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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Nancy's pants reminded me of some from J Peterman that I wore everywhere years ago. They were in cotton batik. Can't find a link but these from eBay are every similar: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Womens-Thai-Silk-Wrap-Around-Fisherman-Pants-Sarong-Harem-Palazzo-Boho-Wide-Leg-/400963238302
  2. I follow Edie like an adoring puppy. Love seeing a naturally maturing face. And I really like that the actors look like real people. Adelaide Clemons (the blonde PR guru) was so great in Rectify. Good to see her again. I thought the creepy guys in cars were child abductors. So glad that was not the case. Of course, the writers just had to make the child a victim of abuse, as if her story was not already dramatic enough. I wish this was set in a different city. I like variety in series locations and LA is overdone.
  3. I chuckled a little at Gates' heroic efforts to draw out comments from these taciturn folks. I also enjoyed their collective restraint, as some of the Hollywood guests are a bit too actorish for my taste. Desert island game: Gates would be one of my top picks to be stuck on a desert island with.
  4. Agreed. Sergio's problem is his megalomania. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else and thought he could put one over with his "No one's ever done a backwards tuxedo." As if he could convince an entire panel of judges. I immediately remembered Celine's look, and I also remembered when women wore their cardigans and their boyfriends' v-neck sweaters backwards. And St. Laurent created his tuxedo Le Smoking look in the 60s. I also think that Sergio has attached himself to Nancy for strategic reasons. Thom Browne's inclusion as a judge was impressive; he's so successful, compared to some of the other celebrity "judges" PR has forced on us. A reminder that CFDA plays a role in this season's winner. I'm thrilled for Marquise, but I liked Geoffrey's design better. I thought Victoria's dress was boring and underwhelming. Delvin's was horrible. Nancy's was better than the criticism it received. Christian encouraged the use of her print. I didn't mind the initial smack talking about Nancy, because they all do it occasionally, and are asked by production to comment on each other's looks, but it crossed over to mean, especially Delvin. And blaming Nancy for the busted buttonhole attachment was a real low blow. Christian pushed back on that. Delvin's a nasty piece of work and he would bring headaches to CFDA's process. Because of CFDA's agenda (sponsoring commercial looks by skilled designers), and Bravo's desire for drama, I think the final three will be Victoria, Brittany and Sergio-or-Delvin.
  5. Haven't watched RHOC in years. Catch me up: I thought Gretchen's pretty little house was purchased for her by her late sugar daddy. Did she sell it and move into another home with Slade? Or perhaps she remained in the original home but borrowed against it heavily?
  6. For Collin's sake I want this to be true. But Jon's history as a father is lousy, and he can't blame it all on Kate. He dropped the ball a long time ago. And his continual pandering to the media is horrible. He needs to withdraw those children and their issues from the spotlight, settle down and get a real job. He's wasted a lot of career time bouncing around and he will have to play catch up. I don't think he has the maturity to do it. We'll see.
  7. I love this guy. The actor makes the most of his limited screen time. The scene where he and Gutierrez met at their connecting hotel door was very well done. Very sad. If we're going to be forced to watch female frontal nudity, then we need equal time with the dudes. Agree. I was absorbed in the story for the first time. Usually I just gaze at the arresting visuals. A bit of palace intrigue never hurts a story. The new usurper cardinal is deliciously reptilian. The MM scene was funny. He held his own against Malcovich.
  8. I agree that the wife was a bit disappointed. It is an unusual situation, given that they don't own the home and will live there temporarily. The situation reminds me of what military families experience. I wonder if they really preferred the other house, but felt pressure to choose the church house, which is customary, and which would bring much-needed repairs to the property for future residents. I listened to her explanation that the cost was being provided by donations and the church - it wasn't clear to me whether the family provided any funds at all. My in-law's father is a preacher, and he and his wife didn't own their own home until their 60s. They raised their kids in a couple of shabby small houses provided by their church, at which they served an entire ministry career. On the other hand, I used to go to parties at a beautiful old Presbyterian manse that is located in an 18th century Quaker village. The minister loved living there.
  9. Kate has been vile to so many people that it's hard to pin her behavior with Simone as racist. Some of her criticism of Simone was justified, and some was Kate's routine, uncalled-for snark. She does that to most of her stews. I'm not so sure Lee didn't know about all of the mistreatment of the women in real-time. He may have chosen to adhere to production's script so that the mistreatment could continue, unchecked by him. If so, he sold out.
  10. I wonder if Kate will announce her new plans during the reunion. Especially if a new gig is sponsored by Bravo.
  11. Ashton may have realized that his Below Deck career is dead. No need to play nice at reunions.
  12. This was a palate cleanser after watching the end of regular recipe Below Deck. A colleague's husband spent 10 years building a stunning sailing yacht, and I was fortunate to take a spin out of Oxnard. A few minutes into it we were boarded by law enforcement who grimly interviewed us and then left, definitely dampening the mood. I do see some casting similarities - Jenna/Kate and Madison/Rocky. The couple in a relationship is a new crew twist. The captain appears jocular and laid back. He says he can drop anchor and take a swim, and remarked casually in another conversation that autopilot was driving the boat. I'll enjoy seeing how he operates the boat. It's also going to be interesting to watch an engineer work. When the tardy couple arrived, they appeared to be drunk and ready to bring hijinks. (Big surprise.)
  13. Everyone was too exhausted and depressed to bring the drama at the moon party. Same with the goodbyes. This season was horrible and just kind of limped to a finish. Interesting that Kate flipped off the camera crew as she sashayed into a guest room after the moon party. If Kate leaves the series, I'll wonder if she jumped or was pushed. Moving to NYC from Florida is a very big change, especially financially. I assume she has something big lined up.
  14. Cheap and boring pandering. If they wanted an atmospheric environment, they could have gone with a regular seedy bar.
  15. Dr. Nicole has really come into her own. I don't know if she has the pressure of a family, but I wonder if she's going to remain with Dr. Pol. ETA: Dr. Brenda is as usual all business as she dealt with the mare's placenta. That done to her satisfaction, she had a little grin and and admiring comments for the beautiful foal.
  16. This show is better now that there are less camera antics and more animals. The organic joking around and brief family scenes are best. During the first season I had a hard time seeing that the vets were skilled and serious about their practice. He is hilarious. Maybe he's more relaxed because he doesn't have little kids underfoot. It seems as if the family friendships are real and the relationships are strong. Quite rare in reality TV. Do any of the wives have jobs? I think maybe Lavigne's wife? I enjoyed Hardtime's mom's old-timey accent. Hopefully she doesn't love that dog "too much" to prolong his suffering. Good for her for rescuing him. Now it's time to let him go. One of my Labs was upcycled, all because his owners didn't understand his need for exercise and companionship. I was his 4th owner when he was nine months old. Don't get a dog if it is going to be alone for 10 hours a day. ETA: those young FFA steers (cows? bulls?) were adorable. All big eyes and silky coats. I'm really surprised that pasture was trashy. Seems like the teacher and even the kids would know better. Maybe none of them came from a farming background?
  17. I like the show. I'm enjoying the large animal stuff. Patiently waiting for the Corgi puppy we see in the promos. Sassy Corgi puppies are one of life's gifts. This community seems more prosperous than some other communities we've seen on other shows. I wonder if there's a big city with jobs not too far away. My friends who farm fulltime also have jobs as an economic necessity.
  18. According to a recent Washington Post article on kitchen and bath innovations, the solid backsplashes are a trend. I still don't care for it. I can see where not having to clean grout would be a benefit. Having seen it in other countries, I tried to find solid panel tub surrounds when I renovated my bath. No grout and no moisture damage (supposedly all grout fails over time), but hard to find and exorbitantly expensive. The Post says the solid panels are becoming more available now. Little Iggy: My Texas family says pray-leen and pee-can. We hiss the words at each other. Sweet memory: when I was a kid, there were ladies on many French Quarter street corners, selling homemade pralines, straight from their kitchens. Heaven.
  19. Holly's portrayal is a fail. Nothing but stilted speech, raised eyebrows and big eyes. Sometimes there's a phone camera. The shoe-polish-hair guy is essentially somnambulant. I wonder if the actors understood what a mess the story is.
  20. I suspect she and her husband cooked up a PR strategy, which is "pretend not to understand English as an excuse to do whatever I want."
  21. Finally had a chance to view the new season. Was looking for the bachelor preacher's house in the retrospective episode - probably my favorite house, aesthetically. I loved seeing the fishing-pole room again. No way was Rena gonna pick the town house. Living next to mama in the country is encoded in her southern bones. And laughed at mama's plain-spoken "I don't like the blue door." Viewers please note: the proper pronunciation is Puh-CAWN! And "aint" for "aunt." As a child I lived in houses on concrete blocks and on stilts in Louisiana and Mississippi. The hunting dogs would bump around under there. And we had tin roofs. (Shout-out to the B-52s: "Tin roof, rusted!") Have endured several tornadoes crammed into a bathroom with the family, dogs included. I love when Ben goes looking for treasures in abandoned sheds. Looking forward to seeing Mr. Gary in his twice-renovated home. Bless his heart. And I enjoyed Miz Jones' delight over the adorable little house. Hated the monolithic tombstone. Major props to anyone who restores houses in the Mississippi heat. Some of the staff are surnamed Purvis. Possibly kin to the founders of Purvis, MS, which is nearby. Only complaint is Erin's tendency to talk over poor Ben. Let the man have his own thoughts and finish his sentences.
  22. I wonder if Victoria sold ready-to-wear in her shop, vs. her own designs.
  23. So Kate must be leaving the series. There are indicators everywhere this season, and she says she wants to leave yachting and is considering her options. I spotted her in a three-second advertising blurb for Spy Games, wearing a trench coat, hat and dark glasses. I think Bravo is going to use her for something different. I think Lee is done, unless he really wants the money. It was fun seeing Kate's first yacht. I laughed at the almost jaunty Lee, whose spirits picked up at the thought of the charter ending. He actually laughed, cracked jokes and amused himself by goosing the crew and guests. He can't wait for production to end. Oh Courtney, what happened to your dignity? Sniveling about the loathsome Brian. Perhaps it was producer-driven. Have we ever seen production force the two genders into two separate vehicles repeatedly? Not sure if her news bosses want to see Jemele consume so much alcohol, even on vacation.
  24. I don't think Stephanie is overtly vicious. I think she's playing a role that she and her husband have concocted to paint her as a sweet, innocent, helpless victim. The editors go along with it. She showed a different character in the first season, day-drinking with Brandi and telling crude gross jokes. She boasted about her wealth and property, quoting the cost of things. She complained constantly about Travis controlling her. There was backlash, including from their private Christian schools, and she gaslighted Brandi, about which Brandi complained in the next season. Brandi accused Stephanie of being a social climber, of abandoning her old friend. Also, Stephanie admitted that they did not respond to their son's special needs quickly enough. I don't buy that they didn't understand what was going on. Not in this day and age. I think they ignored it and made excuses and exposed their benign neglect on TV. The trotting out of her depression and the ready tears are just another manipulative ploy. I think she's the most disingenuous of all of the Dallas housewives. And I think that behind his somewhat charming facade Travis is an ass.
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