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Everything posted by fountain

  1. I guess Darcy’s drinking was about drinking at all. I had thought Jesse meant getting drunk or using alcohol too much but to say not even a glass of wine? That is overkill and too controlling. That whole segment was weird, something really off there.
  2. I just assumed an immigration lawyer would see applications of his/her clients. I guess they don’t.
  3. The scene was so clunky. They could have faked the lawyer bringing up the application or reviewing a fake file and saying “I see here it looks like there is an offence for a bar fight” and it would have seemed a more natural way to bring up Andrei’s issues. TLC pays these people okay money. I don’t see why for at least the first 30 days Luis couldn’t rent a small apartment and then go over for dinner every day. It would allow the girls to get to know him but give them some space. Or even do the full 90 days apart and only live together if/when married.
  4. I think last week I thought Evelyn’s hair was better and wondered what you all were talking about. I see it this week!
  5. Azan’s food discussion was obnoxious. Why does Nicole need to cook for him? He is an adult he can cook for himself. If he expects such gender roles he better be taking 3 jobs to support the family. Then the frozen food stuff, nothing is wrong with things being frozen, it is a good method of preservation and things like frozen veggies have lots of benefits. I cannot believe he though chocolate was better than fries when sugar and not fat is most people’s problem.
  6. But you can eat the tails, people do it all the time, I eat them on small shrimp as it is awkward to take them off. It isn’t really a DANGER situation, I doubt a teenager would choke. I personally might just say “they are really crunchy, lots of people don’t eat them”. I wouldn’t touch someone I am only just getting to know.
  7. I think the poster meant because the word depression was left off the post-partum. I am hoping Ruby moving out means we get a bit of a break from her, she is the least enjoyable part of the show as I cannot stand the continual meanness. Pops can be annoying too but he doesn’t seem around as much. To me as a mother, feeding my breast fed baby formula is a horrific act because feeding your kid formula is a decision only parents get to make. It would be like getting the baby circumcised without the parents permission.
  8. To me it didn’t seem for sure Elizabeth’s family is supporting her. If she is doing a real job for her dad and paid fair wages then just because she is employed by him doesn’t mean she is supported by him. However, he seems a bit like the type who wouldn’t see it that way. I work with family businesses, acting like your kids aren’t proper employees just creates a lot of issue both in the business and in the family. Elizabeth’s boyfriend seems a bit aggressive from the description but we will see what he is like in person, maybe the Alpha make stuff is played up and his is assertive but not aggressive. I will admit I am looking forward to the train wreck that is Nicole. The parents are crazy to take on the risk of sponsorship. I would be leery of even co-signing a car loan for a relative! It doesn’t seem Nicole has made any effort to improve her health or her financial situation since we last saw her. While the comments Ayzan make about her weight seem really mean, it is hard not to side with him because she is way too young to be so obese. At her age, she could lose weight and probably all the skin would even bounce back. ETA I read the K1 info posted and it seems the sponsorship isn’t much risk really. I am shocked though at the low income requirement! 125% of $20k to bring someone there to the US. I am just really surprised that minimum wage levels of income allow sponsorship. I could see if the finance can prove he/she has a lot of marketable skills that add to the US economy. Getting into the US via the K1 seems pretty easy actually. I am Canadian and growing up I had always thought the only way into the US was to get into a big multi-national and sent to the US or have an in demand skill that the US needs.
  9. Most of the outfits were awful. The patterns were mostly ugly so I can see how Claire was in the top because her design was wearable, although unoriginal. I am not really a fan of the vast different body types on the models. I have to admit I think I must be shallow as generally I am drawn to the looks on the standard size models as they fit better. I know this was a real people challenge and I think Claire had the benefit of having a thin regular person. Some of the other body types are harder to design for so they limit creativity. The Navaho print was awful but I hate that kind of design with the triangles, etc. I didn’t mind the all pink dress and jacket but everything else presented was kind of ugly and mostly stiff looking which is what we usually get with the pattern challenges as the pattern fabric is often stiff.
  10. Sorry I couldn't get the first comment about it being irresponsible for TLC to show someone traveling to meet someone she never even Skyped with. I agree with this because other people may take a lead from Courtney and try this and it might not be safe. I personally would like TLC to break the third wall (or is it fourth? Whatever) sometimes like on teen mom in some situations as they should be outright asking Courtney if she feels this is safe. It would be nice if TLC put some public service notices before the commercials or something because while the Courtney situation may be faked, if you take at face value it is very dangerous. Sleeping in an apartment with someone you basically just met? The others at least had some real communication.
  11. The burglar thing is weird. Was it just one person who said it was Laci or did Laci herself tell the police? Why would a pregnant woman confront someone committing a crime? First, just as a woman I wouldn't do it, I would call the police. Second, when I was pregnant I was way more risk adverse. So it is really hard to believe Laci unless she herself told the police.
  12. On the age thing. In Darcey's case I wonder why she wants it? I just don't see much in Jesse beyond the body. It overkill for his friends to call it gross because men do it all the time. As a woman, I would want more than a boy toy, so it is hard to see the appeal. Lots of men who get the young wife have a kind of parent/child relationship. Darcey seems too nice for me to wish that on her, unlike say Paul who deserves what he gets.
  13. No Danielle never seemed that big. Remember how huge Kate was that she had that plastic stuff on her bump? It was just 1 more baby but I think she went a couple of weeks longer. I recall the kids being closer to 3 lbs each. The nanny stuff just makes Adam's stress stuff when he comes home seem less genuine.
  14. I think without the huge cost, some of the intro courses and the early steps in the bridge seem like they could be useful therapeutically. Personally, I listen to a variety of personal development books so I would have been a good candidate but I am way too cheap so it never would have worked out as no way would I live a pauper for my religion. I can see how people get started and then once they get you it is hard to get out. ETA I would bet some celebrities aren't at OT 8 yet. The one for the Bart Simpson voice is but some of the lesser known and younger celebrities might just be in OT7.
  15. Yes and I hope the therapy helps him with the trust he probably has lost in all the adults around him. While I think Barb is great for stepping up and raising Jace, I was really disappointed in that phone call. She had to know David would be listening. Maybe she will just not allow Jace over there at all and she knows it so she isn't concerned over David's attitude the next time he sees Jace as she doesn't plan for that to happen. Jenelle has been with a long line of loser men but David seems actually angry at the kids and seems to want to rewrite history and make them his (Jace and Kaiser). I hadn't seen this show for many years (original kids were around 2) and stumbled back into it. Boy it is all still the same plus a few more kids and a few different men. I was a bit surprised that after 8 years things are still so unsettled with the custody arrangement of Jace.
  16. I felt really bad for Jace when Barb told Jenelle about him not wanting David there. To me that is a secret your kid shares with you and as the caregiver and adult need to take the information and then use it to say "I am not comfortable with Jace around David". Now Jace will be worrying about what David will be like the next time he sees him. Poor kid like he doesn't have enough worries.
  17. Some of Loren's going on with Mo was annoying to listen to. But I did feel he acted a jerk a bit with comments like "calm down" as I think that is beyond rude and is something men say to women to put them in their place. The rest of Loren's questions seemed fine. Pao was so mean to Russ when she said he needed to tougher, IDK that came across as "be a man". Maybe it was just because she was hurt that Russ stumbled badly on the what he loved about her question. I don't think insulting your spouse on tv is a way to a healthy marriage. ETA the best part of Loren's questions is that she was making people look bad. They are all adults and on tv and should be able to discuss their actions. Look how Pedro and Chanel handled the discussion of their bad behaviour, they had decent answers and didn't get emotional.
  18. I think Darcey seems nice enough but so insecure which I find sad in a 42 year old accomplished woman. She has a career, a nice house, great daughters, friends and family. I think Darcey seems more "normal" then the others who go overseas for someone half their age. I would think in the US she would have a lot of dating options and if she didn't talk about marriage so much I would think she was in this for a bit of middle-aged fun with a hot millennial. I am 43 and I think a young guy would be fun for a good time but for marriage? I just don't see the appeal unless the guy has more depth than just being fit, which Jesse doesn't seem to have thus far. I am rewatching the first show and I didn't know Darcey had a twin! Now I can see what Darcey would look like with less Botox/fillers (not really less makeup or hair, her sister has fake lashes and extensions too). She would look a lot better if she just held off on the next treatment and let a little natural wrinkle come back and cut the hair but then I dislike super long hair even natural (my sister has that super long hair and it ages her but I don't tell her as she would get mad).
  19. Most of these people have issues pages deep. I don't mind Tracy and Scott, they both seem pretty drama free. I have been married a long time. We didn't marry right away (about 2 years after we started dating) but I knew after dating about 2 months that husband was someone I could be married to. It is wasn't really about how I was treated or anything really specific but I just kind of felt that this person I could enjoy conversing with for years to come. So I think a couple of people on this show could maybe have an early connection. My parents got engaged after 3 months of dating. I am not sure what people see in Tom, he seems too much drama for me. I like Scott, he would be most my type and then maybe Darren as I enjoy going to bed early to watch a movie instead of partying and he seems that type.
  20. An older episode was on tv today (with babies just home) and Adam does look worse now. His eyes are way more buggy now so maybe he does have a physical health issue as well. It seems the depression wasn't much of the focus this week and that was nice. I get the feeling Adam thought life would be more happy and exciting and it is boring and routine. He is probably generally tired and worn down too. ETA the therapeutic treatment for many mental illnesses is cognitive behavioural therapy and retraining your thought processes not just talking about your life. Adam is functional as he is going to work, caring for his family, going to the gym, etc so CBT may be a good choice to start before medication.
  21. I am guessing Elsa spent so many years being the parent of a kid with special needs that as Sam gains skills and independence she is losing her identity. Obviously, their marriage is shaky and she has no interest in Casey so her world be being turned upside down.
  22. To me Elsa just seems insufferable so I guess I can see other parents hating her because of things like the quiet dance. I certainly feel for Casey about the team hating her, that is a hard situation. She shouldn't be made to feel bad about accepting a great opportunity but all actions have consequences. It would be nice if more people were happy for her as only her dad really is.
  23. I think Riley is a brat because their discipline is loose and they make a joke of her behaviour and give her attention. They need to find a better way to address this so she doesn't keep seeking negative attention.
  24. I am really enjoying watching Brooke . I like how she seems pretty realistic about the challenges being a new parent and it isn't all sunshine and roses and sometimes you miss your old self. But when the baby smiled the first time she just melted. IDK I just really like her personality. I think she probably had to stop the wrestling and same level working out when she was pregnant so it has probably been quite a while since she has been "herself". The others I am pretty bored with already. The quads mom needs a toner for her hair, the yellow is awful and so out of style, no one wears yellow blonde hair these days.
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