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Everything posted by fountain

  1. I am hoping Jane isn’t dead but unconscious and Joe couldn’t tell. Maybe I am hoping for too much.
  2. I would totally love this show to continue on with post merge stuff, at least for a while because I really what to know what is it like in the weeks after. There are so many stories they could tell. I mean there must be a whole business of cleanup so a follow someone there, the major construction crews who post merge is their busy season, then workplaces short staff, people coping with knowing their neighbor murdered their husband, people planning for next year, coverups of crime outside the purge, etc. Continue on with stories and an uprising of desentors until until the Purge is abolished. IDK, this show gets me thinking so much, I cannot imagine people wanting to commit so much crime because it is allowed, it seems like a great societal commentary/analysis - do laws make us more moral or keep us moral, do so many people want to murder, rape and assault people? I personally don’t think so but look at the glorification of Purging, it has normalized murder, rape, assault and yet people still function the other 364 days a year?
  3. I find this shoe getting more and more interesting. Really enjoying the multiple stories and back stories. I wonder where the masked guy is taking the Baldwin killer woman?
  4. Yeah that bugs me too. I found it worse in the first episode. I think she is doing a bad job at hiding it as it seems worse when the scene is emotional or she is sort of whispering.
  5. Yeah that was a bit odd as the kids are over 3. I see they got a new table though and got rid of the high chairs
  6. I enjoy this show as it has more back story than the movies. Realistically, I think there are many people who wouldn’t do lots of purge things even though legal. I doubt there would be as much murder as the show/movies make out as you still have to live with yourself. In everyday life there are lots of things that are illegal - like being rude to people but most of us don’t do them as we are polite. The show sort of makes it out that there are very few non-purgers. I spend too much time thinking during the show that it will probably take almost the full year to fix all the damage. There would probably be a lot of PTSD as it is like being in a war for your life for a day each year, imagine the anxiety most people feel as the day gets close. Therapists must be super busy the weeks before and after the Purge.
  7. I might have to take back when I told my 9 year old that You Tube star is not a real job lol I don’t watch you tube video outside of instructional ones. I look at the Busby instagram every once in a while but it is pretty boring.
  8. Really? What kind of money does that make? Six figures? I think attractiveness is a lot in the eye of the beholder because I think Danielle is attractive. I cannot see how she is too thin, she has a great body and really nice arms. She is a healthy weight. I do enjoy that the family is fit and everyone, including Danielle’s sisters and Mimi are good weights. I feel like we have reached the point in the show where the family is wealthy from all this stuff. It kind of gets dull for me then as there aren’t as many real struggles and challenges as we know they have money for most everything they want even with 6 kids. They have money for help too and obviously from Adam’s physique he does have enough free time to workout a lot and put the time and money into the whole process of cutting/bulking. As someone just working on this on a small scale (I am a woman and first started with weight loss) it takes time to meal plan, to get the workouts in, to track your stats, etc. You don’t look like Adam with 1 day in the gym a week or from picking up your kids. It takes work for that body and not many Dad’s of 6 have that kind of time if they work and spend individual time with their kids. I am not saying he should give it up and become fat but it does show they don’t struggle like so many other parents do. It also reduces my sympathy for him when he is sad he misses out on time with his kids because I know he has a lot of “me” time.
  9. For an attractive woman she looked just awful! The green made her looking like she had the flu or something. It definitely was a turn off around the food. Why would the makeup people do that to her?
  10. I never have heard of sandwich cakes. Man they all looked gross, I cannot image eating something savoury that looked like a cake.
  11. I have clients that amicably divorced after a long-distance period in their marriage. They just realized in the time away from seeing each other everyday they just didn’t need to be married. They have minor kids too. I feel the pretty much all divorced at least once women were pretty sanctimonious about marriage considering their situations. If Gina wants to divorce so be it, I think they are just jealous that Gina and Matt seem amicable and most of their divorces are adversarial. They want Gina to be like then and hate her ex, how can she be part of the bitter bitches club if she is happy? The God stuff was uncomfortable, I mean really Vickie you know no atheists and do you really believe you have a moral compass? Must be a broken one lol
  12. I am pretty impressed that Danielle is still working on something outside of being a mom to quints. I get that filming these shows is time consuming so often it becomes a full time job so it can be tough to do things outside of that but this show is one of the only multiples ones or even family ones where people have jobs outside of being parents. I enjoy that aspect.
  13. I didn’t mind it. It was kind of gross the brownout event but I thought they still kept up the faux seriousness of a true crime story. I thought the first season read as a mockumentary too, a good one like the ones that Eugene Levy was in - a dog show one, some kind of band one, etc. where you really buy into the concept/subject matter as ridiculous as it is.
  14. Man I would be mad. I would pull out my carpet cleaner right then and pass it to the mom to shampoo the carpet. Some people may let things like their carpet get dirty but I don’t, I don’t know how people with carpet live without a shampoo machine. The only one on the show I dislike is Adam, his downer personality is too much for me now after these years. He has a good life and seeing as how he has bulked up he has enough time for himself for a significant gym routine so I don’t know why he is so complaining and a downer all of the time. Sure potty training is a pain and your life is less fun because you have to take your kids to the washroom every hour but that is a parent’s job. The kids are in the age 3 range and that is potty training time, you cannot just wait until they are 5 so that you have more “you” time. Maybe I will just fast forward when he is on as the other adults are enjoyable enough.
  15. I think in large families kids just won’t get the same one on one attention. I get that maybe Blayke wants more attention but she is one of six kids. I wonder if they will be giving each quint the same attention separately that they do Blayke? If they don’t plan to or can’t then I don’t really think it is fair that Blayke will always get her special time and the rest will be a collective group of 5. I guess I see it differently then others because I think Blayke is too singled out as they aren’t doing separate things with each quint so I think they are setting up a Blayke as the chosen individual child and then the rest of general group of kids. Sure it might suck to be in a family of six kids in some ways but in some ways it will be more fun. That is life. Blayke didn’t ask for 5 sisters but her five sisters also didn’t ask to be a quint either.
  16. Darcy and Jesse are insufferable. I used to think he was abusive but now IDK as Darcy now seems she oversteps and is abusive as well. I am not sure on the shoe thing, if it was something Jesse didn’t like just apologize and move on. I have never had anyone, not even my husband put his feet on my shoes or mine on his so I am not sure how it would make me feel. If my husband grabbed my sweater to blow his nose in I would be annoyed and he would apologize so maybe it is like that. Throwing shoes isn’t okay, women don’t get a pass for that kind of stuff. The dinner was uncomfortable as Darcy kept trying to restart the fight. I felt for her kids and while they kind of said Jesse was an ass they also seemed to want to say their mom can be a major bitch but they didn’t want to on camera. You can tell they are used their mom’s drama.
  17. I was raised in a household where my parents didn’t really fight. I did consider Adam’s tone harsh mainly because he was filmed though and I kind of expect it to be like at work where you keep calm and professional. I did think it seemed more real than some things on reality shows but it is a real I don’t want to see as it makes me uncomfortable. On the Hazel thing Danielle mentioned a different daughter was totally Daddy’s girl and would be most upset she didn’t go to the dance. I am not sure Hazel is the favourite maybe just they worry about her more and Adam is a cup half empty person so he thinks about it and talks about Hazel a lot.
  18. Which is why the first episode I was so confused for a while as I thought the kid was Henry Deaver and who was this other person? I figured I just must not have paid enough attention or something.
  19. It is a cut on an angle. I personally would say cut cross grain. I think the word comes from fabric cutting and cutting along the bias. I didn’t find the word choice odd but I am Canadian and we often use some different terminology from Americans.
  20. I can handle the kids temper tantrums but the baby talking by the parents has ruined the show for me. When the kids were litttle I could ignore it but it is making the show hard to watch now. I don’t know why they cannot speak normally to the kids and both Adam and Danielle do it. I would think it was just the way they spoke but they don’t do it to adults and in their talking heads so you know it is purposeful and not just some kind of natural speech pattern. I like multiples show just because I think having so many same age kids is a bit crazy. If the parents of the new family speak properly then I may switch as there are only do many baby showers I watch.
  21. But that is not Danielle’s look, she is more Tom boyish and into fitness. I don’t see her wear yoga pants that often outside of the house, she usually is in trendy jeans. For some fancy things she has worn dresses but she doesn’t wear them much. The sponsor’s kids clothes are okay for kids but the adult stuff is the same weird patchwork’s design.
  22. I am not young like Danielle (I am going to be 45) and wear yoga pants and tshirts at home. I don’t really see what else one would wear as working around the house in jeans would be uncomfortable and sweats just make you look heavy. Danielle’s clothing seems neat and tidy and she is thin and fit so it all looks good on her. On outings she has worn dressier shorts and sometimes has worn dresses. Yes they are super ugly.
  23. I thought it was pretty rude of Tamra and her mom talking about Shannon’s money. I mean if David couldn’t pay it the judge wouldn’t have ordered it. In my province the alimony is deductible by the payer and taxable to the receiver so if it is the same in California Shannon isn’t netting $22k (which is $264k a year which is a lot for some people but not what I consider super rich more just upper middle class, I know many families with this combined income level in my province). It can be complicated to mix business and friendship. I don’t think I would want my trainer to be my friend or her company.
  24. Jon’s stress bugs me. I guess it sort explains to me why he hunted down an online long distance relationship as he just has so few coping skills. A baby crying from being tired and hungry stresses you out so much you have to leave for tea? Lucy was pretty mild as far as babies go. IDK it just rubbed me all the wrong way. If Jon is that anxious he should seek help as he seems stressed too easily. Rachel went on an international flight and got stood up at the airport all with a baby and didn’t freak for even one second.
  25. Most of Shannon’s weight issue could be handled by eating out less and no alcohol. You just have to commit to running a caloric deficit each day. Sure it means you might have to go without desert or wine but it is similar to paying off debt and living on a budget. That said, it doesn’t really have anything to do with why she is getting divorced, her ex is an asshole.
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