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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. Disney looking for a loophole not to pay the talent is not new. Apparently, they have not paid out various writers for different projects. So them trying to screw over Scarlett is par for the course for them.
  2. It will all depend on how much money JB has left after the trial.
  3. The fondue dialogue is still my "oh Hell no" moment from that movie. That is seriously one of the cringiest sequence of dialogue I have ever heard. It's on par with the "gobble gobble" shit from Gigli. I do hate the Steve/Peggy relationship in the movie. If you are both waiting for the "right partner" and find them, what are you waiting for?? There's a war on. You're supposed to carpe diem, not wait celibately for it to end. That was what everyone else was doing. But no, Steve and Peggy are so virtuous that they must wait until the war is over.
  4. I watched the Olympic trials and some of NBC's coverage of these games, and they have devoted a good bit of attention to Suni. Yes, Simone was the front-runner, the GOAT, etc., but Suni has the type of human interest backstory that NBC and other sports journalists love. I have no doubt that the interns at NBC have been splicing together a narrative on Suni from what they have already shown and some unseen footage. Suni has been their Plan B for awhile.
  5. It's NYC. My grandfather was around the same age as Steve and Bucky in NYC, and I know he had multiple sexual partners before meeting my grandmother. And my grandfather was not a looker, but he sure did snag himself some ladies. I may or may not have an aunt or uncle living in Scotland from my grandfather's adventures during the war. All I know is he kept a picture of a woman holding a baby with "Ellie 1945" written on the back for decades. It is very possible that pre-serum Steve could have fooled around with some ladies. The real problem is the filmmakers would never have their hero having casual sex with the kind of woman who would be attracted to pre-serum Steve. in their minds, better to have their hero be an awkward virgin before than a man who was willing to have sex with less than perfect women.
  6. Good God I hope not. Who thought we needed a biopic of the father of Venus and Serena, and not Venus and Serena?? If Will was playing Richard in a supporting role, I would be all in, but not as the star.
  7. I will defend Owen here a bit. Stephen and Tabitha raised some talented children and the success both Owen and Joe has been earned. Yes, they had a leg up when it comes to securing a reputable agent to help them pitch their novels, but any parent would do the same. Any book deal that followed was based solely on the strength of the work and the marketability of it. In fact, the publishers downplayed the parentage of both Owen and Joe when sending the books out for review and when the books went to press.
  8. I could be remembering it wrong, I haven't watched the movie in ages.
  9. I was never a fan of Jager or Goldschlager or Rumplemintz. They all tasted nasty and had low alcohol content. I have always been a simple gal, just give me a shot of Jim or Jack or Jose and the occasional Lemon Drop for variety.
  10. That conversation doesn't make any sense to me when it comes after the movie has Steve go on a double date with Bucky. Steve did not choose the woman in question, he went as Bucky's wingman, and Steve ignored the poor girl, but that was a date. The biggest problem is Marvel deciding to make their heroes sexless except for the Starks. Then they try to force a "great love" onto the heroes without any sexual tension or build up. It also feels like they have different writers working on different parts of the scripts and those writers never compare notes.
  11. Grape may be the best flavor of Koolaid, but we're talking about a concoction full of Everclear mixed in a large plastic tub served at room temperature. And those tubs, well do you really think the frat boys were sanitizing them in between parties? We were not drinking PJ because it tasted good. We were drinking it to get drunk and it was free. Usually the only other free option was lukewarm beer.
  12. That makes sense. It was always red when I was younger. Somewhere someone decided fruit punch was a better flavor than grape and the change was made. It's not like the flavor of Kool-Aid was the important part of the drink.
  13. Ah the good old Drunk Bus. Your story reminds me of what my dad got up to his senior year of high school. He had an October birthday so he was older than his classmates. At the time the drinking age in Ohio was 18 for beer and wine, 21 for liquor. Over in West Virginia, it was 18 for everything. His classmates would give him a ride and the cash and go over the river to WVA to purchase their supplies.
  14. The drink of choice at parties back in my day was PJ, AKA Jungle Juice. What does PJ stand for, I have no idea. The basic recipe calls for the fruit punch of your choice and budget, Everclear, and whatever fruit you felt like throwing into it. Mix it up in whatever plastic tub you have handy and let it sit for a few hours before your party. When the party starts, just place a stack of cups nearby and let people get their own. Ladle and ice optional.
  15. It seems that many fans conveniently forget most of the movies. This doesn't scream Ghostbusters for me mostly because teens** and the raunchy humor of the original don't mix. I'm sure there will be jokes in this movie, but not of the same nature as the original, and is that really a Ghostbusters flick? **Actual teen actors under the age of 18 and not adults playing the role of teenager.
  16. I don't see Steve as a saint, just a guy who's more into monogamy than casual sex. That's not to say that Steve was a virgin before the serum. Pre-serum Steve was a genuinely nice guy and kind. He had a lot of good qualities even though his body was imperfect. Many women are willing to overlook an imperfect body. I just can't see Steve having a series of one night stands as he traveled across the country like that writer implies. Steve's the type who needs an emotional connection before anything physical. Look at his conversation with Natasha in WS.
  17. I'm not buying it. Steve only has eyes for Peggy during his first movie, and he was looking for a way to get involved in the war during his tour. He wasn't banging the showgirls. If he was a Stark, then yes, but not Steve. And the "why do people think he's a virgin," that's the character you wrote. You could have written a story where Steve and Peggy flirted with each other and with others, but you didn't. Instead you wrote a story with that atrocious fondue dialog and Peggy firing a gun at Steve for kissing another woman.
  18. Not in most Southern states like Georgia. As long those types of comments are directed to coworkers and off the clock, management will look the other way. Trying to prove harassment or hostile work environment against God-botherers is an uphill battle. The God-bothering has to be really egregious in order for them to step in. Most likely, management will excuse the behavior away. He/She was just being friendly since you're new here, etc. For a lot of these people, church is their social life so anytime coworkers are gathering together talking about their weekend plans, you will hear about so-and-so's church. And sometimes your bosses go to the same church as the employee in question. They will not have your back.
  19. I have only ever encountered this in the book world. I'm torn on it because when it's an author I do not like I love it, but I have also seen the YA Twitter mob go off on an author for the smallest of infractions. This particular mob does not comprehend nuance and have actually forced some writers to publicly disclose information that the author was not ready yet to reveal. I get wanting to read Own Voices works of fiction, but not every author is ready to admit publicly to being on the LGBT+ spectrum or wants to share his/her medical history. Now when an author uses his/her social media to blast critical reviews because the reviewer dared to leave him/her less than 5 stars, or catfishing and stalking a reviewer over a less than positive review, or having your husband comment on all the less than positive reviews; then you deserve to get review bombed.
  20. As a member of the five head club, Claire needs bangs. Those glasses might work for her face with them. I don't think there is any style of frames that work with a Peyton Manning forehead.
  21. Jana was also a witness to Josh's misdeeds and her parents' response to them. She very well could feel responsible to her younger siblings especially the girls to keep them safe since she knows JB and Michelle will not. I can totally see Jana doing her own risk/reward list in her head at every possible suitor. And if the rewards for marriage are not substantially greater than the risk of leaving the other Duggar kids at the mercy of JB and Michelle and Josh, then she would pass. I also do think that Michelle persuaded Jana from not marrying before her younger sisters. With Jana married and gone, Michelle would actually have to parent her brood. I don't think Michelle forbade Jana from marrying. Michelle would never do that, she would make comment after comment designed to guilt Jana into turning down a proposal for the good of the family.
  22. My experiences with the Amish of Geauga County Ohio has them technically eschewing modern technology. My mom used to sell Tupperware and had a few Amish clients. Their homes did not have electricity, but some had running water and toilets. The local grocery stores and Walmart have buggy parking so the Amish can run in and pick up stuff. I remember seeing regular breakfast cereal in one home. They did not drive cars, but had English friends willing to drive them to various places including yard sales. My neighborhood up there had a huge garage sale every year and it is was common to see some 15 passenger vans roll up and a group of Amish women emerge. They have some hard lines they will not cross, but the rest is up to them to either eschew or embrace I'm curious to know if the Amish working on the barndo are using power tools. Also, who's the electrician?
  23. They do. Jill's fetish with the Amish cracks me up. As much as she claims to love their simpler way of life, Jill's beliefs say they are still going to hell. The Amish do not use the KJV. They are just as sinful as my Catholic ass. I don't think Jill knows this though. And on the flip side, the Amish don't look at Jill and see a godly woman. She is too worldly for them.
  24. Does Jessa even know about Patreon? I feel like that is a platform unknown to more conservative circles. It is a steadier income stream than Youtube , but it is more effort. I can't see Jessa doing multiple levels with different content. If you want people to pay more than others (and more than $5 a month) you have to have exclusive content. Multiple videos or text posts every month. Jessa is too lazy for that.
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