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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Didn't we see Ashley and Michael renegotiate their financial arrangement during one of their on-camera talks? Ashley specified several reasons for doing it.
  2. Interestingly, anyone can get a one-hour video consult with her for $2000. https://www.theexpert.com/expert/leanneford I understand she lives part-time in LA. Perhaps her husband works in production. Her website and camera presence have that LA-professional flair.
  3. Production seems complicit in deleting the footage. Surely their attorneys would have preferred they preserve it, unless they were determined to protect law enforcement. When I was a reporter, we would never have deleted this kind of thing.
  4. I can't stand him. Mopey Martyr Seal, badly acted. I binged the last three episodes last night. The show has devolved into "telling not showing" and predictability. At this point, my only interest is the missions, Davis' career, and seeing Cerebrus. And I see toupees creeping in.
  5. Maybe Erin and Ben have run out of people who want complete restoration. I did not own a winter coat until I moved away from the Deep South. Our homes never had coat closets. My old, small Craftsman doesn't have one, either, and I use a plain, antique wardrobe tucked into a corner of my living room. I had a carpenter build a slender broom/mop closet in a kitchen niche, complete with ventilation grids. It can be done. Several of the restoration/flipper show hosts have warehouses where they stash stuff they've saved and they re-use it. Nicole in Detroit, the Boise guys, and Erin and Ben. I'm glad the salvaging movement has taken off where I live. Where I once faced a charming old Craftsman across the street, I now face its replacement - a monstrous three-story modern cube in garish colors. But the developer stripped out and saved the Craftsman's hardwood floors and trim before demolishing the house.
  6. My county doesn't allow basement stoves for safety reasons. It's a code violation. I like N&J's design aesthetic. The others seem to be trying to design to catch production's eye? Not for real life.
  7. I'm giving preliminary side eye to Coach. He had to know or suspect that Jen's outrageous spending was being financed by shady schemes. It's common sense. His on-camera persona seemed fake and exaggerated to me. There's no indication that his financial situation could support Jen's lifestyle. The inexpensive home supports my suspicions. Given her bizarre behavior, and now this, I suspect he can't wait to get rid of her. He'll throw her under the bus in a hot minute if the feds come for him.
  8. Long before the allegations, I thought Woody Allen was weird and Mia Farrow was disturbed (because she collected children). While nannies and house keepers can handle the babysitting and chores, no one can effectively give enough parental attention to 14 children, especially little ones and special needs kids. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing the actual photos of Soon Yi in the media. Wasn't she perched spread-eagled on a fireplace mantel? Or maybe I'm remembering another pervert's news story. I believe Dylan. The video of Allen clutching her while she wiggles, then succumbs, staring stiffly into a camera, horrified me. It spoke volumes. He may have groomed Soon Yi. It's also possible that she actively sought his attention and did not suffer because of it. I say that because some children emerge from severe poverty, neglect and abuse as budding sociopaths. She may have had a great drive toward wealth and security. I agree with another poster's speculation that Allen used her to spin his narrative - vindictive Mia, the Soon Yi scandal deflected from Dylan. The two of them may have made an undeclared pact. But for years I've thought about the safety of their two adopted children. Are they adults now? I'm pretty sure Woody was financing Mia during their years together. Didn't he briefly reference paying for the children's schools and such? I feel like Mia is making excuses for not intervening earlier than she did, and for justifying her response to the warning signs she clearly saw. While I believe that Allen dominated her, gaslighted her, held the power, etc., I found myself angry at her on-camera excuses. I thought she was dependent on Allen for money and for work. Why did she stick with a guy who had to go to a psychologist to learn how not to smother Dylan? She's spinning the narrative. I do think she feels remorse and guilt now. My close family member was a teacher at public and private schools for 30 years. The number of incidents where parents mistreated their kids, or allowed a partner to do so, and denied or made excuses, is astounding. Everyone from recent, impoverished immigrants to wealthy, powerful members of national government. To be clear: I believe Allen abused Dylan exactly as she (and others) described. I don't blame Mia for Allen's abusive transgressions. I'm glad Dylan is getting some measure of justice and vindication. I thank the Creator that the judge was apparently horrified by what was going on and denied Allen custody and visitation. That decision saved Dylan. ETA: Surely Ronan has quietly had his DNA tested for parentage?
  9. Brandi is a very angry, childish person. The anger comes from her lousy marriage, and the childishness is plain old redneck meanness. She's trying to gaslight everyone -Tiffany and the viewing public - with the "poor me" and "I love Jesus" bullshit. Everything she does is meant to poke the bear, while hiding behind her soft voice and fake sincerity.
  10. This was like the old Intervention, before the participants began trying to use the show for attention. Ken must have used up a entire year's worth of adrenaline chasing those folks around. He really found his calling. Dawn is in the hall of fame with the mother who accused her daughter of stealing the mom's boyfriends (while a child) and No Left Turn Linda. Anyone remember the alcoholic cheese-and-crackers parents, who if I recall correctly were also Mormon? They wouldn't swear ("cheese and crackers") but it was OK to abandon their children and drink their lives away. I"m not picking on Mormons. Having grown up in the extremely religious Deep South, I've seen my share of bizarre family dysfunction.
  11. I took care of someone with dementia (not Alzheimers - there are many kinds). He would have sudden, shocking losses of cognitive functioning (couldn't remember how to use a phone, near-inability to speak, getting lost, delusions, etc.), and with therapy he would fully recover. Until he didn't. Another family member did have Alzheimers, and she functioned, including driving, during her lucid periods. I can see Tom veering from capable to non-functional multiple times.
  12. They are all so ANIMATED.ALL.THE.TIME. Annoying as hell. And the host's blonde side piece bouncing around in her ponytail emitting worthless commentary. Ugh. If he has to contribute something intelligent he is completely lost. His 15 minutes are long expired.
  13. The only reason Kathryn wants custody is for financial gain and to use the children as PR props. FAS? She is trash.
  14. I've heard of people disconnecting the knob and tube systems but leaving it in the walls rather than spend the labor to strip it out. I don't know if that's safe though.
  15. She didn't save the Tudor (I initially typed Turdor) or rescue a botched reno - she renovated the kitchen. I so admire Nicole's drive and restoration mission, but her personality grates. It's not that she's a strong directive woman. It's that she borders on mean. I hate when she snidely takes pot shots at someone else's decorating choices - the peach paint, for example. It's rude. What do the poor neighbors think when she and her crew are making a racket at 1am while the neighbors are trying to sleep? In my neighborhood the police shut that kind of noisy nonsense down. I'm still waiting for Nicole, or another reno show, to deal with asbestos, tube and knob, AC, etc.
  16. Stephanie stated that as a social worker she handled "unwed mothers" (a gross, hopelessly out of date term). When Bruin arrived in a previous season, Stephanie said she helped facilitate the adoption. I've figured all along that Bruin is the son of Brandi's husband and that Stephanie knows and was involved in the transactions. Where is Brandi going to go? She has no job skills and is saddled with four little kids. Stephanie and Travis will side with Brandi's husband if there is a divorce. Both women follow the money.
  17. I loved this restoration because they didn't tear out all of the walls, didn't paint everything white, didn't bring in all 2021 design. Clearly waking up each day and seeing her mother's things is very important to the homeowner. (Who is a realtor BTW) Those rowhouses might be gone if they were free-standing homes, given the propensity to tear everything down all over America. Or perhaps that neighborhood is protected. This is among my favorite renovation shows. Steve and Leeann are the anti-HGTV-bimbos that are being jammed down our throats.
  18. Binged this over a week and, after a slow start during which I considered abandoning the series, I enjoyed it. I remember the women in my family wearing those clothes. And the cars and home decor. And the Twiggy eye makeup! From the moment she appeared on the screen, "Jolene" caught my attention. Looking forward to more work from this fine actress. I think I remember Benny from "Hustle and Flow." I didn't like the Mary Tyler Moore ending, with Beth striding through Moscow to play chess with the old geezers (who seemed to be real folks). I would have been content with her enjoying her win and heading toward the airport.
  19. So who are the "spouses?" Obviously Erika, but are any previous Girardi wives getting settlement money, perhaps as alimoney? And perhaps the spouses of other Girardi law firm attorneys? Isn't Tom's son or another relative trying to separate from being involved in the business? When I read about that, it sounded like desperate scrambling to avoid accountability.
  20. Methinks Angel's artful ideas are wearing a bit thin with Dick. He almost always gives her an exasperated reaction, and then does it. Is he in his 60s? I worry that he's doing too much, even though he appears to be strong as an ox. I also wonder about their finances. We never see regular housekeeping and maintenance staff, yet no way are Dick and Angela doing all of that themselves. Are there/were there part-time nannies? Do they support her parents? And Dick has a previous family.They stated in earlier episodes that they weren't breaking even on the events business. Perhaps the TV series is keeping them afloat.
  21. Wasn't Jon entitled to know Collin's whereabouts? Methinks Jon didn't look too hard. He's an asshole, just like Kate.
  22. Yes. I can't watch this show any longer. The stupidity over finances, the pandemic, the crass wedding of the hosebeast sister... Lexi needs therapy STAT, followed by a plan to separate from this life-sucking situation and establish some boundaries. I don't think she's confident enough to do this yet. Something tells me there isn't much money. I don't know if Mike could have carried life insurance, given his smoking and obesity. It looks as if they spent every penny they all earned.
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