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Everything posted by fountain

  1. Plus it is high calorie (at least the canned stuff is) so she probably just made herself a 500 calorie bowl of soup! Jenelle just needs to do what works and stop eating so much.
  2. Yes and for Aspyn who is freaking gorgeous she could do way better. Hopefully, the kids get her looks.
  3. On the nudity, I guess if it is shown to show how overweight they are then just have them stand up. I hate seeing them on the toilet or commode as I know what they will be doing. Yuck! I found the dad strange. IDK, but he seemed emotionally unstable to me and it seemed like Lacey had to comfort him when she was the patient. I felt he seemed to be placing his emotional burden on her and I wondered if that is how he always was and some of Lacey’s issues were she ate away the stress she always felt being her dad’s emotional crutch.
  4. I think Dr now just tries to get them to focus on an overweight number or maybe even small obese number. I know for myself I have lost 50 and want to lose about 20 more to get to BMI around 22 and people I know think it was/is crazy that I had 70 to lose. I have a 300lb friend who would generally believe it was impossible for her to be 150lbs (which would be around a 22BMI for her) so she would never even start weight loss if a doctor told her that. Now if a doctor said her goal is 200lbs she would be more responsive even though her BMI would be almost 30 at 200lbs. I think Dr Now is doing that kind of mental game thing.
  5. Yesterday I missed the first 20 minutes so I am just catching them now. I almost choked when Whit said something like “he seems really in love with Chelsea”. Whit must be watching a different Buddy than I am because they have zero chemistry. They don’t even touch or really look at each other. Usually when there is a new in love couple you can tell just in how they look at each other. It just seems so fake, if it isn’t fake then it just seems so sad.
  6. For me the jury is still out on if Jon was suffering from mental health issues or if his suicide was an exit strategy when his deals went astray so he didn’t have to face the fall. While excessive gambling with your life is a symptom of some mental illnesses, I am less inclined to be sympathetic when it seems the activity is unethical. Backroom deals and manipulating votes for the stop is what it seemed like to me but I will wait to see what more unfolds. ETA I am a tax partner and my husband is disabled and sure I have business trips and last night a client meeting until 7pm but we just make it work with our daughter. I don’t see why I would turn down career advancement just because I am a female parent that seems pretty sexist to me. Partnership comes with other perks too besides the money, the work is better, I can duck out to watch the Christmas concert, etc. People make non 9-5 schedules work all the time and still are good parents, doctors with weird hours, nurses with 12 hour shifts, real estate agents who work evenings and weekends, hairstylists who work evenings and weekends are just a few examples that have kids without people criticizing their commitment to their families but somehow a partner lawyer or accountant having kids is a shit parent.
  7. Yeah it doesn’t seem like keeping a relationship with the mom is good for Jane’s mental health progress. Look at how the mom tried to deny the abuse but knew the show would have been told things so she didn’t want to outright deny it. The mom is a piece of work.
  8. Okay so I looked at her Instagram and I don’t know why she has to do such aggressive workouts. She uses poor form and she is going to hurt herself. I mean the heavy barbell lift??? Just work on burning calories, who cares if you can poorly do a lift when you are over 50% body fat. It actually would make me avoid that trainer Will and his daughter as I think it is irresponsible to allow a 500lb woman who can’t go up a step into a caravan and can barely wear shoes to press lift and drop a barbell. eta in the leg press video she locks her knees and the trainer who is watching her doesn’t correct it while commenters do. I mean what is she paying for if it isn’t form correction?
  9. I find the 10 year old the most “off” so to speak. I have a 9 year-old daughter myself and the 10 year-old I would guess was 4-5 based on the babyish behaviour. Maybe it is because her parts are based on recalling what is was like at 10? Maybe it just because she changes her voice and whispers. I like Madison, I think she parents the boys well. It was interesting to hear her say Jane gets more stressed looking after the kids. I felt bad for Jane and Madison with the stuff with the mom. So the mom cannot tell the difference between how Jane is and Madison is? How can you walk in on abuse but still deny it? It was pretty interesting how Jane rolled into the conversation and just sort of faked she knew what her mom was talking about until she could catch up. I cannot believe the mom couldn’t see a difference as even without all that weird music shit you could tell by Jane’s face that she was “what is going on here?” I kind of wish they didn’t do all that weird music and camera stuff so we could see the change more naturally and not be “told”.
  10. I am more interested in the Jon episodes because they are past stuff. I want to know more about what he was hiding and manipulating. I don’t care that much about the present stuff as it is moving too slow. I am guessing in the end it is going to be nothing special, Jon is going to be dead because it was his way out instead of prison. I guess I see him in a bit of a Bernie Madoff way, my guess is he was probably playing some kind of long con that went astray. I don’t see many of the things he did for other people as selfless, it seems like he did things to atone and absolve himself they just happen to be nice things. To me it matters most the why people do things not what they actually do, I have met so many “nice” assholes. Conmen are usually charming and I am still leaning towards some kind of con has been going on.
  11. I found this episode interesting. I enjoy seeing situations we already saw from a different perspective. I could see some chemistry between Eddie and Delilah. In the post death episodes she is just so sad and worn down that it was hard to imagine her being happy. While it was a break up dinner, Jon didn’t know that and I think it is dickish to leave your wife or anyone waiting like that. I am 45 and have never stood anyone up in my life and I too have a professional job with lots of pressures. Gary also mentioned something about how awful Katherine is so there is some back story there. I don’t support cheating but I don’t demonize it either. They were going to disclose the affair, sure it happened while they were married but they weren’t planning on keeping it going as an affair indefinitely. Jon seems like a bit of a dick with regard to his family. It seems he wants everyone else to think he is wonderful except the people that should matter most - his kids and wife. I know people like this in real life so maybe I am just projecting.
  12. I found it odd too. There are young kids so I found it weird the focus on dating. Why not get yourself healthier first? I spent time wondering if she “changed” to one the young kids in the car would she then not be able to drive? On a shallow note, the teenager is better at makeup and hair lol. I found it interesting the hiding of the parts from others as I wondered how people wouldn’t notice their friend or coworker just change to acting 4. The fact that the parts “hide” It is interesting that Jane’s mom has met any of the parts, IDK you think a parent would know. My ex-BIL is bipolar and you could tell when a major manic episode was building for him, you couldn’t do much about it as he didn’t listen to advice but you could prepare yourself for the “bomb” that was about to go off.
  13. OMG if that is true then it is crazy she thinks she is healthy enough to adopt. I can only read limited comments on her instagram because there is too much defending of it being impossible to lose weight at 400lbs.
  14. I really like Nini, I hope she goes far. She was able to do a good job at her own dish but also be a real team player. I loved when she so easily said, with no attitude or sarcasm at all, something like “you can make everything, what do you want to make”. I think they should have just told the lamb guy that he gets half and can work around that. He didn’t have to change his dish really but everyone else had to adjust so much, which isn’t fair. It is early in this so other chefs didn’t want to rock the boat yet. If their team was only 4 people the others would have probably said no. I think Natalie’s failure was the crust mainly so she probably would have gone even with the extra lemon but I think the lack of ingredients shook her confidence the most.
  15. Haha yeah, I figured after a few kids you know already. She wouldn’t have had much to puke up so it wouldn’t have been too messy at least. Last week someone posted a picture of Maci and family in a kitchen. This week at the end it was the same kitchen so I think it her house. Those cabinets are awful, the finish makes them look too beat up.
  16. IDK because her heart is broken mourning for what could have been and didn’t work out. My sister is getting divorced and wants to be divorced but still she is sad it is over. Just because Gina is amicably divorcing (or she says she is) doesn’t mean it still cannot break her heart.
  17. That is what I was thinking. Even if she nurses every 2 hours that is two from the start not the finish. Then some newborns are lazy slow feeders (mine was) so it takes 30-45 minutes. Then you change diapers, go to the washroom yourself, try to sleep for a few minutes, maybe eat something and do it all over again in short order. It really is an endless cycle those first couple weeks. Then it gets better as the baby’s stomach gets bigger and you get more milk. Steven just happens to be there for the hardest part and isn’t at all empathetic to it. I do like that Olga does stand up to him most of the time. I am not sure if she finds him scary or anything but I think she is too worn out to give a fuck. At this stage they will be woken up most of the night and not getting 8 hours of sleep, they are zombies really. This lack of sleep may be making Steven worse too. Women do need men around when they have a baby, they need company and support. Sure men cannot nurse but they can make lunch, change diapers, do laundry, etc.
  18. Yeah I was thinking wow HVAC is cheap where Maci lives as I recently paid $8k Cdn for my 1400 sqf house with basement. I didn’t mind Maci’s house from the outside but the inside is too “rustic worn” for me but a few gallons of paint could fix that. The house looks pretty new and the kitchen cabinets have sanded edges, which I think is an okay look when it is natural like in an old farm house or in a small amount but on all the new cabinets looks too busy. Houses interest me so much, the style in my area is more modern, the rustic stuff like barn board is combined with things like chrome, steel and glass. The layout of the house looks nice though it is just decorated too busy for me. The lot looks nice too, some features of being on acerage but still with neighbours as it can be nice to have neighbours for the kids. I do find how these different moms spend their teen mom $ interesting though. Some live such an upper middle class life and others seem to have much more modest things. Maybe it is a product of their area’s cost of living or how much they waste on drugs. I bet most haven’t saved for college even though they have sold their kids for fame. ETA my sister separated from her husband then they go back together for a couple of years but now she is done for good because no real change happened. However, I have clients that separated and got back together and have been married for over 20 years now but they used the time to work on themselves and really fix things. I doubt Cate will change and Tyler will just get more worn down.
  19. Yeah I think it will end up, at least after the newborn stage that Tyler is a single Dad of two and Cate visits every weekend or every other weekend and has “business trips” during the rest of the time.
  20. My grandmother was a JW but she got into the religion as an adult when her kids were grown so it isn't anything my mother experienced. The only thing we saw as kids were the books and watchtower magazine and the fact we know my grandmother must have given up our names as even today they find me and know my name when I mistakenly answer the door (my grandmother was alive when I married). I won't lie, I just take the watchtower magazine say I am in the middle of fixing dinner and close the door. I don't really tell them to go away and never come back, I guess I am bit of chicken as they seem like nice enough young women. I put the watchtower in the trash after having a good hearty laugh with my husband about some of the articles as I am would not be a good JW wife lol. My grandmother's funeral was the weirdest one I have been to ever in my life as there was very little about her and it was all the JW BS that these folks talked about. I guess because my grandmother joined older and none of us joined and were kicked out she was still allowed a relationship with us. Even her own husband was not a JW and did not want a JW funeral so even though my grandmother was alive, my grandfather's funeral was with a United Christian Minister. My grandmother did celebrate things like birthdays, Halloween, etc. so she wasn't devout enough to give that stuff up.
  21. Yes but that is not how women deliver babies these days in progressive countries with medical systems that support the baby and the mom. The drugging of women with ether has been shown to cause more dramatic and risky deliveries and things like forceps had to be used in most deliveries, it definitely was not a natural way to give birth. In poorer countries, usually birth is even more natural and supported with midwives and active labour, etc. Russia seemed stuck in the middle where labour and delivery is still a 60s medical thing and I don’t blame Steve for being shocked and stressed about it. Men have been in delivery rooms for many decades already in North America, and in developing nations having a baby is often a natural event with support and guidance so even if men aren’t around women have the support of other women and midwives. Olga seemed to be put in a room to “wait it out” like having a baby was a medical procedure like getting her appendix out. IDK, it was sad to me.
  22. That apartment of Eric’s was just plain gross, I cannot believe people live like that and would allow it on tv. While Leida is a princess I don’t blame her about the mess, who can live like that. I also wouldn’t be willing to clean up someone else’s mess either. I find the blonde women refreshing in the sense that she seems to have a decent place and some income because in recent years on this show it has been more of a “broke people buying love on credit” kind of show. I think a few of the people should focus more energy on getting better employment and cleaning instead of getting a spouse.
  23. I guess what is “wrong” with it is women often want support from their spouse. IDK, it didn’t seem like Olga had any doulas or anything so what does she just wait around in pain until the baby comes out? Could be something like 20 hours and she seemed alone to me. I don’t think she asked for Steve because it wasn’t allowed not because she didn’t want him there. What I found most interesting is that in many of the foreign locations we have seen thus far in the show the medical places seemed pretty progressive and modern, even the place on before the 90 days with the couple that had the miscarriage, the medical facility seemed to have modern equipment (sorry so am so bad with names I don’t remember their names). This place in Russia is so old and creepy looking, it definitely surprised me.
  24. I must have missed that part, I don’t pay that much attention lol. The actor for Jon is in his 50s so I just thought they must have gone with them closer to the same age. I am near 45, I personally don’t consider myself real fertile or at all in the “child bearing years”, and to be honest getting pregnant isn’t something I would worry about at my age so that I would think condoms were enough protection as I would mostly be worried about STDs. Sure older women have babies but not usually very easily, maybe a lucky one here and there, it isn’t impossible just not as statistically probable. So I cannot really fault Delilah for no birth control as being 44 myself I just wouldn’t think it was needed in multiple forms (condoms and something else). Possibly her doctor also told her no to hormonal bc. That said the show should have gone with the abortion story line as that was pretty interesting, especially if it actually were Jon’s. Maybe they will have her miscarry and the stress of that will “break up” this thing with Eddie for good. ETA: and that can lead to start Eddie drinking again.
  25. My thoughts on Delilah not going for plan B is because maybe she thought she was too old to be fertile enough to get pregnant easily. I mean the actress is in her 40s and the role of Delilah seems more like someone in her mid-late 40s. Jon and Delilah just seemed like my business partner where he and his wife have really good friends who are 5-10 years younger than them.
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