
  8. The more I see of Marty, the more I get this feeling of “dimness” from him. Especially these past couple episodes. He barely formed any complete sentences. And has anyone figured out yet what he does for money? Or anything about his past?
  9. That’s what I took away from it. That Milania is currently showing an interest in rap, so because her mom has some connections they were able to set up a fun session for her. I never got the feeling Tre was looking for a recording contract or thought Milania was the next Cardi B. Just a fun thing to support her daughter’s current hobby. I actually thought it was sweet, and if I was in Milania’s shoes I would have thought it was the BEST DAY EVER THANK YOU MOM!!!! Also, nothing wrong with exploring the creative arts whether you are a star or not.
  10. Wasn’t that part of “the BOOK,” that she had been involved in a kidnapping / ransom type of situation? Scary stuff. I mean, she completely changed her legal name, didn’t she? I don’t know if she served time or what came of it all, I didn’t read the book. I just recall people talking about it when all that went down in season 1. She’s a coo coo cray cray, for sure! She’s not even a good friend!
  11. I have no idea who chose the facility that Cate has willingly gone to multiple times now. I say willingly because I did not see her forced to go. I’m guessing MTV chose the location if in fact they were paying for it, and it it was not acceptable, then Cate should have spoken up. Instead she has returned there (again on MTV’s dime). She should have the means ($$$$) to go to any facility in the United States and pay for it herself, but no, she opts to return to Sierra Tucson. She does no follow up, no after care, nothing to improve her current life (i.e. getting a job, hobby, volunteering). She has shown a few times to flat out disregard even the basic suggestions given to her (stay off SM). She has blown off her husband’s attempts to strengthen their marriage by going half assed through couples therapy with him. She is a spoiled cow, and sadly MTV is only contributing to her delusion. She shows no transparency or self awareness, in fact she seems to ha e regressed rather than even a baby step of improvement since she started all this nonsense. Pretty certain her first visit to the spa was 3 years ago? So if after 3 years nothing is changed, then you switch it up. Good luck on those continued visits to the spa once YOU have to pay the bill, Cate.
  12. @druzy beat me to it. I just looked up Sierra Tucson website (great, now my browser is going to think I need treatment again). They don’t take state insurance, so right there you know this is not base line treatment for the masses. Then there’s the “amenities” section. The amenities are nicer than the last hotel I stayed at (which isn’t saying much, but Holiday Inn Express aren’t all that horrible, and I’m on a budget as I am not a millionaire Teen Mom LMAO). Let’s be real here, I’m not willing to inquire on their rates that are not posted publicly, but I’m guessing at least $20k for the shortest stint, if not more.
  13. Merci! My pic is Mike VII’s “baby” photo, one of the first released upon his arrival. Bama is popular in many northern states. My nephew from MN applied there in ‘15 (and I’m still holding it against him, even tho he didn’t end up attending there). As for Bama recruiting the NE, I can see that. I remember in the late 90’s my brother attended Wisconsin and I was shocked at how many NJ, NY kids were in his dorms. I mean I know they have a reach, but it was A LOT.
  14. They do not. And even the final few years that Mike VI was paraded, it was voluntary and he was not forced, coerced or lured in the cage. Like the the door was open and if he went in, he went in. Otherwise he was left in his (now certified) sanctuary. Bevo scared the F out of me yesterday and I couldn’t imagine a loose bull on the field, but it’s not my school or my mascot, so they must know what they are doing. It did look like no one was holding his leash at one point tho?! Eeeek!
  15. Mike VII doesn’t live in a cage, if that’s what this is supposed to imply. Either way, I’m not looking to start an animal rights argument, just stating a fact. I miss college football already. 😭
  16. @sATL thanks for the info! I think that’s great for Gia and it really doesn’t shock me because she does seem super responsible and like a girl who would pursue college. If she is still way into cheer then Bama makes sense from the football aspect, in my opinion anyway!
  17. Yay, Gia!!! I really like Tre’s daughters, yes all of them. Isn’t this the school where Kathy Wakile’s daughter went? I thought it was a smallish school in CT, as well, but I could be completely losing my mind.
  18. We are sitting here watching Dick Clark’s NYE and I swear I just saw Victoria standing next to Lucy Hale on the NOLA feed.
  19. I would love for him to get assigned a female judge. A non-white female would just be a bonus. I’m sure he will only get hit with a fine, but I can see him running his mouth and pissing off a judge. Then he’s flagged in the system and it goes from there. I’d love for them to start pulling his ass over for anything and everything. A girl can dream, right???
  20. Kim looks like she is naked. Which she probably meant to happen. Khloe also looks ridiculous with the blond hair and crown.
  21. I won’t watch the video, but if I am understanding, UBT shot a bird to feed his family of 6? One bird? If it’s a game bird other than a turkey, there’s no way you’d get enough meat for a decent meal for 6 people. He’s full of shit. As per usual. With all this most recent drama going on out at the land, I’m sure Christmas is setting up to be a grand old time, NOT. What a miserable life they have, those poor children have no peace or joy.
  22. Cate needs to update her Bitmoji if that’s supposed to be her. Her arms (and the rest of her, pregnancy aside) are not that thin! Probably why she turned the comments off AGAIN.
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