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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. It's OK to not like tattoos. It's not OK to judge people who have them. And calling out women who have them and labeling those women trashy, vs. men, is sexist. The women will drag the new one because she's younger and beautiful. Gotta take down the competition. I love Dorinda's hair. Better than the overly bleached look she sported. Based on my own friend/family group, I think Dorinda may be suffering from menopause. It's politically incorrect to say so, but in these no-hormones days some women suffer extreme, uncontrollable mood swings. My friend said that she had angry outbursts, even at work, that she could not control. I saw her do it. She would lecture herself and then it would happen again. Eventually she went on meds. Combined with her loss of extreme wealth and a husband who did everything for her, Dorinda's in a bad place. Add booze and a flooded property, and she's gone over the edge. It's ugly to see.
  2. Sam may buy a NOLA house and visit it while keeping her primary residence in LA. She wouldn't take the kids out of their schools and friend circles, and she has to be in LA to work steadily. I think the only question is whether she'd buy a place big enough to hold her family, or just a small place for herself. My relative's NOLA home has a little guest house in the back where she stays when she visits, and she has tenants in the main house. I too was startled by how much makeup the little one was wearing. And I want the middle one's curls. My mom would have killed me. In my day we did everything we could to keep the parents in the dark. These most recent episodes have indeed been lighter. Have Sam's grunts, barks and other random odd sounds become more pronounced?
  3. And the clumsy, transparent self-promotion begins. She needs a good copy editor. I do think she did more than just polish glasses. The editors are choosing to show only that.
  4. There was a trend for a while where Christians would say "On my gah" instead of "On my God." Drove me nuts. Just say "Oh my gosh" and be done with it.
  5. I've been binging as FiOS is offering Showtime free in April (due to pandemic). Usually I have to wait awhile to watch the latest season. The middle episodes were fantastic and kept me up late into the night. Too bad the writers felt they had to try to make a great show better, using obvious and implausible events to sustain our interest. That's not great script writing, that's cheap tricks. Saul is one of my favorite TV characters ever, specifically as played by MP.
  6. I looked up the maitre d' - he's an actor from the midwest. 😁 My relatives are medical professionals down there (EMT, nurse, PA) and they are working around the clock.
  7. Maybe time to spring a few leaks? I'd forgotten to mention that they aren't talking to each designer in each episode. This astounds me. No, wait, Heidi, Tim and Naomi need their camera time. Also, when Nicole walked out in the first episode in that flaming red gown I gasped. That red against her olive skin and golden eyes was stunning.
  8. I'm with you Corgi-ears. I was nearly in tears at how they treated Troy, and the juxtaposition of his struggle vs. their privilege. Add in the hypocrisy of Naomi's long history of notoriously antisocial behavior and this treatment was foul. Also, they are trying to get the judges to "act" during their discussions and it's embarrassing. While admiring her for the original development of the concept for PR, I've always suspected that Heidi is a mean girl. I don't mind the lack of drama, as I've always watched these kinds of shows "just for the fashion." Get rid of the painfully awkward H&T scripted segments and show us at least a glimpse at the seamstresses, the models' stories, and more design, with the designers explaining what they are doing. And for the love of God, stop with the stoopid day-long challenges. Dump the H&T segments and spend that production money on longer challenges. I want to see glorious fashion, beautifully done, even if it's so Amazon can sell cheaply-produced copies.
  9. Their critique made me sad for them. They seem like sweet guys. Heidi and Naomi are turning up the nastiness and I hate seeing nice people demeaned, especially for ratings. Likewise hate the demeaning "sing desperately for your supper" environment. Like the designers are performing circus monkeys. I admire that Josh held onto his dignity. I did love BeBe and Papi's collection. The aubergine was an appealing, elegant way to bring color to black.
  10. So many shows get New Orleans and southern accents wrong. This episode was so-so in that regard. I assume the restaurant was Commander's Palace, where there is a dress code. The maitre d's accent was bad. He was going for old-time southern aristocrat, like one would hear in Alabama or Mississippi, for example. (Think the late Shelby Foote in PBS' "The Civil War.") I share everyone's frustration with Sam's daughters. But I think it's realistic. I see the same entitlement and bad manners among the privileged in the DC area and NYC and, yes, New Orleans. In my opinion the parents get annoyed and roll their eyes, but actually are kind of pleased and smug about it. What I like most about this show is seeing Sam's struggles with aging and scenes from her career. They are relatable.
  11. Amazing how my parents somehow managed big parties in modest houses, not to mention what I pulled off in my first little studio apartment.
  12. Anisha, Vishal and Amrit (sp?) are locked in a friendship/lover power struggle. The prize? Vishal. Added factors: Does Vishal prefer women or men, is Anisha interested in Vishal romantically, and is Amrit attracted to Vishal? Irritation: Bali trying to ram her way into the dynamic. Was there an actual fire tower at Fire Tower? Loved seeing the clothes and the floor "paintings." Love the relationship between the divorced dad and daughter. This show makes me think about multi-generation families living together. I have friends back home who established family compounds - land is affordable as are multiple modest homes on the compound (and in one case, a nice trailer). When I was young my extended family lived very close together and had regular meals together, looked after each other's kids, and generally helped each other out. Although I left home after college, I always missed that.
  13. These are my perspectives too. Take out all of the useless commentary and give us more of the finale collection process. Tan gets on my last nerve - he's just ON all the time. Very precious. Alexa was required to be silly too, but she brought a bit of informed commentary to the show. The three-day collection scenario was annoying in the extreme. I think there were at least a dozen comments from the hosts and designers about finishing on time. Stop dumbing down the show to the viewers. I think the right person won. I would not wear Minju's fashion (I'm too old) but she truly has an innovative style. Her collection was fun to watch. Daniel's work is beautiful and I hope his business continues to grow in response to being on the show. His pale blue silk trousers and navy sleeveless top were among my favorite looks of the season. Since the competition required a wedding dress, he was at a disadvantage. He's a menswear designer and his design vision is not for bridal. Didn't miss sob stories or designer squabbling at. all. Didn't miss seeing their living space. I just wanna see design, dammit.
  14. Erin treats Ben like crap. I stopped counting how many times she interrupts him and finishes his sentences.
  15. I think we saw Stefanie in a couple of episodes. I seem to recall her helping with demo.
  16. Started binging over the weekend and got to episode five. The designers who don't know each other are at a real disadvantage. Looks like producers think we all watch for scripted quips and gags. Ugh. I appreciate the use of both genders for models but agree that the dudes have perfect healthy bodies while the women range from too thin to healthy to obese. I like seeing the wide range in aesthetics but don't see any attractive clothes. However the camel suit was divine. Not familiar with Tan's TV work until now (I refused to watch Queer Eye redux). But he seems especially superficial and camera-hungry. His comments are based on his own personal preferences vs. having a more open mind, or he settles for an "I agree." There doesn't seem to be much thought there. It's as if he loves to buy and wear clothes but isn't open-minded about fashion's variety.
  17. I like the use of seamstresses, talented designers, and the location. I don't always love Tim's behavior, but I'm glad to see him again. I like his quiet reticent feedback to the designers. However, he's coming off as Heidi's sycophant. Some of the review comments were unnecessarily mean and very high-school clique. I'm surprised to see Naomi, given her well-known disturbing behavior. And I'm just flat out embarrassed at Heidi's manic shenanigans. Someone please hose her down.
  18. Being old enough to have seen 'em all in use, over time, I've always known regular drug users who are smug and precious. There's a growing undercurrent of that in the show that ruined it for me. My friend who used marijuana during chemo declared it a sanity-saver (no nausea). Another friend with life-long mental illness believes it helped her maintain her ability to function when prescription drugs failed. I can see the science case there. But two friends who have smoked daily since college are living in their mothers' spare rooms. I see avoidance and crutch there. And Willie Nelson can barely breathe (don't know if he smoked cigarettes his whole life). In the end, I question the wisdom of bathing one's lungs in any substance over a life time.
  19. I feel the same way about DC. Political workers and elected officials rarely look and behave the way they are portrayed on TV (clothes, hair, how they talk, etc.).
  20. I like open concept but am keeping my walls in my old home. We use the formal dining room often. The fireplace treatment and wood hood range screamed "cheap." The only think I liked was the new divider rail. I love that particular industrial style. I took down some cabinets in my small dark kitchen but only because I knew we wouldn't use them. The previous owner who a big family had put tops and bottoms on every wall surface
  21. Vishal seems to be trying to limit what private information is revealed to the cameras. I think his parents also have been a bit cryptic. Perhaps he feels Anisha is chasing him for camera time.
  22. I was thinking public release of privately-shared health info. I have wondered since this brouhaha was first reported in the media months ago. My distant relative worked in a rehab facility and stupidly gossiped via email to family that another distant relative had been a patient there, disclosing some of the medical details. The gossip lost the job and was sued by the patient. There was a settlement but I don't know the details. Of course Reza is not a health professional.
  23. Is Bethanny trying to profiteer while at the same time spinning it as charity? On a related note, there is a blind item from earlier in the year that states that Bethanny has money problems. It was blind and now it has been updated to name her. ETA: I do not find B Strong listed in Charity Navigator.
  24. When my family member, a PA, heard about Bethanny buying up a lot of masks, she was livid. Bethanny bought up supplies that hospitals are desperately trying to get. Whether we like it or not, there has to be priority distribution when there aren't enough supplies to go around. Once again, it's all about Bethanny's craving for approval and attention. Asshole.
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