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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. Our memo is the same every year and is pretty basic (and common sense in my opinion). Nothing gory or too scary (we are still in elementary), no weapons, nothing that restricts the student from being able to perform their school work, etc. We really aren’t to the point yet of inappropriate or offensive, if a student did show up in something inappropriate or offensive at this stage, I’d honestly have to side eye the parental influence, elementary kids are not that astute in my experience. Mark is in middle school, I believe? I’m guessing the rules change a bit as they progress and mature. All school sponsored functions have the right to set down rules and restrictions. Mark was free to go trick or treating in whatever he wanted to, that much is clear.
  2. Scary J. Blige. ? We got the Halloween costume memo from school today, same as every year (ours includes NO CLOWNS which cracks me up). I get where they were trying to go with that storyline, but I have a hard time believing any kid would choose Freida Khalo as their Halloween costume. I get it that Mark is supposed to be unique but this is the 2nd story in the series now that revolves around him and his creativity being stifled (the other being the birdhouse).
  3. I don’t blame Maci for not wanting Bentley in private school. She has 2 other kids to consider. Are Jen and Larry going to transport Bentley to the school? (Actually they probably would if it meant them getting their way and more Bentley time). I know that Maci doesn’t work, but it’s still a burden. And the school could be on the other side of town for all we know. Among many other reasons why it’s not their day, no matter if Ryan set aside money or not. Totally side eyeing that one.
  4. @lovesnark you beat me to it. Court fees and lawyers. Not to mention at any given time they are feeding up to 7 mouths in that house. And we’ve all seen the laundry piles, which leads me to believe that they spend a lot of money on clothes. I wonder if they pay the IRS. A lot of these other girls are in tax trouble.
  5. I’m confused, though. Wouldn’t they need to be remarried to do a 2nd vow renewal? They did legally finalize their divorce, no?
  6. I loved Grace’s dress in the beginning and also her blouse at the diner date! I probably couldn’t afford either one, unfortunately.
  7. Totally. And especially at a time in her life such as this. Death typically makes us evaluate our lives and take inventory. Does anyone know how old her mother is?
  8. Yep! I thought the exact same thing. I kept waiting for a reveal as well. She did finally die on 5-0, though, right? Well as far as we know anyway.
  9. Not to mention her history of assault and then laughing it off. Didn’t she slap Lisa V across the face and then claim it was a joke? She also poured a drink on Jeff Lewis on WWHL. I can’t rememeber if she laid hands on Kyle when she was trying to get Kim out of Eileen’s poker party, but I want to say there was some sort of physical interaction there, too.
  10. All I have to say is they better not October Road this show. A couple of my friends and I are still mad about that. And now any show we get into that gets cancelled without resolution just reopens the wound.
  11. They are a lot more accommodating these days for working parents. At least in our district they are. Nothing happens until 6 or 7 PM, unless it’s a during school event (Halloween and Valentine’s Day class parties, field day). PTA is a bring you kid event as well, if you want to attend and ours is super chill. B is all about agendas and delegation. And she has endless funds. FFS, I dropped $56 at Walmart this week to fulfill the 4th grade goody bags for the party on Wednesday. And I am a true single parent. Me and me alone. I do not weep for poor poor put out Bethenny. She hates Jason, Jason hates her. Greatness. I do think it is shitty for a judge to publicly state against Jason. Aren’t they suppose to be impartial? It’s all so out of whack anyway. I’d even like to pretend I would care about Brynn, but at this point she’s probably already fucked up. Way to break the cycle, B. Seriously, she has all the resources to make the change and instead here we are. Anyone want to pitch in to get a screen play going for War of the Roses 2: Bethenny and Jason? I’m not kidding. This shit is GOLD, Jerry. GOLD! And to be honest in full disclosure, I expect B to be following close behind Dennis. She looks worn out AF lately and deservedly so. She needs to take a break from life and recover. She has endured A LOT recently and no human can charge on like she is trying to. Especially without the support of family (she has none) and very stable friends (questionable). She is going to die if she does not slow down, recoup, and get healthy. She is haggard and burned to the bone. I’m not being hateful, I’m being honest. BE A HUMAN.
  12. The guys only segments were fun. Angelina’s Chris seemed funny and kind of humanized her to me. I think Jenni was going thru a tough time at home, as evidenced by the recent separation. They still all crack me up, and are way more relatable to me than any of the other “reality” programming on MTV. Looking at you pushing 30’s “teen moms.”
  13. @hoosier80 totally agree. It’s also their first wedding, why not register for what you want? They may should be “set up,” but it’s not out of this world to register for gifts. It’s traditional. When I registered at 2 places (Marshall Fields RIP & Target), we went all out knowing we wouldn’t get everything but at the same time our advisor told us just do it. Long story short, my wedding never happened, my fiancé died 2 months before our wedding. My uncle insisted on buying me the Kitchenaid mixer. And then told me to keep it because it was #1 on my list, the thing I wanted most. Not all registers are a gift grab. I had the best time shopping and scanning gifts for our register with my guy. It was a fun time, and something that most couples do. I am kind of tired of people being judged for registry. Like my grandma always told me, I would rather buy you something you want (want not need) than give you money because I know it will just go to pay your bills and that’s not a gift. There’s a difference, and I still live by that to this day. Gifts are not needs, they are fun.
  14. @Snarky McSnarky and @DangerousMinds if I’m not mistaken (my dad and them were born and raised in SE OH) shouldn’t it be Yuz (that’s how my grandma called all us) or You’ens?
  15. Don’t forget she applied for free food during the hurricane. They are pathetic. I figured them as preppers, but the way she freaked during the hurricane leads me to believe they are POSERS at that, too. I honestly don’t think they even know what they stand for at this point, but as long as they piss people off and get attention they are gonna roll with it. Again F MTV for giving them the platform.
  16. To be honest, @FairyDusted I don’t know if they know either.
  17. Between that and the Lisa Apple is she or isn’t she storyline, I became super frustrated. These are supposed to be adults in their mid to upper 30’s (if not 40’s, with the exception of Lisa). I wasn’t convinced of Lisa’s response “negative” to Martin, either. Which like you said above, this isn’t a secret that can be kept forever (I mean outside of her terminating the pregnancy). I don’t know why but I found both stories very immature and annoying. Adults that I know don’t act that way. What’s to hide or be ashamed of? You’re not a teenager that got knocked up. I loved the makeover that the Lindsay Price character gave to the kid. I was laughing out loud. Sorry can’t remember either of their names, and I just literally finished watching the episode. Also love Lindsay Price’s husband. He is funny.
  18. I wonder how that guy who performed their wedding ceremony feels about them now? Sorry, I cannot remember his name, and I can’t remember was he a security or production member (he was and MTV employee, right?).
  19. You always have to win by 2! This bothered me way more than it should have, but it’s standard pick up b-ball rules (at least where I come from). It also really annoyed me when Eddie purposely delayed the start of the play. All of the other parents who were on time shouldn’t have been inconvenienced because you are trying to make nice with your wife for cheating on her. I know it was only 20 minutes, but initially he was going to try to create a 2 hour (?) distraction? What if other working parents in the audience took their lunch hour to come to the play and now they have to miss the end of it because they have to get back to work? I’m glad the judge shut down her initial request for adjournment, too. Obviously she still maneuvered it to get her own way, as unrealistic as that may be.
  20. In my opinion, yes absolutely. And by that I mean, I don’t know if it is written rule anywhere, but most definitely (again in my opinion) it certainly should be something the general civilian population holds as a social more. Then you add in David’s militia us against them attitude and it adds another layer of disrespect (my opinion). You are 100% correct on your entire post above. And fuck MTV for giving this monster a platform. It did no good to fire him and keep Jenelle on. Not that he would fade away if they fired her, but at least they wouldn’t be getting a MTV paycheck to support their message of hate.
  21. I didn’t click on the link but this pic is enough for me to want to smack that smug little look off her face. Hitting is wrong, I know, I know. She can stop with the neck rolls and stink face. She truly is April Junior and I wish so bad someone would point that out to her among all her other fails. On camera, preferably.
  22. David is such a poser. That flag sure looks pretty shiny and new. Where’s the torn and tattered flag that’s been in the family and passed down since the civil war? Dude went and ordered one off Amazon last week just so he could be a prick on SM. Same with his cammo outfit. That’s not hunting cammo that’s military cammo and he looks dumb as hell. POSER! He’s still disgusting but it’s like the “new money” version of racists. If that makes sense? Obviously all racists are disgusting, but this is so much for show and reaction. She’s had that she shed for going on a month and it’s still unfinished on the interior? If she was that excited about it and had wanted it for soooooo long as she had claimed, you’d think it would be all cute and stuff on the inside. Who knows, maybe they are going for a racist decor theme (hence the new out of the box flag). ?
  23. I feel the same about Cate’s refusal to watch the show. They are both so deluded.
  24. It wouldn’t surprise me, and honestly if that’s what makes them happy, then good on them! Sometime people do have a way of finding their way back to each other and I would not begrudge them a HEA. Lord knows the rest of these ladies on this show are epic fails in the romance department.
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