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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. So that was Peter Berg, the series director, in a cameo as the dead gas station attendant. I remember him from his soap opera acting days. Maybe Christine is pregnant by Wayne? And Wayne thinks he is a messiah and the baby will be a holy child who will save the world? The teenagers joking and snarking may be realistic in the real world, but it's strangely discordant juxtaposed against everyone else in the series. I guess we're supposed to wonder whether Scott Glenn is psychotic or actually hearing the voices of a force that caused the events of the 14th. And he is a kind of oracle.
  2. SunnyBeBe, I posted under the July 2 episode that many arctic natives receive oil and gas royalties. It's a fairly recent phenomenon - over the past couple decades. These are royalties based on tribal treaties and resources, not to be confused with the relatively small annual benefit that Alaskan citizens receive.
  3. I'm officially in love with Sue. She's having so much fun and getting so much done with her new vehicle. She's the antithesis of those vapid, spoiled, willfully-ignorant housewives, and thank god for that. There's something off about Chip. Whereas the series' other participants tend to talk about all kinds of stuff, Chip mostly talks about what he can get from the land and the animals. We see him doing chores at times, but he strikes me as a freeloader and entitled. (Yes, I know about the natives' sole rights to certain hunting and fishing privileges that limit his rights. That doesn't explain his behavior.) I want Chip to shut up so I can hear his wife talk; I'm way more interested in her. He's constantly telling her what to do and how to do it, when she's clearly very skilled and capable. How do these folks get their fiber? All we see them eat during the cold months is meat. Some of the arctic villages have become very wealthy from mineral resources, such as oil and gas. One of the villages I have worked with has gone from poverty-sticken to wealth in a couple decades. I wonder if Agnes receives substantial royalties. The Washington Post had an interesting story about a special congressional budget earmark where the U.S. Postal Service is subsidized (by taxpayers) to fly in goods to Alaska. Without it remote Alaskans would not be able to afford the transportation costs for some of the goods they receive, such as groceries (Diet Coke!) in the remote villages. The cost is a drop in the bucket comparied to the rest of USPS' budget, but there are some who are criticizing it and trying to end the arrangement because the postal service is in trouble financially.
  4. The drama is ruining the series. I tune in to watch happy, silly rednecks emitting pithy catch phrases. (Murray is great at this, only he gets overshadowed by everybody else.) I also don't enjoy obnoxious drunks over and over. One of my least favorite things about religious southerners is their tendency to blame Satan for their own idiotic behavior. Lil Bit has a nice little scam going; apparently everyone but Mattie is falling for her religious/sexy/victim persona. Or they are waiting to see who calls her out first. And her mama has Lil Bit thinking she's a prize catch. I'm not seein' it. Lil Bit care barely restrain herself from hopping into bed with Daddy. The other blonde one whose name escapes me has made a few comments that indicate some of these people live near each other, or see each other, when they're not in production. (Taylor is Lil Bit's real name.) I'm curious as to whether any of them knew each other before original production began.
  5. I'll keep watching because of the rare chance to see these legends work together, but I didn't adore the pilot. I assume the 70s-sitcom feel was by design. And I generally hate sitcoms, so this could be tough going for me.
  6. I liked the first episode. Reminded me a bit of the French Revenant series, except this was breakneck speed compared to the French series. But the constant smoking drove me nuts - why couldn't they be constantly dancing or reading or eating or praying or something. I thought some of the acting was very good. I don't get Justin Theroux, but so far he's great in this. I agree with the orange make-up. The woman who didn't care that her dog was killed looked like she was wearing old Max Factor pancake foundation, as did Amy Brenneman and a few others. What is it with the stags? Hannibal, and now this. I probably shouldn't try to figure out the purpose of the white-clothed GRs, but maybe they are there to torment the "bad" people who didn't get taken up to heaven (assuming those that were taken were "good" people - I haven't read the book). Loved seeing Congressman "Buddy Garrity" once again.
  7. Lil Bit got caught playing two guys at once. Now she's playing the victim to try to get out of it and keep the new wannabe country singer. She needed a dose of humility, because she's always been so full of herself. I've enjoyed Murray, but now with that mess on his head he's trying too hard. It's always hard to try to recapture magical moments, like the great chemistry this group had their first time together. Some of the cast have already moved on and some have changed, and they are already starting to act for the cameras and go through the motions. I'm pretty sure Boudreaux and Daddy are going to end their lives as bloated drunks.
  8. Maybe it was the long hiatus between seasons, but thus far this season isn't captivating me like the first season did. A lot of viewer momentum was lost for me. I don't know if I can keep watching if the actress who plays Amantha keeps chewing the scenery every.time.she's.on.screen. That's not acting - that's screeching. I'm already FFing through her scenes. It's a very one-note and unrealistic performance. The actors who play the parents, brother and sister-in-law are doing a much better job. I'm interested in how Teddy and Tawney will be changed by the experience of being related to Daniel. Physically, they look like small-town southerners, although their house seems too big for a guy who's a partner in a struggling tire shop. To answer Fisher King's question: I do think Jared is curious about Daniel's role in the murder, and that's why he's listening to Daniel's old Walkman and tapes. If I recall correctly from season one, Jared found a mix tape or something that the dead gir's voice is on, and that's what he was listening to when Teddy barged in.
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