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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. And copious amounts of junk food. And trashy novels.
  2. So, Bravo made money off of Dorinda's obnoxious behavior for years, and now it's not OK and they are leaking stories to make themselves sound noble for firing her? She's certainly a liability, but they don't care about apologies and her owning up to her behavior to other cast members. They want to refresh the franchise and bring in younger cast members. They'll keep Luann, Leah, and probably Sonja because they believe viewers will keep tuning in to watch them.
  3. I saw a blind item yesterday that says Ramona is next - that the news will be announced today.
  4. I've felt all along that Chris is an old-timey southern chauvinist. I think he withholds nanny care in order to force Monique to mother the children the old-fashioned way. He controls Monique.
  5. Unless there's inherited wealth, Candiace's parents are solidly middle class. Her father was/is a military physician. I assume the "trust fund" is simply a routine, garden-variety revocable trust, which many middle-class folks use to provide for themselves and their beneficiaries. You place all of your assets in it (savings, pension, home) and then you can do whatever you want with those assets during your lifetime. If there's anything left when you leave this mortal coil, it goes to your beneficiaries. It's highly recommended by estate planners and you don't need to be rich to do it.
  6. My understanding is that WQ is no longer on the forums.
  7. It's the clumsy, transparent producer manipulations, complete with bad acting (Erika specializes in the downcast eyes), that is driving me away (again). Also, Denise in her THs with the animal print is baked out of her mind.
  8. Ramona's an asshole. I kind of love that Dorinda is turning Ramona's fake TV crying back on her. Ramona poops on the floor, then runs to the bathroom while carefully exposing the top of one breast, flashing a come-hither glance at the camera. And I would give anything to have seen a thought bubble over her psychologist's head as she flounced and vamped on his couch.
  9. I think the reason the new chef freaked out was that he thought he would get special treatment. Then he encountered production's typical shenanigans (no oyster shucker) and realized he was being set up to appear incompetent. I suspect Hannah did take Valium. I have questioned whether her panic attacks are real, but if they are, and if she planned for this to be her last season, she probably threw all caution to the wind.
  10. Yes. She ruined what little reality illusion there was with her "acting."
  11. I think that was Will Patton playing Jamie's father. I'm distracted by the wigs on this show. Wes Bently has beautiful hair, but I couldn't get past the puffy helmet look as he stood in the sun. I agree about the women's gratuitous nudity. And plunging necklines.
  12. Restaurant = real reason Gizelle and Jamal are back together. Good exposure. Gizelle went to the same mothering school as Kandi Burrus and Lisa Rinna. Put your daughters' pain on TV for dollars. And her decision to reunite with Jamal is mind-boggling. She has lost her soul. One of the shops featured tonight, Lemoncello, is in one of my fave little shopping centers in Arlington. The best wine shop is also there, as is a pastry shop. It won't be long before Candiace will be staggering under the combined weight of the hair, lashes and makeup.
  13. Lu's elegant smoky blue sleeveless top and black trousers were divine. Sonja attended the Kardashian school of face-shading. Her baking and shading in her THs look like clown makeup. I saw her briefly on WWHL and she look as if she smeared on gray powder everywhere. And I think she's been lifted. Mexico's off-beaten tracks are SO beautiful. I miss it.
  14. Saw portions of Alexander Rodgers Youtube tidbit on the mystery gossip about Monique. He was describing a podcast he listened to - I didn't hear the details about who was on it. Apparently a former friend of Monique's told Candiace some nasty comments about Monique's miscarriage - which was featured heavily in a previous season - and claimed that a trainer fathered Chase. Candiace told Gizelle and Charisse, and they all plotted how to use the info to attack Monique. Very foul behavior.
  15. Malia is Sandy 2.0. She's angling for her own ship and show. We're looking at next season's crew - Sandy, Malia, Bugsy as chief stew, and Tom as chef. All carefully planned by production. We are seeing the dress rehearsal. I'm glad Hannah is gone, but no one deserves having their professional reputation attacked unfairly on national TV. I think Kiko was one step ahead of production's plans to fire him. You could see him announce his quitting and take Sandy by surprise. Her pea brain struggled to control the narrative during that weird conversation they had in the galley. Having lost control of that narrative, I think she was slightly chagrined at how she knew she would be portrayed in the episodes. She tried to justify her behavior but her typical preachy fervor wasn't there. You're not as clever as you think you are, Sandy.
  16. I watched several episodes of the new season last night, and when I woke up this morning I noticed the absence of a lot of brain cells. "Girls! They've discovered that silicone implants cause cancer!" "Ooh, mine are silicone!" "So are mine!" Giggles abound. The text was foul, but no way Crishelle was blindsided. She herself said that Justin threatened to leave every time they fought. She'll milk this until the cows come home. This is, after all, a former soap star. I do love Crishelle's fashion. Actually, I like Mary's and Davinia's as well. Mary has the most bizarre body movements, She's constantly jerking her head around and opening her eyes as wide as they will go. I loved her hair before; now she's ruined it with that platinum bob. And her makeup in her THs resembles The Joker. Now that this is no longer a reality TV show about LA real estate, I'm curious as to whether the Oppenheim business grew significantly after last year's season. Or how many of these women put away savings for hard times (pandemic). Are Christine and her husband pitching for their own real estate show?
  17. Agree that the ending was a cop out. And I can't stand Witherspoon's acting mannerisms. However, the show grew on me after my doubts during the first episode. Everyone frantically throwing everyone else under the bus was hilarious. MVPs - Duplass, Pittman, Hayden. Crudup is an underappreciated actor, but in this he took the all-knowing wise guy schtick too far. There were no nuances. Anniston also has annoying mannerisms - in this case the non-stop gasps, throat-clearing, hand to belly, etc. - and as others have said she and Witherspoon veered into madcap comedy territory in some scenes. But I think Anniston did good work here. As she and Witherspoon took the network down on live TV, all I could think about was the great movie "Network." Also, I've worked in several industries, and TV news is the one where I've personally known three suicides, including a dear friend. It's an inhuman business.
  18. In my day it was Big Mama, Big Daddy, Memaw and Pawpaw. More formal families used Grandmuthah and Grandfathah (no pronunciation of the "r".) And we said "Aint" for "Aunt," as in Aint Betty.
  19. I used to watch Alexander on YouTube. But his shade crossed over to viciousness (which I think is him projecting his own failed entertainment career onto anyone who has success), and now he just seems high all of the time and he babbles.
  20. I'm struggling with yet another series that exploits women. They do have Mississippi nailed. And the cheer/dance culture is big with young girls in the South. The club owner is trying to channel the late, great Nelsan Ellis as True Blood's Lafayette. His acting is unreliable. When I saw the redheaded plantation owners, my mind went to the Tarleton twins in Gone With the Wind. It looks like Hailey's child drowned in a flood in Houston, and she's fleeing an abusive partner. She's got PTSD I guess. She found multiple IDs after the flood and is using the one of a woman who is not reported dead (or perhaps it's the other way around). She called FEMA to inquire after known flood deaths, and they don't have a death reported for Trevonious (SP?), who is apparently her abuser. So she'll have to constantly look over her shoulder, especially if she becomes famous and her image is advertised.
  21. The "Washington Post" featured Denise in a lengthy interview published July 25. She says no affair with Brandi, she and Charlie are in a good place, Aaron and Charlie get along, and she'll return to Housewives if it makes sense. She's eyeing property in Montana. I don't know if everyone can access the link, but here it is: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/denise-richards-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/2020/07/22/ae05d542-c7ad-11ea-a99f-3bbdffb1af38_story.html
  22. I worked in this world years ago. While the egos are indeed huge, the two leads seemed to have gotten lost and wandered onto a Ryan Murphy set. All that screeching and melodramatics from two supposed experienced professionals. Extremely disappointed.
  23. So true. And in my neighborhood of narrow lots, they often leave the front facade and sometimes the side walls that don't meet modern set-back codes but that can be kept and grandfathered in.
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