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Everything posted by fountain

  1. I like that term “pain Olympics” and yes I see why the girls are sad/disappointed about prom. They didn’t seem overly bratty to me. It isn’t good for people’s mental health to always be told that their feelings aren’t valid because other people have it worse. If parents are really telling kids to get over it other people are sick and dying then that is sad. It is one thing to talk to your kids about perspective and the big picture in life but to invalidate their experiences is wrong. Darcy’s kids are younger so the prom wouldn’t be their graduation so they will get another chance. That is the discussion, not other people are dying so shut up. For the graduates this year who don’t get a prom, yeah I feel for them. It is a life milestone and while you can live without a grad, it is a loss.
  2. I think in times like these some people rise to the occasion and some show they are really assholes. It is nice to have work but definitely emotionally tolling. In my case I am kind of sick of clients thinking we can make a 24 hour day into 48 hours. We are working in a different world now and we are short staffed due to Covid, give us a break! Anyway I wish you the best at work hopefully it gets better soon. This show is just so crazy now. No one is really likeable this season and some situations like with Williams seem like they have to be staged. I mean Yolanda (I think that is the right name) has been catfished how is that a relationship? The catfish ones are really reaching to align with the theme of the show.
  3. You have to rear face children until 2 in my area. Lots of seats can rear face to something like 60/70 lbs. height doesn’t matter, kids cross their legs. It has been shown to substantially reduce fatalities. So I didn’t even notice that with Eleanor, she definitely seems small enough to rear face. I guess people would be surprised how long to need to be in a 5 point harness now. As a parent you just get used to it and get a lot of use out if your car seat. Many cars don’t have the safety clips for a car seat in the middle or don’t even have a middle seat belt. My car when my kid was a baby just sat 4. I put her on the same side as me as naturally I think your reflexes will try to protect the side you are on. These days new cars have side airbags, etc. The cups seemed to have such a long tail. I don’t really see how that is comfortable but I don’t like the ones like Diva but I love Instead or a flat cup. Anyway I thought the show as okay and their self-filming was a lot better than I expected. Annie looked good, so much so I had to remind to make sure they were the pillow talk couple. I liked seeing how Molly is still running her business in these times and doing things more online, as well as sewing masks.
  4. I guess I watched a different show as I didn’t find Maddie carrying on in labour at all. I found her barely crying or screaming. When I had my daughter so many women in other rooms were screaming like they were being murdered. I can see now why Maddie was crying when Caleb wasn’t there if she knew Evie had limb differences. You just want your spouse to be there when you see your baby, especially in those circumstances. My daughter had the breathing thing they were mentioning when she was born (kind of hyperventilating). The doctor said my daughter’s was likely caused because her labour was long but her delivery was very quick so that can cause fetal stress. They took her to observation and the elevator ride triggered her to fix her breathing. They still kept her for at least an hour. We were going to go see her and they said she would be coming back. Not once was I even worried for a second and I am an anxious person. That natural high from birth is so real, my husband thought it was crazy that I was just not worried. I am a real fan of birth more naturally than lying on your back in a bed. I bounced on a ball, went in the shower, etc. In my area you won’t get an epidural until you are at around 5-6cms so there can be a lot of labour before then to manage without medication. Tubs work great for this. If medical professionals didn’t think the birth needed a hospital then I feel that is their call. Maybe in this case a hospital should have been used but in general there is nothing wrong with birth centres. In my area, they are right next door to the hospital anyway.
  5. It is an interesting show as the one I like the least is Janelle lol
  6. I actually don’t mind Meri. I certainly don’t fault her for wanting her share of shit even though she only has one kid because I wouldn’t be okay with being on tv and not getting 1/5th of the money. In her more relaxed moments she seems pretty funny and friendly. I would totally watch a spin off show of Meri as a single lady. I don’t see why so many people need to go see a baby born. Just visit later, why waste plane tickets, etc. to wait around, do they have nothing else to do? I didn’t realize at first they lived so far away from the birth centre and they kept saying “get to go home” and I didn’t get it. I guess they stayed in a hotel then? The mortgage discussion was stupid. You don’t get special financing treatment because you have 4 wives. You get financing based on your ability to pay based on your credit, etc.
  7. No it isn’t. I am not even that fit of a woman and I shoulder press 60lbs so it isn’t that much weight. The snatch is a different movement though so I am not sure how it compares for muscle group movement, as I am not really into Olympic weightlifting moves. The weightlifting is a sport that Whitney can do okay in as it isn’t a bodybuilding competition, there are no muscle aesthetics involved, just specific lifts and heavy weights. Lots of power lifters are overweight. One injury will put Whit out for a long time though because her body isn’t overall fit enough to heal quickly and her training plan doesn’t involve much other than lifting from what we have seen. I think it crazy she thinks she is fit just because she can lift. She doesn’t have any other measures of fitness except she can lift a barbell above her head. She wouldn’t even be able to do a proper squat or deadlift because if her waist and thigh size.
  8. So changing makes it less safe then. Daylight savings time is now and the spring forward makes it darker in the morning and lighter in the evening. Fall back is going back to standard time. Anyway onto the show. Things are really starting to unravel now. The faces the kids were making in the housing discussion leads me to believe a lot of this fighting and unhappiness is real.
  9. Yeah I have not seen any women in public in just a sports bra. It rarely even happens at my gym, most women workout with something over a sports bra or the exercise tops that are sports bra and tank top combined. However, on this show I have become so acclimated to it I barely notice that Whit is only in a sports bra in public.
  10. I am still enjoying it. I am interested in knowing if there is something with the artist. She told Jamie’s wife for a reason that seems more than just keeping her safe. I don’t really worry about the fact that Jamie may have tried to have a normal life. Other serial killers in real life have done this as well, so his story doesn’t seem unrealistic to me. That he couldn’t hold onto normal life and sought out Nick when he was about to become a father seems pretty realistic. Having a child, especially your first child, is a major stressor. Ambrose has always been so interesting as he is so on the edge. They haven’t shown his self-harm in a long time, I am not sure they even did much of last season? Maybe he will lose it too, maybe he will kill Jamie to “protect” others.
  11. Man I feel bad for Darcy. She seems like a nice person but is just so emotionally damaged. Look what they have done to themselves! In the first season Darcy was on when she was with her kids and dressed down she looked pretty good. I am all for fighting aging, I do many things myself (including Botox) but the lips on Darcy and Stacey are way out of control. It is interesting to me that both twins do these things so what is it a competition? So while I like Darcy and feel bad for her, the curly haired controlling women who keeps talking about “girls” talking to her man deserves what she gets. She is just so annoying and obnoxious.
  12. If these people wanted to sell their homes for top dollar they should have protected that equity and not beat the crap out of their homes. At the very least they could have shampooed the carpets and painted the walls. Their comments about seeing the wives go on dates is hilarious, as if Kody spends any date time with most of them. Probably the issue will become that Kody spends most his time in his own house. It is a bit closer than the cul-de-sac but they probably knew a lot of everyone’s coming and going just living on the same street. I for sure see the people across the street from me come and go all the time and we are farther apart than the Vegas houses. The advantage to the big house is the kids will get to see their siblings more. Maybe even their father more.
  13. Probably not good for her joints but I can see why she is drawn to it as larger people often do have more strength due to their mass and can do decently well at lifting heavy things. Compare the CrossFit event to the run a season or two ago, even though Jessica did a lot, Whit participated without crying or breaking down.
  14. I am not saying it is a good financial decision to build a condo complex out in the middle of nowhere but the wives were super bitchy about it. It wouldn’t be that much closer living than the cul-de-sac and they managed that. Hey they married the same man, living close to your sister wives comes with the territory. Anyway, they should start getting used to apartment living LOL. Robin you know you can clean right? Most of the kids are older do they just sit around all day after school? They should have lots of help for cleaning, there is no reason to destroy their homes. The design of the house was nice. Whoever drew it had decent taste so it wasn’t any of these folks. ETA: did anyone else here Kody slip and say “every single month that we don’t pay” and then quickly changed it to don’t sell a home. Interesting
  15. They must really need Meri to say yes to being on the show to agree to her huge houses. It doesn’t seem logical at all the house she is renting for 1 person. Who knows maybe all the production staff will be staying there too? The most interesting elements to me are 1) Robyn seriously becoming the bitchyist ugliest wife that I cannot understand why she would be Kody’s favourite when she insults him non-stop. 2) Waiting for the day Meri says fuck off to Kody and moves a boyfriend into her huge house as they aren’t legally married any more and she has the space. 3) How Christine is slowing changing into the most attractive and pleasant wife and a Kody seems to notice some but still has a weird thing for Robyn??? Maybe Christine will also get a boyfriend LOL ETA I find Meri’s makeup bad and when she is with everyone she is a major bitch. However, in her stuff alone or with friends she seems okay overall. I would totally watch a Meri finds a decent man and moves him into the Brown rental show.
  16. I loved the show as I really enjoy cheerleading. I do think Gabi’s parents were too much into selling her imagine. I was so glad Jerry went on to a school where he got a scholarship and could get a full degree. It was great Jerry got to mat and competed as he was the best! The really good looking one that stayed a 3rd year, I felt bad for her childhood life but she seemed to just be avoiding moving forward. I don’t even know what an associates degree is so I don’t even know if they are useful to get a career. Okay the lady who taught them about Texas was offensive as hell, it is hard for me to imagine with her language and comments on camera that she wouldn’t immediately be terminated. She did not do the college any favours. Some of the classes they took didn’t seem real for post secondary education, it seemed more like high school. Okay from these shows I realize I know nothing about sports and academic opportunities. I would have thought someone like Gabi would be so in demand in college sports that she could get a full ride to law school or something like that but I realize it might not work that way as maybe you don’t actually have time for school.
  17. Their houses must be really far apart as I looked up the population of Flagstaff and it is only 140k so is it super spread out or do they actually live in other cities/towns close by. My city is 700k and 30/40 minutes will get you pretty close from one end to the other. I cannot help it but I like Christine. If she weren’t married to Kody I probably wouldn’t bother with the show as the others are mostly unlikable. None if them seem that happy with Kody, they all have looks like he should STFU in the couch scenes. I am still surprised they have so much money to even get loans or approved for rental agreements. I love the white infinity, it must be cheaper in the US as in my province it starts at $78k. I don’t like the Brown family taste in much as their houses have been blah and builder grade but I do like that vehicle (my neighbour has one in grey).
  18. Didn’t Leanne swallow a pearl last time at the end though while starting at Dorothy? It seems things she does like underline the words and put the names does things to the person. Maybe swallowing the pearl had something to do with the vomiting? IDK this show can be hard to follow. The baby stuff was sad. I guess she was tired and didn’t realize she hadn’t fed her baby for hours but it probably didn’t matter anyway as within an hour he was probably dead. My kid is 10 (almost 11) and this episode freaked me out and I don’t even have to check my car for a baby and haven’t for about 9/10 years. Now I guess we need to figure out what is going on with Leanne and why there is sometimes a real baby.
  19. I noticed too. I figured her old hair must have covered it before.
  20. They looked like stretch marks to me. It seemed she may be remembering events as she touched the scars.
  21. I looked it up and Texas does the 5 by Sept 1 so fall babies are held back. It has never been like that here. I am in my 40s and my sister is an Oct baby and started kindergarten at age 4. It is so strange to me the fall holdback. So I guess April kids would be near the median age, not the older but not the youngest.
  22. How would May be a late birthday? My daughter is a May birthday and that makes her one of the older kids. Her best friend born in December is one of the youngest and won’t be 18 when graduating and still not 18 until near the end of the first term of university.
  23. I do think she is keeping her hair out for vanity reasons. It is interesting to me the men love it part because I personally don’t like her hair at all but I guess people do. The safety part of the hair stresses me out. I keep thinking it will get caught in a rope or chain or something.
  24. I kind of hope Darcy gets rid of a lot of the fake stuff (hair, eyelashes, etc) and goes a little more natural. Based on what I have seen in the show she seems the more pretty of her and Stacey and she should stop applying a markup armour. Maybe she can use some of the TLC money for therapy as she really does seem like a nice person and shouldn’t need to be so unhappy she keeps throwing herself at shitty men. Tom really is a row-face guy. Through the phone Skyping he looked good but in person... it went away again. I had thought he must have just been using younger photos but the better looking Tom was back in the calls to Darcy,
  25. Noah has been an dick across many seasons now and he definitely seems seek out these intense/dramatic sexual relationships, often with younger women. It seems everyone everywhere is hitting on him but the perspectives are skewed on this show so you never really know how stuff is happening from the other perspective for non-main characters. I felt Noah was going overboard in the confrontation where he grabbed Eden as that never looks good to bystanders. That said, IRL at my work a consensual relationship between a supervisor and an employee was deemed a ‘power unbalanced relationship’ by another employee who found out about it just because that employee believed that the person with less power can never consent (all the people involved are over 40). In this case, the person with less power pursued the supervisor and was very clear that was how this relationship came to fruition and there was not any power aspect at play. Personally, I think it is better to avoid relationships in the workplace but you spend so much of your time there, it happens.
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