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Everything posted by fountain

  1. It also will take years to really get down in weight and 5-6 seasons is about all that people invest in a reality show with the same people. It gets boring after. I think if Whit really got down to 200-250 she would be able to parlay that into videos, diet plans, books, etc. for obese folks like Richard Simmons did. Fitness is a huge market and people can relate to someone who was where they are. ETA I do watch my small Ana fab life but the title is the real housewives ?
  2. The eating is the main part of this show that bothers me. I really dislike the fact that Whit wants to maintain the illusion and lie that really obese people eat exactly like "skinny" people. It simply isn't true. At least other people in the media like Drew Carey were honest about it. Eating perfect may not get Whit to be really small due to the PCOS but she didn't get to 400lbs eating well-balanced 1600 calories days. And it makes me angry that is the message she still wants to maintain, even though we saw the way she eats cake, we saw the noodle dish, we saw the garbage in her car, etc. If Whit doesn't want to do the work needed to eat well that is fine, just own it.
  3. I think the three pizza apps and the most judgement Whit feels is likely from herself. I am sure she knows she shouldn't eat so much pizza and junk so she hides it. While I don't always manage it, I have come to realize that some foods like ice cream and pizza really can only be treats once a month or so. It is sad to not get to eat whatever you want with no effects but that just happens with things like age and things like PCOS. While life isn't fair, Whit should appreciate some of what she has that others don't. She seems pretty outgoing, which is something that often gives you more opportunities in life. She also has very attractive facial features that many people long for. She also was able to go to college and is educated. On the fairness meter I think she is doing okay. Sure she cannot eat everything and even eating well she probably won't be a size 2 but she doesn't need to be. She needs to not continue to disable herself, be fat and fabulous at 250 as fat and fabulous at 400 and increasing means a more restricted life.
  4. I think Whit could like being fat and still lose weight. She said being fat is her identity and if that is something she wants to keep, focus on getting down to something more manageable like 250 or at the very least stop gaining. She could still then have some "junk in the trunk" and if she does it sooner than later she might not have as much excess skin issues. I do appreciate the no body shame message as I think putting life off until you lose the weight means life will just pass you by.
  5. That really enlightened me to what a real bitch Whitney is. She had no humility a all, she was obnoxious about her "never put Whit in a corner" bravado and she was rude to her daddy who supporting her point that when you are heavy not every health issue will be about weight. This kind of medical bias does happen, I'll give Whit that but it doesn't make the medical community wrong on all health related obesity issues. Her friends all these deer in headlights and WTF faces all through the show. They should have Ray come on and he should say stuff like in the article such as he has a serious girlfriend. The pizza stuff just shows major denial. You weight 400lbs why do you even eat pizza at all, let alone enough times you need to circle the apps. If you really only ate a couple of pieces (which depending on the slice size could be 1000 calories) you really wouldn't feel shame when ordering. The reason you do is that you know you eat too much. I am just so tired of her I eat nothing, nothing I tell you. She wants to be able to eat anything she wants whenever she wants and that just isn't healthy. Even my 7 year-old knows she cannot just eat pizza and candy all the time and she burns it off. Whit is in her early 30s, her body and metabolism just will be going downhill now. I work with someone with PCOS, she has to eat a lot of plain lunches, and treats very sporadically and while she isn't size 0 she is decently fit and maybe a size 12. It is harder for her for sure, I would hate to have to eat so controlled but she does it for her health. She was 100lbs heavier about 8 years ago and she says that her PCOS symptoms such as the excess hair, mood swings, etc. really lessened with weight and food management. I am not sure I will stop watching as I never really cared if people I dislike profit from me watching them on tv. I enjoy the snark too much to care about that. But I am basically watching to see how much worse she will get as I don't think Whit is getting real with the health issue anytime soon.
  6. I do think that Oprah has been really honest and forth coming about her challenges. I do think there is more to it then food and that is why I also included that Whit has resources for therapy. On 600lb life they are often sent to therapy, which would be of benefit if a food addiction is at play. However, Whit has said on many occasions now that she doesn't know how to properly feed herself. Now it is 3 seasons in and not once do I recall any real discussion about diet outside of Glen's containers and Will's photos. We have seen evidence that Whit just eats what she wants. It also seems that when Whit last lost weight she may have starved herself some so she doesn't know anything about moderation. As we have seen first hand Whit eating badly (pizza, cookies, coffees, etc.) I just won't get on board with the fact that calories in calories out won't improve her weight. Sorry but this metabolism stuff cannot be an argument for Whit until she actually eats and stays on a 1600-2000 calorie lifestyle. Sorry, but a lot of people cannot eat things like pizza, cookies and lattes regularly. It is just life. Even if Whit cannot get down below 250lbs due to her PCOS, it doesn't mean she should just give in and be 400lbs.
  7. I too have enjoyed this season mostly because they exposed the junk food. Before there was a lot of "I try so hard but nothing works!" message but the fact is that eating well is 80% of the battle and eating 1 cookie instead of 3 is not eating well and not good enough. I didn't find the dancing that bad. I didn't think they should win or anything but they were better than I had expected and they seemed to have some form (or maybe just Todd did but he lead Whit around decently). The one thing I am tired of with this show is the so much focus on exercise and often the extreme exercises. For example the stairs. Whit can barely walk with this kind of exercise she is just going to twist an ankle or bruise her legs and then be really out. At her size Whit won't heal as easily and she is only getting older too, which as some one in my 40s I can say things are different for me now than in my early 30s. I would prefer they focus on more weight appropriate exercise and build gradually. Whit is so different than many of the people on 600lb life in that she has resources. Many of the people on that show just cannot afford health care and better foods and are just over whelmed financially. Whit can afford a great trainer so she could afford a counsellor to help with her food addiction/depression, dieticians for meal planning and she could probably afford a meal service or chef to help teach her to prepare meals. It is sad that she has so many resources and just cannot improve.
  8. I had really really expected Will to say "but it was a 30 day supply" in response to Whit and I was really shocked when he didn't. I don't see anyway Whit could be satisfied with 1 bar as a meal.
  9. While I am sure a lot of what is on this show is scripted, I do believe that Whit does live off of cookies and sugar coffees. The garbage on the floor I feel is realistic. I also believe Whit truly believes that just eating a chunk from a cookie is doing well ( but I agree with others that there was probably a second cookie). It is exactly like the people in 600lb life that buy 10 items from the drive thru because they are hungry, have to eat and don't want to starve. Until Whit a admits she eats garbage food all day long and eats too much in general she won't be successful.
  10. From what I recall Shannon was more supportive of Vickie and Brooks and seemed to not want to believe there were lies. So I can see how when she finds out she was duped she would be really hurt and angry. The others had all figured out Vickie's game earlier on but Shannon was still supporting/ defending Vickie for quite a while. I would expect her to be the most hurt as she was the most played and manipulated. I had to lol at Vickie being characterized as nice. I cannot even believe the new gal could pull off that line with a straight face.
  11. I find Brianna just as much as a drama queen and a martyr as Vickie. There is no way her pain was an 8-10 when she said that sipping her drink. Maybe it was an 8-10 out of 20. I think as a nurse she should be a bit more realistic about her own medical needs and not exaggerate. I am sure there was a babysitter there off screen so I don't feel too bad for Brianna. Maybe if she wasn't so much a Vickie jr I could sympathize more. I know people with pizza ovens and they use them around once a week. I am sure Heather's kids will eat pizza she just won't so the chef will probably use it more than once a year.
  12. Whit's biggest problem with the food is portion control. Which I generally feel is most overweight people's problem (myself included). The calorie difference between a real serving of fruit loops and that of something like corn flakes isn't really that significant. The sugar is different though so you won't feel as full as long. However, I also feel I would need to add a bit of sugar to corn flakes as I find them bland without it. If Whit just ate one serving and could be full enough I think she could have some of these foods she wants some of the time but she probably eats 3 servings of everything at multiple meals a day. I know that doctors say weight loss is 80/20 diet/exercise but I find for me if I regularly exercise the diet just follows . I am less hungry when I exercise and I crave better for you foods. When I just try to eat better I am less successful and satisfied overall. So for me I see better health results at something like 40/60 or even 30/70 but that is because I stress eat and exercise reduces stress. The healthy and thinnest I am is when I just exercise somewhat intensively everyday. So I think if Whit could workout each day she may see more improvement with diet after all it is hard to drink a fancy coffee before or after exercise without getting sick. Exercise also helps you mentally and over eating disorders are often more about how you fell mentally. I felt bad for Whit with the Lennie stuff. While he doesn't have to be at her beck and call, something does seem off about his behaviour. Years ago when there wasn't instant communication I would see 13 hours as no big deal but if the texts were during non-working awake hours I would expect a quick response just to say "hanging with friends". I feel like after dating a year you would generally just know where each other was most of the time. I for sure would expect a quick "good night" text and I am not a needy person at all.
  13. Some of the worst of Whitney is in the talking heads and they don't seem to be spliced answers. I guess they could be leading questions but I really just think she thinks she is being funny and not mean/rude.
  14. I was most annoyed that Whitney appeared to have a sour face the whole parade. Parades are for laughing and whooping it up if you are in the parade. Even on a scooter she could have been more into enjoying it and if she couldn't she should have sat out. People may have been laughing at her but maybe not as I am not sure how she would know as most parade watchers are there to have fun. In my area people really wouldn't call out an insult at something like a parade with kids, etc. as other bystanders would call them out and tell them to shut it. I could see it at something like a frat party or when an obese person is alone though as assholes prey on that. I sure it is real for some people. Whitney is looking really unhealthy this season. Last year I could buy that she maybe was a healthier morbidly obese but not now. Just because she doesn't have diabetes and has good numbers for other medical tests doesn't mean she is healthy. If your body cannot perform as well as an average person of your age you are unhealthy. If you are 32 years old, skinny and cannot walk a mile and look pasty white you are unhealthy and the same with if you are 375lbs. Whitney is just plain unhealthy and her current weight is a byproduct of all her unhealthy ways (lack of real consistent exercise, very very poor eating habits). I don't think it is fat shaming to comment Whitney is not healthy as her own show indicates it.
  15. I was happy Jose swore when he found the hole as he seemed too mellow up to this point and getting upset or angry seems more real to me. I personally feel that is more the real him and anythime he wanted to be pissed before he turned off the camera. They are all starting to hit some struggles with food. Most seemed like they are nearing the end of their tolerance.
  16. That was a decent episode. To me it felt we actually learned more things about Whitney. She is unemployed but cannot exercise everyday? She admits she knows nothing about food and still believes you eat until full. Boy is she a jealous person. First with still going on about the dance class and punishing the student. Then with the game she must win as she dated Lennie longer. The breadwinner stuff made me lol. So an unemployed person is the breadwinner? Sure there is some tlc money now but it won't be forever. Whit's dad cares about Lennie moving in and being an artist because he doesn't want to support another person.
  17. I thought the fake funeral was a bit much I would have preferred a real intervention with an eating addiction counselor. The funeral didn't have any of the "now this is how we will no longer enable you" stuff of an intervention. Personally I think some of the family/friends need both their own health/fitness help and also need to learn how not to enable Whit. If she needs a pizza she should get it herself! I will admit at the skiing I felt bad for Whit. There was a concern in her voice I have never heard on the show before, it was a moment where she wasn't "on" and she seemed real. I am sure her real self is scared as hell of staying fat but she does put on a "let's make it a joke" front. It would be nice if she were real more often.
  18. I used to like Janelle and would take her "side" over Meri but at the end of last season and this season just aren't showing a good side of Janelle. This week they went to therapist and talked about the project with Thanksgiving. I don't know why Janelle gets so upset that someone else takes over as she doesn't seem to participate at all, she is just so annoyingly passive, sorry but of course you come to a braining storming meeting with full on ideas/samples like Meri did. How useful is a meeting where you don't prepare?. Sorry but in life others will take the lead if you don't and if she wants to be a follower that is fine just don't complain that others took over it is because you just don't take initiative or participate. I used to think Janelle was probably the one that worked hard but now I can see in her personality she is no way a leader so I don't think she would have had that much career success as she cannot decide and take control of anything. The bloom is off the rose for me there and I can see more of Meri's side in the whole "kitchen fighting" thing. Now Christine is great, I am not sure why Kody seems to like other wives better as she is the best looking, the most smiley and seems to be the most fun out of the four of them.
  19. I am surprised the dance-a-thon was such intense dancing for a lot of what we saw on tv. Even fit people would have a hard time moving that way the whole time without training. When Whit was getting all tired I wondered why she didn't just slow down and pace herself more, part of her issue was that she went full out at the beginning. I think better planning for the sponsors would have been to have a dance 30 minutes, break 15-20 minutes, dance, break, etc. Then people could visit the booths, not get too tired, etc. Seriously, no one has fun when people are puking!
  20. I think setting a goal of 160lbs is probably so daunting for Whit that I don't see how that can be motivating. You lose weight and get healthy little steps at a time and every pound would help her health she would be better off focusing on small achievable goals and accumulate them over time. In some ways she has completed some goals, she just isn't increasing her expectations of herself. For example, when her friend was talking about the bike riding and he said something like "just getting on the bike cannot continue to be your goal" so Whit isn't pushing herself a little bit more each day/week/month/year. As others mentioned it would be interesting to see her diet as when we found out about the "coffee" that explained a lot of calories. We all often lie to ourselves about how many calories are in things, I know I can do that myself as portions are way way way smaller than I think in my head so I have to measure these days. Yeah, it sucks not to be able to eat everything you want when you want it but lots of us just have to be realistic about that and think of treats as a once in a while thing, not an everyday thing.
  21. I think because my friend suffers from depression so her doctor doesn't want to pile on anything else. IDK though as I don't go to the appointments with my friend. She says her doctor never requested she exercise for her depression either (as exercise does help). I might be being fed a line of BS though so that is why I try not to discuss it at all now with her. On to the show - Whit's hair looks better as it has thinned due to the PCOS so the long hair needed so much management (hairpieces, etc.) to make it look decent. The shorter hair looks fuller and healthier. I am interested in seeing what will happen next week as it does seem she will actually go to the hospital.
  22. For some reason and I am not sure why I like Whitney. I am concerned that she always has to do these crazy workout things like the dance-a-thon instead of just working out a regular amount everyday. It is nice to see buddy and the family discussing that being healthy and fat cannot be true at all weights and I do agree. Healthy maybe at 250 (probably closer to 200) but for sure not at 350. I have an overweight friend not as big as Whit and she is always saying her health numbers are fine and she wished the doctor told her that she needed to lose weight as that would be motivation. I just don't say anything as in my friend's case also I think she likes part of being overweight as her boyfriend likes large girls.
  23. I can see the point of the quiet concentration during labour. Without meds you really need to focus to not let the pain take hold of your mental state. So I get what Robin's mom was getting at and screaming can tense you up. If it works for Robyn, great, since she has delivered 5 without drugs. I admit I laboured quietly, when I said "okay really for my epidural now the nurse said I didn't need one yet since I didn't scream at all (but after some arguing about it, it was ordered). Kody was most annoying in the talking heads with the "this is how you push". With Robyn in labour he wasn't that bad. It was funny the conversation about Kody always being there and a great coach when on camera he wasn't even at the hospital the whole time for Christine's L&D for Truly.
  24. I find the reporter really annoying. It is like he doesn't take the risk seriously or maybe I don't get what telling people how to get out serves, just spread the virus to everyone in the world? Then to send that kid in to video his sick friends and not care about the risk of spreading it even more? When he said to Lex his friends are sick, I was surprised that Lex didn't say "when they are dead then" as it was like the guy thought they should be removed for treatment, it is 100% fatal! The which side of this are you on??? I don't get it, are you a hero if you start riots and get more people killed, will the reporter only be happy when everyone is dead? I don;t really see how we are supposed to "side" with the reporter, he seems to be making things worse. I don't really see why all these people need so much food? Don't they have food in their homes? I can see the people like Jana who are stuck at work but it has only been a few days! I would hope there would be more military and government support. Seriously, 11 cops? Sorry if you don't want to help because you are the outside the cordon, so I guess then you quit your job? Onto the masks, etc. Come on people protect yourselves. Kid who wants no harm to his baby wear a mask and a hood or something. What if the friends had still been alive and attacked you or sneezed on you? The reporter should have been messaging people to take more precautions that it may be worse than it seems so STAY HOME and get sick people quarantined. If his friends had done that they might be alive and well. Their filming and snooping so close to the ill got them sick.
  25. With an experiment like this I feel the participants are required to try to build a relationship, regardless of initial attraction, it is the contract they signed. While maybe David was annoying and needy, it seemed like Ashley didn't try at all because she wasn't attracted to him and that isn't really fair. Obviously, she was a poor fit for the experiment as she couldn't put aside her attraction feelings and just participate with David in any way really at all. I do find that hard to understand and support as I personally would be able to at least try to get to know the person. I think being repulsed by any of the people on the show, men or women would be a reaching statement as no one looked like they smelled or anything, not everyone was conventionally hot but no one should turn your stomach. If you are that particular bout looks then they shouldn't have even applied for the show. Personally, I find the experiment a bit weird in the sense that I would think one would force themselves to do some things because they are married, even if strangers. Like kiss, why wouldn't you just kiss and see what it is like? Sleep in the same bed, why not just go for it? I mean people knew they were marrying strangers you have to force yourself to get to know the person and see where it goes. I guess the show cannot force them but you think participants would be more open minded.
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