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Everything posted by fountain

  1. One of the biggest issues with TS is the time for paint to dry. Probably building and staining a dresser takes less time than the paint/stain prep and then painting/staining of an older piece. Paint rushed just is a horrible finish. I didn’t realize the dresser cost $500, you can buy a lot of new dressers for that cost from a variety of different stores. Although I thought the dresser looked decent quality and it would be plywood and not mdf or foil like from bulk stores. I buy lots of things from places that aren’t too expensive and then I change them up a bit, if I buy an ikea cabinet I use my own knobs, add a paint finish, etc. ETA I rewatched a part on my Tv with a better picture and paused it and I think in Hildi’s room the walls were textured. That would have been why they didn’t tape as I was wondering why they didn’t just tape. Those textured walls are weird, we don’t do that in my province.
  2. Eggs are blown out to make Ukrainian eggs (which I know how to say but not how to spell). We made lots as kids with the wax and dye and now 30 plus years later they are fine and not rotting but we did rinse them out a bit. I didn’t really think that part was crazy as it is a pretty common thing, it is interesting to read that no one here has ever done that before, I guess being Ukrainian it is just something we did as kids. Stringing them was weird but in the bowl was kind of interesting.
  3. Every one aged pretty well. The only person who looks notbso great is Ty, the rest barely look older and some like Hildi look almost exactly same. Everyone is still pretty fit overall no one really chunked as you expect when people are no longer on tv. I am interested to see if Frank’s style has modernized as his would be the most out of date if he did still did the the folk art stuff. Maybe he moved to reclaimed wood, log work, etc. Crafty things are still in style but usually coupled with really streamlined stuff so chrome legs with a log top, etc. I watched Gen’s show about her own place and it was really uniquely styled but very nice. I personally redecorate my home as styles change so I am okay with something like a funky tile backsplash as I have no issue taking it out in a few years.
  4. The thing with TS is the rooms kind of have to have some kind of theme or else you just end up with the same room replicated each week with a few small adjustments. Kind of like watching the Property Brothers where there is a lot of the sameness week after week. I find shows like the Property Brothers aren’t really must see tv, they are just background tv as they really all are almost identical. The only thing interesting on PB is space layout and how to remove and adjust walls, the decorating is standard builder mass appeal. I was pretty impressed the first rooms done on TS were’t grey and white. When you look at design magazines there are many varying styles and interesting looks but design tv on the other hand is pretty bland. I always found TS to do a bit more interesting. Tonight’s rooms were pretty decent, the major flaws were because of the limits of time and money, conceptually I think the rooms were fine. I thought Hildi’s fabric was gorgeous. And the green of Doug’s room was a great colour.
  5. I think for the Murphy bed the home owners can go out and buy the special spring/hinge set and add it so the bed is easier to lift and let down. I didn’t mind Hildi’s walls, I would just repaint the ceiling. The furniture in Doug’s room was very nice, Carter did a really good job. Doug’s room really came together, it looked very well done not the cheap crap the old TS always had.
  6. I just watched one New Jersey: Manitoba trail with Frank and Doug. Frank’s room was awful, I mean full on craft shop but Doug painted the fireplace white and had a few things that would still be in style enough today. Now Frank’s room was insane, I cannot believe anyone could ever like that crap. Even the flower bathroom Hildi did was better (I just saw the flower and gold bathroom yesterday and years later it looks better than I thought at the time). ETA the repeats are still creeping me out as styles and taste levels were so awful in the late 90s/ early 2000s, definitely an awful era of design.
  7. Crying Pam was an interesting episode as the room was so much better than so many rooms on TS. I get the white room guy hating it as they spent hours stripping the windows and to make the room all white Doug could have just put curtains and white sheers over the windows leaving the wood behind. At least he didn’t paint the floor. The rest of the white room was fine as I personally like painted brick better than natural brick.
  8. I think the $2k budget might be okay and not look cheap if homeowners have nicer things then they often did in the old show. While I didn’t like some/many of the after rooms, I didn’t like the before either as they were usually so unstyled. It seems like these days more people are into decorating their homes and not just living in them so the homeowners might have more decent things (like okay furniture that can be painted, etc.) As well, design has moved on to really focus on a “done up” home rather than sort of lived in, so the rooms won’t seem over decorated the way they sometimes did on the old show. Lot’s of different design aesthetics are in style right now so that gives some flexibility and the rooms won’t be all white and grey. In the commercials, the rooms shown look decent. ETA I always thought the time constraint was the biggest issue as it caused a lot of the poor quality. Especially for painting, paint takes the time it does to dry, more hands and help behind the scenes cannot always make up for that. It would be interesting to play the show like a long weekend, Sat, Sun, Mon.
  9. I am enjoying the reruns. I forgot how much styles have changed both with home design and hair/clothes. It is crazy to me that I thought some of the stuff was nice back in the day lol. So far the only grey I have seen was in the prison bedroom, as crazy as that was back that so far it has been the most liveable room I have seen. Currently watching one with Laurie so it might end up okay (although I remember it and it is the plastic bins on the fridge episode).
  10. Yeah I don’t get it either. Shaun looks great, I think she is gorgeous and I love that she has a more muscular figure than just being thin.
  11. We needed speech therapy for our daughter and you wouldn’t believe how many relatives insisted our daughter would grow out of it. Some of the people even seemed angry/offended about it yet it was our money being spent and wasn’t their business. So I can see how family could brush it off as an accent just from my own personal experience.
  12. The molar pregnancy is interesting because from my understanding you are supposed to wait at least a year before attempting another pregnancy (I had figured last week that is what it probably was as I knew someone who had a molar pregnancy). I would think that would be really hard for these unlimited babies families. I thought they handled the ultrasound well with the kids, asking them to leave the room. I don’t think they should have discussed the mass with the kids at that time.
  13. Yeah that would be great. Who knows maybe Mariah will go that route for medical training as she was planning to be a doctor or nurse practitioner right? IDK how the military works though, it isn’t as big an opportunity here in Canada.
  14. I didn’t mind Caleb’s comments, I thought they were pretty funny and addressed what we all were thinking. I would think at 30 you would have a job with disability insurance no? Do people in the US not insure themselves like they do elsewhere? Don’t students buy coverage? At my local university you are required to prove you have health insurance or get the university policy and we have universal health care (but it doesn’t cover everything and insurance fills the gaps). Now with a PE he is pretty uninsurable for a while. Why are people choosing to have a baby while both parents are going to school (because it is pretty obvious this was planned as Caleb is getting over the hill in Mormon years?)? Mariah is still in school right? Hopefully she finishes, one girl has to finish. So far only the boys haven’t rushed into marriage and babies with no jobs. I am not opposed to marrying young, I was 24 when I married but I lived on my own and had an entry level position in my career.
  15. I also get annoyed when the other relatives who are also very fat just not immobile fat sit there and shovel in the crap food and act like they are fine as they aren’t 600lbs. The sister was hella fat herself to be so high and mighty treating her sister like a bitch. When Karina gets to 170 and skin surgery her sister will be the fat sister, and I will secretly enjoy that.
  16. I would also think housewares as Tony and Mykelti would probably need to outfit a home as I didn’t think Tony had his own place. Lingerie is a bit tacky, I didn’t think people did that anymore, it seems really 90s to me. The 50 shades was uncomfortable as only really Jenelle understood the abusive relationship portrayed in the book(s). I have actually read the first book just to see why it was a hit and yeah it was awful.
  17. I found the Christine and Kody couch talk really nice. He was genuinely paying attention for most of it and they were really casual, comfortable and seemed loving together.
  18. Haha I forgot about that Nachos thing. So weird as I find Christine is the best looking, but she could stand to lose weight as pretty much the whole family could.
  19. It must have had some similarities to tiramisu as he kept blabbing about lady fingers. So maybe it was a tiramisu cake. My Costco makes ones that is more like some of the features of tiramisu (mocha, cream, cocoa) but in a layered cake form not the traditional tiramisu form. It is excellent, if this cake was like that Costco cake I can see why Kody was having an Orgasm. I still don’t get why Kody’s least favourite is Christine (or second least favourite). The rest of his wives are so insufferable, at least she is bubbly and smiles. Not much more to be said about FT that hasn’t been said. I will give him credit for one thing - the dress he picked looked the best on Mykelti. It made her look way way thinner and gave her shape. The “old English lady” ones were okay but Mykelti doesn’t have the figure to pull off some of the vintage like styles, you need to be well proportioned to pull off a more unusual dress well. FT is fat but there are many people with his body type and a lot more even fatter so I am sure he could have found a nicer wedding outfit. The wives should have picked a sparkly dress instead of a jumpsuit. It would be more forgiving. I hope they all go out and buy some spanx as looking at the lumps and bumps is unsightly.
  20. I find these multiple shows interesting because in my area it just doesn’t happen due to how fertility treatment is done where it IUI doesn’t go ahead if there are over 2 follicles and IVF is typically two embryos inserted. I don’t really understand how in the US the doctors let this happen because there are lots of sets of 4/5 babies. I think when they were saying they wished they had all boys it was because all the same seems to be less common so there would be more freebies and they would be more”special”.
  21. That Shaedyn kid is annoying as hell. Spoiling a 12 day old? Read a parenting book. If my teenager was pregnant I would insist they both take a parenting class or not stay in my home because next thing you know they will be sleep training a 2 week old. I don’t know why they didn’t try feeding earlier just because it was an hour before doesn’t mean it isn’t possible the baby is 12 days old. I have to give Lexus’ mom credit as she handled it well. I would have blown my shit and kicked dipshit out.
  22. What is all the talking that Nicole wants to do? I have been married nearly 20 years and don’t recall much major talking that needed to be done on a daily basis. Sure we communicate and talk about life, current events, what’s on sale for Cyber Monday, etc. But I couldn’t figure out what Nicole means, does she just want to hang out with Azan? Talk about him coming to the US? The fight just had no frame of reference for me and being part of a low-key, low-drama couple I just don’t understand Nicole.
  23. To me it wasn’t a 100% clear why Deja’s mom was in jail if she was dealing or what, to me it didn’t seem like she was abusive it was the other foster care that was. I do find Randall being the birth child of drug addicts and the adopted child of a saint alcoholic being a bit judgemental considering his own upbringing. Maybe those things make him more judgemental and not less. I personally thought he would have tried to convince the mom she should have seen Deja even with the eye. I don’t really think Randall is right for foster parenting if he doesn’t support families getting back together, that is the goal of the program, keep kids safe, get parents help and reunite. I am just surprised by it because look at how much foregiveness and love Randall had for William and with Deja’s mom he was so judgemental and a jerk. Heck Randall even forgave his own mom pretty easily for her roll in knowing William and asking him to stay away.
  24. I loved her hair, the style, the colour with the blond bits, at first I thought it was a different host! I don’t see how she looked sickly at all. It is hard to know with the Patrick/Miriam stuff who is being honest or maybe most honest. It does seem in the show that Miriam lead Patrick on a bit but it also is clear Patrick isn’t taking no for an answer. I guess I can see both sides. At least for them both they live far apart so that will help cut ties, and Miriam can block Patrick online.
  25. I am not really a big drinker, maybe I have a glass of wine a few times a year and even I think never drinking at all is a lot to ask of someone. I personally am not a fan of getting really drunk but even in Amsterdam Darcy seemed maybe emotional annoying drunk but she didn’t seem black-out piss yourself drunk, she was able to get herself to a hotel, at least from what was shown. Maybe she was worse than shown. Anyways it is odd because Jesse’s parents seemed high and I personally don’t see a huge difference in drinking and having pot when it is all in reasonable moderation.
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