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Everything posted by fountain

  1. I wouldn't want to share the lodge either. I have rented quite a few log cabins at various places. I would enjoy the chef as this cabin is a drive from shops. I would also enjoy being driven and picked up. The rest of the time I shouldn't see the staff unless it was for a specific excursion like the skiing. Who wants to party with 20 year old staff? You go to places like the lodge to bond with your friends, unless your parents are rich it is old fuddies like me in my 40s that actually can pay for this type of vacation. The Mark stuff was annoying and gross. He was skanky but it isn't like he was still dating Jenna. She was only upset because he was a skank and him sleeping with someone else so easily may mean sex is just sex to him so the same goes for him sleeping with her. It is just gross for staff to sleep with customers, no matter how much the customer wants it.
  2. I found the onesie coat comment hilarious. I wondered if it is what people in warm places really call a snowsuit in real life? Too funny Had to also laugh at Adam and Danielle freezing in NYC when the waistress had a tank top.
  3. I know Adam and Danielle are not paying for the clothes but it still all feels so grossly materialistic and kind of insulting when money discussions come into play. Adam and Danielle looked at down snow suits! For a week trip where NYC didn't even have snow. I don't know why they overnights the bags. It is NYC walk to the store and buy 5 pairs of leggings and 5 tshirts. There are stores everywhere.
  4. Isn't smoking an addiction? Wouldn't smoking make LRH a level 1.1 person or some kind of low level person as his addiction means he has crimes and is unethical? Just saying, if he needs to find his Kools from space it isn't just recreational use lol. What a great show, just wonderfully done with information well explained and experiences you can empathize with. I used to think Scientology was just odd but fascinating but now I see the evil.
  5. This episode highlighted how bat shit crazy LRH really was. I mean I thought it before but the fact that he used the case of one person as proof of a "treatment plan" working and wrote that it was just one person in actual church documents is just over the top. The old interview with Leah when the talk of aliens and her and the other guy's weird denial kind of explains some of the other celebrity interviews. I had thought others maybe weren't high on the bridge and actually don't know but it is probably the fees and death.
  6. I felt bad for Brandon. I don't really think shattering a window is that huge a crime. I think his larger issue in life (compared to the felony) is that he is bipolar, which presents many challenges. If I were hiring and he said "look up my felony, I threw a hammer through a COS window", I would get it. With more and more exposure and Brandon leading with what he felony was for, I am sure he will be okay. He also still has his parents and one brother for support.
  7. I think some of the "trophies for participating" is a backlash against the historical everything is a competition environment that I was raised in. It is pretty demoralizing to always be competing, unless of course you are always winning. Most people are pretty average and during my years growing up average was bad. If I could go back and tell my young self something it would be to only complete with myself. I know so many people who are so unhappy because they are always in a competition for something with someone. I know it is late to the game for the original post but I will say that understanding how you are perceived and managing/improving perception requires you to step into the recipient's position and really view your behaviour. It is a part of emotional intelligence and there is a lot written about it now and a lot of courses, so there are resources. Once you get past the sting of being told you need improvement I hope you can take your boss to heart and seek out some resources.
  8. In some respects I kind of wish they would just be direct about the product placement. Sure the Little Caesars was a bit awkward but they could say "it was so nice of the costume barn* to donate us these costumes" or "it is a great help that Wal-Mart can donate us these matching outfits". Or at the very least like on shows like the news, the closing goes to Clothes for the family donated by ____, pizza for the party donated by Little Caesars, Costumes donated by the costume barn, etc. *I have no idea what the place was named, I just made something up.
  9. I had thought Leah's sister and possibly her mother were high up in the Sea Org? Maybe because they had a celebrity relative they weren't as abused? I will say that this cult must teach some skills because everyone who has left is appearing pretty financially secure. Which seems amazing to me considering they left with the clothes on their back, no savings and no educations. I expect there are some that haven't faired so well, some that didn't have family they could call up when they ran and didn't have stories that could fill a book.
  10. IDK, it is that kind of exciting group think that keeps people in things like Mary Kay and I know even in my industry (finance) you can go to events that you leave really feeling a part of something and I am super critical of everything and sometimes they still "get" me on a product or process or a we are the best something. People can be easily convinced of a lot when others around them are convinced too. I think COS does a good job of the "belonging" to something stuff and that is what gets people and often keeps them. But it isn't only them who do it, big corporations do it too. The problem is that COS is a church and gets to take more legal advantage than corporations as the legal system just doesn't want to touch a church. This show is doing a great job exposing the truth in an interesting and insightful way. Leah does a good job actively participating but not trying to make it all about her, it is really refreshing as many celebrity causes are all about themselves. It seems that Leah really does care about exposing this thing, it all seems very genuine and I respect Leah for that. I like that they confront the PIs following them. Yeah, it is weird to me too because in things like the FLDS it is birth a zillion kids even if you cannot pay for them. It seems those born into the COS are more likely to stay then people on the outside with regular jobs and lives.
  11. I am finding that they seem to be improving since episode 1 so the Botox must be wearing off a little. That is good as at first the non-moving upper lip was so distracting, now I can see a difference between those opening replayed shots and other shots that are probably newer.
  12. What I really like about Danielle is that they are normal parents. I love that they shake treats on the floor and that the one daughter ate that food off the nursery school floor and no one freaks out. I am a cheerios on the floor mom. I think that Adam is in sales. He probably makes six figures, professional sales people make good money. The house was actually pretty cheap, someone here said around $400k, which is what my house is worth and mine is 1/4 the size of theirs. Man I am jealous of the cheap Texas housing.
  13. All 5 in nursery school does make sense if Danielle has a business. I think that is good she gets her own time to work on that. Personally I feel women are often in a risky position in marriages where they stay home for years. In the cases of those on shows like this it doesn't really matter as Danielle is earning an income from the show and with all girl Quints she has potential publicity future income. So while the time home with your kids may be priceless that doesn't really matter if you cannot provide for your family in the event of death, disability or divorce. They can buy insurance for two but not the last one. I kind of wished the financial planner talked more about their current financial risk -like does Adam have enough insurance if he gets sick/hurt, what happens if Danielle gets sick/hurt, can she get non-income based insurance like critical illness? Instead of the college costs, college costs are not the priority right now.
  14. I think Mimi probably is more tired because she isn't young anymore. I know when I had my own kid I wasn't tired at all but before that my niece was exhausting. IDK when the kids are your own you just roll with it. I think it is probably good for Danielle to get a break from all five. Since they likely pay for baby sitters anyway, nursery school is probably a better option as it will allow the girls to play with other kids too. I think it would be great if they kept just four spots and rotated the kids so that every couple of weeks each girl got a mommy/daughter few hours all to themselves. With such a large family it will probably always be challenge to have really individual one-on-one time. Okay investing in a gym idea. Maybe Texas is different but it is a hard industry to maintain solid income, at least in my area.
  15. I think that new manager would get less resistance if he spoke to the staff in a more professional manner. Calling on the chef being disrespectful just gets him bitchiness back. As a manager say "I understand you are not the staff chef. The client had a request staff join them for a meal and it is likely this kind of request will occur again in the future. What do you suggest we do when this comes up the next time?" Most employees who get tips will not suggest telling the client to F-off, instead as it is in their control now they often come up with better solutions and buy into the process. ETA while I do think the chef is a bitch, the manager is shitty too. A good manager can manage a bitch like the chef. We can all see what makes her tick, just play to a bit and twist her to the result you want. Saying I am the boss Okay won't work. For the sex couple. Punish them by making them clean up the room, give them a warning and terminate them on the next offensive.
  16. I thought was interesting that even when I knew what Victoria had done I still felt bad for her. For me it reinforced that to get revenge in this way you really aren't much different that the criminal you just have the law allowing your crimes.
  17. I forget the back story on Rinder and if he joined as a child. I give a lot more leeway to child members committing crimes as they know nothing else. While watching I do have to step back and ask myself "if a gang member committed the same act would I absolve personal responsibility?" I guess that is what bugs me about Rinder is that he didn't turn himself in, or maybe he did but I don't know about it. So while I can sort of forgive the crimes, I do see people who do other similar things having to be punished in legal system. Like for example, if some of the members who have raped left the cult would those crimes be so easily forgiven due to being brainwashed? It is an interesting thought process in my head.
  18. I thought Kody's part was okay. But Janelle's was horrible. It didn't even seem to start with something positive about marriage, it was basically don't forget that a lot of marriage sucks. It didn't even seem like she said it worth it sort of in "labour of love" kind of way. It was too negative for a wedding. Maddie looked great. It was nice so see one older Brown daughter not be too overweight for her age. I only just realized how old Truly is, she definitely has an issue saying r sounds. I was trying to listen for CH and SH sounds to see if she has an issue there too but I didn't notice. Poor girl cannot even say her own name. Hopefully she is getting speech therapy at school. My daughter had speech therapy last year, as a parent I had noticed the speech problem but thought you just outgrow it (it was not as bad as Truly, as Truly still sounds like a toddler) so maybe the Browns haven't really noticed? In my daughter's case I had a lot of relatives just tell me it would go away and speech therapy is overkill. They were pretty aggressive about too, like getting a therapist means my kid is defective. No shame in getting speech therapy.
  19. I think you pay the money over many years so while expensive it might be money that would have gone on other things like vacation. Over 25 years $250k is $10k a year, which is an amount I see a lot of clients donate to church. Probably overall it is more expensive than other religions but if you can do away with healthcare costs because you can heal yourself... some savings there haha The people they have on the show have had pretty nice homes so I guess they have decent incomes. I did like how the woman tonight explained what was appealing about Scientology. It seems prior to Miscavage she was decently content and it wasn't the cost it is now with all the changes. Lots of people think people who joined are just crazy, it is interesting to see how and why they joined. I could easy see how someone seeking something and wanting to improve themselves could get pulled in. The former Scientology security guy didn't seem like he was real crying. IDK to me it seemed put on.
  20. On the bikini thing, I was thinking it must be cold? Even if it is warmer, it still isn't that warm. That was tacky but then again the classy guys were singing "tits out for the boys" or something like that on their way in, so they probably loved it. I find this kind of show interesting in the fact that I could never do this type of job. I would totally be fired.
  21. I was glad the vomit was just a small part of the show. Surprisingly, just two babies were sick seeing as how the one baby (I think Riley) stole the bottle from the other baby. I thought it was hilarious when Adam scolded the bottle stealer and she babbled something at him and walked away. It was also hilarious when the babies just started coming in when Danielle was writing that speech and Adam was trying to get them out. Okay on to my complaint. The kids are always dressed pretty nice even for home and then at a public event with chair covers they are wearing things almost like bathing suits, I guess rompers. IDK it bugged me because rompers are just so casual. They didn't need fancy dresses but they could have just worn those outfits they barfed on, those were nicer.
  22. Mady for sure is snotty and mean girlish and while that might not be the best behaviour, I cannot say it is unusual at that age. Teenagers are hormonal and everything is life or death. Even with Mandy talking of the boys finishing last she mostly thought it would be due to the friend driving and Kate knowing the places not that the boys were dumb, she complimented them in being smart. That is different from Kate's sometimes anti-boy attitude. Collin not being there is probably what is best for him. Who knows, maybe he was offered to join and he declined or his doctors said no. While a little has been said about him being in care, from my knowledge his specific care and his condition have not been disclosed. Probably enough was said to stop the speculation on if he was or wasn't on the show. While they could just cancel the show as probably a better option, it does seem they are handling Collin as respectfully as possible considering the show is continuing. I am a parent, most parents I know try to think of new creative, fun parties each year. You never want to do what another kid did without a year or two in between.
  23. The money thing of Scientology seems to be higher than many church's but I know lots of people who are required to provide 10% of their income to the Church. The church asks for tax returns and determines the payments required the following year. If you cannot give 10% there is a lot of pressure put in you and often you may do work for the church. It isn't as extreme as Scientology but my husband's grand parents bankrupted themselves for the Catholic Church. I also am fascinated by the lengths people go to support any type of religious order and how the higher ups force them there. Scientology is especially erroneous in this area and it is in the spotlight because of celebrities.
  24. I like that the show will explore a bit of the celebrity side of Scientology as you know those parishioners are being sold something different than other members and those members can much more easily leave and still don't. Leah is such a hardass that it is surprising how she bought into it all. I have read some books that include the process and I can see how at the early levels it seems more like therapy and improving yourself. But then it gets a bit crazy that it is hard to believe strong willed people continue. ETA my understanding of the "where's Shelley" was that Leah asked that but then sent in one of those papers the parishioners do when they have an ethical dilemma and that is what caused the real problem. All I know is from my reading that Scientology seems like a lot of work, all the auditing and reporting. I am way too lazy for that.
  25. I thought the doctor said she may be legally blind without the surgery?
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