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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. They are also at a Texas Roadhouse, a restaurant where people throw peanut shells onto the floor. Wearing a hat indoors is not taking away any ambience.
  2. It would be difficult for me to if cable disappeared. I hate attempting to find shows on the various platforms. All of them suck. Yesterday after work, I went on Netflix looking for a specific documentary series that dropped that day and even with using the search function, it took 10 minutes to find. I eventually found it, and I think Netflix was just being glitchy, but that is still too long. I hate that the work around to bad algorithms and bad search functions is going on a desktop to create a list of shows you want to watch. It's so unnecessarily difficult. The major streaming companies are making bank, but refuse to do any UX research to make it easier for the average person to find anything. I think one of the reasons why everyone watches the same shows on Netflix is that they are too lazy to search for anything or do a search longer than 2 minutes, so they just click on whatever loads at the top. Then there's the issue of finding the one episode you want to watch of a particular show. I know some fans memorize the titles of the show and know exactly which one, but I only remember the plot. So for example, I want to watch the one episode of Friends where Joey puts Little Women in the freezer, how do I find that? I know Friends episode titles are all formatted the same, but I highly doubt that particular episode was titled "The One Where Joey puts Little Women in the Freezer." With the way streaming platforms drop movies and shows, this is the best course of action. I assume you have a set list of acceptable movies for your classroom that add to your curriculum.
  3. The TV money and the People or US Weekly money was enough for JB to pry open his wallet for new bridesmaids dresses. Also, if the girls recycled the same dresses, People might have paid less for each wedding exclusive.
  4. We have seen the Kate Toby marriage unraveling for the last two seasons. Neither one can communicate. It's only a matter of time before it implodes. Just two episodes ago we had Kate tell Rebecca she cannot talk about work with Toby because it upsets him. In the same episode we have Toby's dad tell him to open up to Kate about how he is feeling, but he chooses not to. Last week we see him decide he would consider a job in another city without talking to Kate.
  5. I'm quoting myself because I have an addendum. I asked my mom if my dad would ever have taped over her Dallas for a baseball game. and the short answer is no. She went on to add that my dad would tape St. Elsewhere for her when she was bowling. Take that Jack Pearson. I'm sure my dad absolutely hated Dallas and St. Elsewhere and whatever other drama my mom watched on the regular in the 80s, but he loved my mom and kept his mouth shut for the 3 hours a week they were on. Jack Pearson could learn a few things from John Pirate.
  6. Ben has a thing for giving his kids names based on his favorite Protestant thinkers and martyrs. She is Ivy Jane, named for Lady Jane Grey, Elizabeth I's cousin who was beheaded by the ebil Catholic Queen Mary I. You can't just use her first name or you could possibly forget. Same thing with Spurgeon Elliot.
  7. I have mentioned before how much of a Cleveland Browns fan my late father was. He was also a fan of baseball, but he would never, I repeat never, tape over Dallas or Days of Our Lives for a regular season game. He knew better. And this is a man who almost made my mother and little sister stay an extra night in the hospital so he could watch the Browns in the playoffs. He also would never denigrate my mom's choice of TV show.
  8. Loose fitting clothing is what is in the stores and Instagram ads right now. That's what is trending.
  9. Loose fitting dresses are in style right now. They are a way to ease back into wearing "real" clothes now that more people are vaccinated. No one is ready for hard pants just yet.
  10. He was vetted by the moderators on the Duggar Snark subreddit. The mods don't show the work when it comes to vetting people, but it was done. In my experience, if someone is spinning tales on a Reddit AMA, they get found out pretty fast. Justin did multiple AMAs and his story has stayed consistent.
  11. While I would prefer Kevin marrying Madison over Sophie, I think the show is going into the right direction with them co-parenting. One thing I was uneasy with making Madison the mother of Kevin's kids is how the show would make Madison more than the egg donor and surrogate for them. They look to be a good place in the 2026 flashforward. Madison is also still part of the Pearson family even if she is not wed to Kevin. So if the writers do go there and Kevin marries Sophie, Nick and Franny are still Madison's kids as well as Kevin's. MMV, but that distinction matters to me.
  12. Toby would never cheat on Kate, would he? He only thought of Kara as a friend, you can't really blame him if she thought it was more. In all seriousness, Toby was willing to emotionally cheat on Kate so I can see him taking it further.
  13. She's 13 and didn't really know how wrong it felt until she put the dress on. She was trying though. She was willing to power through until Beth intervened. She is right in the middle of figuring things out about herself and how she wants to present herself to the world. In time she will decide how feminine she wants to present and she will also learn how to suck it up for one day. She just is not there yet. We see in the flashforward that adult Tess does wear dresses.
  14. They really missed an opportunity to show why Tess was upset when she saw herself in that dress. At least to me, she felt wrong in that very feminine dress, a wrongness that goes beyond a teen being bratty. I wish the show would have actually gone there instead of what we got. That dress is not the type of woman Tess wants to present to the world, and I get that. The issue is deeper than she plain just doesn't like the dress.
  15. I view the extremely large guest list as a power move by JB with the added benefit of grifting. The Duggars didn't invite all of those people to Jessa's wedding because they actually wanted them there to share in the happy day. They invited them to see if they would 1.) show 2.) give a gift 3.) complain about any shoddy treatment. The people they really wanted at the wedding were the ones invited to the TTH afterparty. JB wanted all of those people to come and fawn over him and his family. If you could not attend, you better have a good reason or face consequences down the road. Woe to you if you step out of line like Jill Rodriguez.
  16. That is such a reach. The logistics of this just do not work. This show has characters roughly the same age as the actors so Madison would be younger than Kate's boss. That means Madison's mom would have had to abandon her son in England, marry Madison's dad in the US, have Madison and then abandon them. This show is soapy, but not that soapy. And then somehow Madison meets her half-brother in LA where he somehow becomes such a good friend to Kate that he is an integral part to Kate and Toby's vow renewal or Kate's marriage to another man yet to be cast.
  17. Wedding receptions are a regional thing. Where I live in the South, it used to be that the reception was held in the church hall immediately following the ceremony. The spread was cake, punch, mints, and cheese straws. The whole affair is done in an hour or less. For some Protestant denominations, this is still the accepted wedding reception. The average wedding guest lives local and does not expect a meal unless the reception is at dinner time. The handful of out-of-town guests are invited to the rehearsal dinner the night before.
  18. That came after Kate pointing out that Kevin could possibly relapse and he needed to stay busy. For a split second I thought he was going to become the Manny in real life and take care of Kate's kids so she can still work.
  19. If Christina Braverman can create a school from scratch for her autistic son, I assume Kate can start a music school. For me the issue between Kate and Toby is not him taking a job in San Francisco, it's that he did not communicate anything to her. He waits to tell her about the possible job until he has an offer and springs it on her when they do not have time to discuss it. Toby sat at home for a week knowing that a recruiter was talking to a company about him, him possibly doing an interview over Zoom all without talking to Kate about it. Realistically the longer you are unemployed, the more likely it is that you will have to look outside of your current area for work. My dad did, but he and my mom talked about it. I was 12 when he travelled for his interview and remember us as a family talking about what him taking this job meant. Toby is taking a page out of the Jack Pearson playbook and unilaterally making decisions for his whole family without discussing it. That should not have worked for Jack, it barely worked for Randall, and it appears it won't work for Toby.
  20. Toby is sitting in a hotel room on the other side of the country preparing to visit his ex-mother-in-law one last time. It's hard to say if he is always miserable in 2030 or if it just the current awkward situation.
  21. As someone with a dead dad, I completely understood what Rebecca was saying there. Jack is the Big Three's father and it is perfectly natural to wonder what he would have done on those big occasions. It happens in my family. Miguel is a great man, but he is not dad.
  22. No, Toby is alive in the 2030 flashforward. He was shown sitting in a hotel room by himself not wearing a wedding ring. He speaks to Randall on the phone and the discussion is about him showing up to Kevin's house. Randall responds that she would want him there. The she being Rebecca.
  23. Deja started high school when they moved to Philadelphia in 2019 and is now in 10th grade. Rebecca had a bad day in the cabin because she mixed medications. That is not her baseline.
  24. Kevin calls the Brit his future brother-in-law and asks him if it okay for him to make jokes about him being British during his speech. It felt pretty obvious that he is getting ready to marry Kate.
  25. I can't feel too bad for Toby. He never told Kate about the job in San Francisco until he got the offer. He had time to tell Kate about it, but chose not to. He then accepted the job before talking to her and drops the bomb on Kevin's wedding day. Yes, he needs a fulltime job, but dude needs to talk to his wife about it. This is not the first time he and Kate have not been on the same page. They have patched over their issues, but not truly fixed them. You can only patch things up so many times before the whole thing falls apart.
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