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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I had trouble getting interested again but will keep watching. I do love the human frailty and the humor - I giggled as the tall cardinal held his "skirts" as he walked down the steps, and Pius' jaunty wink to the PR woman.
  2. Am I the only one who sees zero chemistry between Kate and Tanner? Scripted to stir up some final drama with Simone? Alex B. is well on her way to a frowsy, drunken, desperate middle age. Her boyfriend seemed a bit embarrassed at her manic behavior. Ashton is consistent. He can be relied upon to be a jerk in every scene.
  3. Sad to see Dan Abrams announce that Duke had died.
  4. So the writer is NOT referring to the season that's currently showing, yes? I didn't watch much of the previous season and cannot recall who was supportive of LeeAnne. Maybe Brandi contacted LaLate before she went to rehab.
  5. I thought there would be more comments. I loved the first two episodes. I am weary of reality TV and also the flood of cheap shows via streaming services, so I'm really appreciating quality episodic TV. The cast is phenomenal. Good to see Mare Winningham. Ben Mendelsohn is a revelation to me, and I also love Bill Camp in this. Bateman knows how to pull off the slightly seedy next door neighbor. His directing and the script writing were great and kept me fully engaged. My only nits are the shoe-polish hair dye (as noted above) and the shots of the child's brutalized body. I think some people are titillated by violence to children and I prefer it not be shown in graphic detail. Looking forward to all the episodes.
  6. CDAN's blind text says that despite what Brandi (and Stephanie) call it -- wellness -- Brandi is in rehab. They are calling her out for being disingenuous, not treating their blind as breaking news.
  7. Alexander Rodgers just stated on youtube that Brandi G. swears she had an affair with Denise R. and that Denise quit the season halfway through taping.
  8. This past year there was a new show that featured Dunbar's coach and her daughter, who cheered for Dunbar and then Alabama (I watched her cheer at a game) then married and is now coaching cheer at Ole Miss. She has a baby as well. She's tough as nails. I'm sorry I cannot remember the name of the show and the network. I found it by accident.
  9. Excellent documentary/series. The opposite of the horrible screaming coaches/parents we've seen on other cheerleading/dance shows. Haven't seen the final episode but the Washington Post review says filmmakers were limited in what they could show because the competition promoters tightly control media rights. Can't wait to see who won the national championship. Curious about what other viewers feel about Gabi Butler's parents' insane aggressive push to "monetize" her talent (her father's stated goal). Meanwhile Gabi is exhausted, and she also explains that she was home schooled and that her education was not a priority. I like that filmmakers took time to portray the cheerleaders who struggled to cheer due to lack of parenting, homelessness, poverty and violence. Since cheering ends for most at high school or college, I hope these kids have other plans for their futures. Really like the head coach. She's a compassionate tiger (or maybe I should say Bulldog). I worry about the high incidents of injury. At least one of the cheerleaders has had four concussions.
  10. Carriers are genius in certain situations. But the thing that bothers me about pet carriers is the humans' tendency to forget and kind of sling the thing around. The cats and dogs are tilted, rested crookedly on hips, hoisted up and down, swung from a shoulder or back strap, and so on. They are cramped. It must feel uncomfortable and frightening to the animal.
  11. I am a little puzzled about Jeremy's disability. Veterans who receive a total disability finding may not work at all, but other disability statuses allow for work without losing disability compensation. Did D'Andra state that he had 100% disability? I think I remember her adding up percentages or something. I'm going to assume Jeremy does not have total disability, because he promotes himself as a working photographer and supposedly works with D'Andra. I disagree if D'Andra's mumblings about this were meant to declare that because Jeremy was in the military, saw combat and was injured, he deserves not to have to work. It may be a popular emotional opinion, but the military system is not set up this way. In fact, most federal jobs are labled as veterans-preference, meaning qualified veterans get the job over non-veteran candidates.
  12. There's an Officer Burt on Alaska PD (or maybe state troopers) and I wonder if he is related to Montana Burt. Hoping this brave dog recovers and is able to enjoy a pain-free and happy retirement. He has earned it ten-fold.
  13. I just realized that Brittany's look was a callback to Madonna's outfit in her Respect Yourself video (I think that's the one). Madonna wore a black tailored pant suit with a corset as part of the jacket, and she had old-fashioned garters that lay on top of the thigh and flapped around when she danced. Madonna's corset had the bra cone thingeys.
  14. Sergio wants rich older women's money, but he doesn't respect their age. He's smug and condescending about the people who line his pockets.
  15. Woke myself up at this late hour snorting at Brandi's desperate ploys for camera time and her rampant hypocrisy as she attached herself to LeeAnn's situation, complete with fake teary-filled voice and earnest lecturing. Better duck Brandi, the black pot and kettle are headed your way. The refusal to even listen to Kam's observations about sex trafficking (no doubt influenced by her "society" family) tells me what I need to know about this group of women. They are determined to be ignorant and defensive about this issue. Being rich and white in a prosperous country allows one to do that. One of the profound truths in this world is that no one announces as a little girl that they want to grow up to be a sex worker. Poverty, lack of education, lack of jobs, and brutality drive those decisions. Yes there are a small minority of women who dabble in it for a couple of years to pay for tuition or something, but globally it's a real problem; the statistics are shocking. Exactly. I wish people would take the time to understand there are variances in this industry. Weirdly, LeeAnne came off better tonight than the others. Although her resentment of D'Andra's recent successes was painful to watch. Clenched teeth, fixed smile. Speaking of D'Andra, give her a small amount of success and she's suddenly the world's best saleswoman. And there's nothing wrong with Jeremy bringing in some income. If he's well enough to be a photographer, he can find a job. Kary is very hard. I think she exaggerated her offense at LeeAnne's racism. I think she was more upset about being kept in the dark. I do appreciate that she calls out BS, but I want to see her do it to all of these fake women. And Andy can zip it about giving shade to Kam over her elitism. He's an empty superficial vessel who has made a fortune off of the back of the housewives., and he's not a nice guy. If this true and not a joke, the cowardly Brandi is either hiding out at a spa or her family has convinced her to seek help for booze and pills.
  16. I watched anxiously as Sue replaced track and 265-pound tires on her massive jacked-up vehicle. As she stated, it was one of the hardest jobs she'd ever done. I can't imagine tackling it alone. I did wonder if production fudged on how long it took her - did she do it in one day as the editing implied? I wonder if Andy is going to rent out the yurt to tourists. Cool to watch the Hailstone daughters working alone. I laughed when they told their dog to go home and he continued swimming determinedly to them...and ended up hanging out in the boat. Jessie has endured through a lot of beginner mistakes. He looks much healthier than during his first season, where I think he went without sufficient food.
  17. Binged with a young skater in my family. The first half of the series was pretty good, but then the kitchen sink came crashing in. Agree with the comment that the pace became frenetic and sloppily executed. Way too much going on and the actors just dashed in and out of scenes. Too bad.
  18. I haven't watched this in years but the combination of being ill and an empty DVR drove me to it On Demand late last night. How is it possible that this show got worse over the years? At one point, as the bachelor and one of the women repeated the same phrases 10 times each in a single conversation, I wondered if I was having a bad fever dream. The one with the smeared mascara was auditioning for a scripted TV role. But the cow was cute.
  19. I'm sure this is true. It's a small step in the right direction (as opposed to Bravo ignoring the situation). In this day and age, no one should be mimicking other races, ethnic or religious groups. Brandi knows better but thinks her "humor" is exempt because she's cute.
  20. I would love to see Connie as Lee's bosun. I don't like Eddie; he's smarmy.
  21. I think Rhylee and Ashton are being set up for a one-two punch. Rhylee and her personality were brought on board to cause trouble, which I think she understands and is delivering (while being honestly dismayed at the rampant misogyny). The deck crew have probably been encouraged to amp up the harassment and complaining. Lee and Kate have to do their part but they seem over it all (except for the paychecks). Ashton's too stupid to think any of this through. So will Rhylee get canned, and then Ashton suffer a tongue lashing from Lee as the season ends? Meanwhile Eddie apparently waits in the wings. I'm down to one Housewife show, and probably out, and I'm pretty sure Below Deck is next. Watching this crap is depressing, not fun.
  22. It seemed to me that when Dr. Emily was struggling to birth three goats in the back of a trailer, and Dr. Pol was giving her kind of useless advice through the windows (telling her to do stuff she was already doing) that she got testy. There was another instance where she had to work in unusually cold temperatures, and she was clearly suffering. She complained on camera. I guess they had a personality conflict over time. Or maybe Charles annoyed her. Perhaps there is too much work for the volume of staff. Maybe they don't get paid enough; the Pols appear to be wealthy. And that x-ray machine in the basement, ugh! I don't see the technology at his practice that I see where we go (granted where I go is not a farm practice). Virginia has its winter moments, but nuthin' like Michigan. Hope Emily's much happier. ETA: I wonder if Pol should start cutting back, bringing in more vets to handle the heavy load. I imagine a guy like him has trouble acknowledging his age, but maybe he also feels pressure to work in order to support the show. He is the star, and without him there may be no show.
  23. Agreed. I can't figure out what their agenda is. Sometimes I question the supposed wealth claimed by some of these Dallas couples, wondering if they need the show to help them financially. Or is it nothing more than Kameron wants to be on TV? It's hard to take her dog food business seriously.
  24. My VCR failed to record, and since then FiOS has not scheduled another presentation. It's not showing On Demand. Very bizarre. Any suggestions where to view?
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