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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I had to pull a quote from that mess- "We’re reaching people at their lowest point with the Gospel of Jesus Christ—giving them a hand UP, not a handout—through training, equipment, and accountability." WTF does this mean? What doe adequate emergency medical care have to do with spreading the gospel of Jesus? Accountability? To whom would the hospital staff be accountable?
  2. Most predators don't go around raping every woman or child they meet. They look for the ones who are easier to exploit and they will also not pursue those who could potentially blow the whole thing up. This is how men like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein were able to operate for decades. How they determine which women are off-limits is above my paygrade, but I do know they do.
  3. You can buy a firetruck, police car and ambulance on govdeals.com. It's an auction site for local and state governments to sell surplus items. Some are in better condition than others, but one can be bought for cheap. It's very possible that JB picked up a cheap firetruck that was decommissioned. Now, hooking it up to a fire hydrant is probably not kosher.
  4. People were doing more than just ignoring women pre #metoo. TPTB used every weapon to discredit any woman who dared speak out and brand them as crazy. I remember Janice Dickinson talking about Bill Cosby raping her back in the early Aughts. No one took her seriously because she had a history of substance abuse. Janice was a washed up former model who was erratic and a bitch on ANTM.
  5. I read a lot of Twitter discourse on this yesterday. I'm torn on this because on one hand I do think the identifying details of Nowicki should have been changed and on the other Roupenian took her inspiration into a completely different direction than the author's life. The story didn't go viral because of her using real people. It went viral because it touched a nerve with many a woman who shared similar experiences with older men.
  6. Hockey is more popular in Europe and also a Winter Olympics sport. Baseball is popular in the Americas and Asia, but not so much in Europe. I can totally see the IOC creating another basketball category in hopes that a team not the USA can get the gold.
  7. Her comment about playing pinochle makes my blood boil, but I am not surprised to hear an older actress blame the victim. Cosby would invite his victims to a private dinner in a hotel room and that appears to be the code for sex. Of course, Miss Baker knows the code so she assumes every other woman knew as well. She does sound like a piece of work who's go to response to sexual assault is "why did you put yourself into that position" instead of "why do men behave that way."
  8. From what I have read, the IOC's criteria for Olympic sports is very Euro-centric. Supposedly, they want to include sports that people play across all continents. Baseball and softball used to be in the Olympics, but were pulled because they are sports only played in the Americas and some Asian countries. The idea being that each sport will have athletes from all continents playing together. But, if the field of play does not include Europeans or the medal winners are all from the same non-European countries year after year, then the sport will be pulled. From your list, cricket is an English sport played only in England and former English colonies. I know people have been trying to get lacrosse added for years, but because it's an American sport it has an uphill battle to get included.
  9. I was not impressed with Shuggie and really don't know why the book won the Booker. Looking back at past winners (I only recognize Girl, Woman, Other as the 2019 winner) for the last 5 years, the trend for the Booker was to reward novels that pushed the art forward. Shuggie felt like a retread--the somber novel full of misery written by a white man that defined Literature with a capital L for the last few centuries.
  10. I was familiar with Alison Weir's nonfiction, and I enjoyed the ones I did read. But, her fiction does not work for me. I also have difficulty reading historical fiction where the author invents plotlines, and her book on Anne of Cleves has that in spades. There is so much not known about Anne and why she stayed in England after her divorce from Henry VIII that she could have gone in multiple directions, and she went with the most boring and banal reason.
  11. I remember loving the first 3 books. I had to quit the series when the books became too formulaic and Anne Rice's behavior online. I will not read or reread books from authors who sic their stans on people for daring to write a less than glowing review.
  12. In that Eddie Murphy clip, after Eddie talks about his phone call from Cosby he then talks about how he called up Richard Pryor to tell him. Richard's response is,"tell Bill he can suck my dick" before telling Eddie that as long as people are paying to see Eddie and laughing then Eddie should keep on.
  13. Yes. With any of the Rod boys, the wife will always be second to Jill.
  14. From what I have read about Britney, I get the feeling she is a trusting soul who listens to what her doctors say even if it is to her detriment. So if she goes to the gynecologist and he/she recommends an IUD, she readily agrees thinking her doctor is a professional and smarter than her. Same thing with her lithium prescription. I used to work in pharmacy, and saw this type of people on a daily basis. They do not realize they can talk to their doctor about their diagnosis and course of therapy. They also never seek a second opinion, and get mad at the pharmacist when he/she won't immediately fill a prescription due to contraindication or allergy. There's a reason why it's called doctor-patient relationship, the patient is supposed to speak up and voice their concerns, not blindly follow.
  15. Dont forget Richard Pryor. Of course, Richard had no time for any of the Cosby respectability bullshit.
  16. But that does not stop people from Quote tweeting it. She is getting roasted all over Twitter right now. When I looked about 20 minutes ago, her tweet had 14,000 quote tweets. Her tweet is getting more views this way than if she would have allowed comments.
  17. Southern whites knew they were outnumbered and lived in fear of a slave uprising. They could control their slaves to a point, but freedmen could legally move about from plantation to plantation. So, whites did what they could to make the lives of freed men and women difficult from drafting laws limiting their freedoms to kidnapping them and selling them out of state. Many free POC moved either north or west to escape or they gathered together in cities like Richmond. The fines assessed to the master was another way to limit the number of free POC. Southern whites did not want one of their own to suddenly free 200 slaves and release them in their area. That was a recipe for rebellion. They could stomach a master freeing a faithful servant upon the master's death. That spoke to their ideas of "Christian charity." Or a husband buying his wife and children from their owner with funds raised by hard work. Another interesting fact I learned this year--Pork and Dilcey could not be legally married as slaves. Marriage is a contract and slaves could not enter into contracts. So during Reconstruction, many newly freed couples were legally married by the Freedman's Bureau immediately after the end of the war.
  18. The feds can't go after JB for anything related to Josh's crimes. Josh is an adult. His fines would be his own. JB might be on the hook for Josh's legal fees but only if JB consented. Josh's lawyers are not some rubes JB can get one over on either. If JB attempted to shift his monies into LLCs owned by his other adult children, that law firm will see right through it. They are not going to work on Josh's case without knowing they will be paid. Same thing for any expert witnesses brought in. While I don't think JB is as smart and savvy as JB thinks he is, he is smart enough to know who he can fleece vs. who he needs to pay on time.
  19. Five kids in one bedroom is a bridge too far for even the shadiest of adoption agencies. Or at least I hope. Jessa cannot adopt as long as she and Ben live in the mold house.
  20. Jill grew up watching stuff like The Andy Griffin Show and other "wholesome," "family-friendly" entertainment from the Golden Age of television. She may have the necessary touchstones to explain them to the boys.
  21. The first Boxcar Children book has an AR score of 3.9. Pretty advanced for Izzy.
  22. He may have, but I cannot see him actually following through with it. Freeing slaves was not easy and very costly by design. There was a cost to freeing each slave and then the newly freed usually had to leave the state once free. Georgia and other southern states did not want large populations of free blacks living near the enslaved. So if Ashley really wanted his slaves to be free, he would have to pay the cost to free them and then give each slave enough money to get out of Clayton county. He was rich, but he would not have been that rich to free hundreds of slaves. And if there were families on different plantations like Pork and Dilcey, then those families would be now separated.
  23. I honestly think Britney is too trusting to realize her options. IUDs have a string for a reason, and while painful, it can be done at home. I also think she is someone who blindly takes whatever meds prescribed by her doctors as well. No one can make you take a medication like lithium without using restraints or coercion.
  24. I don't see this. Prior to the start of the Civil War, young southern gentlemen went north for school. Harvard, Yale, etc. were full of southern men who brought their slaves with them. They traveled to the North, but they brought the South with them. Their education did not broaden their horizons, that was not the purpose of an Ivy League education in the 19th century. Back then, a college education meant you were rich enough to study esoteric concepts instead of having to dirty your hands making money. It was (and still is) a way for them to network. Campus radicals were not a thing. It's not like Ashley Wilkes went to Oberlin. He was more educated than the rest of the planters' sons in Clayton County, but that was an authorial choice. In reality, the rest of the planters' sons would have completed their degrees from UGA, UNC or UVA if not an Ivy. This is still the time of "Gentleman Cs" where as long as your daddy paid your bills and you showed up enough you received your degree. Ashley was the nerd who actually did the reading, but it was still reading to him--concepts to be debated, but never acted upon.
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