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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. But didnt D'andra sputter that "her husband doesnt have a job?" I'm a military brat. Jeremy's retirement income isn't very high. And photographers are a dime a dozen. There are thousands of talented ones.
  2. Brooklyn is acting out about something in the family. I don't think it's a happy one. Kam was selected by Cort's family to bring tall genes into the family. Leeann's wedding dress: you get what you (don't) pay for. D'andra's husband needs to get a job. Dee's an asshole. Kary's headed for divorce.
  3. Kate and Lee are so far up each other's asses they can't see the sun shine. They are a Bravo package and workin' hard for that Bravo plotline and paycheck. Lee looked like a fool with his petulant behavior toward Kevin. And Kate is the teacher's pet who tattles. When she isn't tormenting someone with less power than she has (e.g., taunting a disturbed Caroline while Caroline cried behind the door). That's the real Kate. Abbi is obsessed with her own hair - she thinks it's her TV calling card. She's determined to display it. I can't figure out if she's growing curly dreads or has a weave. Production and tips aside, was there liability in Brandi being overserved by the crew? She was severely incapacitated for a lengthy period of time, unable to maintain consciousness and control her body movements. I can see Ashton's thoughts about the blonde stew who won't give him the time of day: "She's hot." "She's not my type." (after being shot down the first time) "I'll make her pay attention to me" (before partying) "She's a bitch and I will put her in her place." (after getting shot down again") The optics of Simone laboring over laundry are unfortunate.
  4. I binge-watched while traveling. I'll give anything different a chance and am glad I did. I love Keener and Greer. Pickles reminded me a bit of people I've known who have that saintly otherworldly demeanor but who have dead eyes and something scary simmering underneath the surface.
  5. My heart breaks for Ernie and Cody. Mel Rodriguez plays a completely different character in HBO's underappreciated Getting On - see it for him and for Niecy Nash. Both brilliant. Ditto is doing a lot with limited camera time. And Pellerin is the man with a thousand faces. He packs a lot of expression into his every move. Levine's Obie is a bit too much of a cartoon to be taken seriously (and ominously). The real MLM monsters are the regular Joes who will cut your throat to make a buck. Krystal will be just fine. She's a shark. I'm watching the series for the acting and for the awesome portrayal of the early 90s. Krystal's denim outfits with the fabric inserts are perfect. As are her matching hair accessories.
  6. I mean, aren't she and Juan both pulling in incomes? Lose your money once, it may be chalked up to naivete. Failure to pay taxes three years in a row while earning a decent income is grifting. I've always thought that Robin has a very strong sense of entitlement behind that supposedly innocent pretty face. She's got the victim thing down pat.
  7. The genius of Krystal's old beauty pageant routine: it's ridiculous AND excellent and Kirsten really nailed it. I'm disappointed we don't get to see the goth teen be transformed under Krystal's tutelage. Growing up in southern Louisiana, gator was there but not a culinary delight to which the locals flocked. It became trendy on restaurant menus in the 80s. A local recession hit my parents' generation and some of their friends turned to Amway when they lost their jobs. My brother's college roommate also tried to sell it. All of these people were devout Christians and that was a big part of the motivation. Amway's founders were extremely conservative and zealous Christians. Last Christmas a neighbor invited me to what appeared to be a casual cocktail party. Nope. They were selling expensive Christmas-y tchotchkes. I was taken aback at the subterfuge by this long-time neighbor. I enjoyed some hors d'oeuvres and beat a hasty retreat.
  8. I did not know that Karen is an attorney. I do hope we get to see her occasionally.
  9. I binged while traveling and loved the series. I'll watch anything with the great Merritt Weaver, and she did not disappoint. I found myself FFing through Marie's scenes, as the treatment she endured made me so mad I couldn't sleep. When my friend was raped, everyone blamed her for putting herself in an unsafe neighborhood. Family, police, friends.
  10. I like the more subtle humor (the siblings' rapid-fire talking over each other) and get annoyed with the McBride flavor of gross humor. It just seems so labored and childish. And I always think endless use of the word "fucking" in a script is lazy writing. Still, I appreciate the megachurch-that-pulls-in-millions skewering. Watching Ken Burns' Country Music with its archives of old time tent revivals - they were lucky if they had chairs and a microphone.
  11. So relieved this show will be back, and hope it maintains the new improved format.
  12. It's her attempt to be better groomed than her earlier seasons. But to me it's still a fail, because she shouldn't be sporting bedhead while working. She's trying to look younger than she is and soften her face.
  13. The anvils are clanking like crazy and I assume Meredith and Kat will make the team. This episode pretty much guaranteed it. The organization wants a sprinkling of beauties, not true DCC-style talent. Loathed the cooking segment. Complete boredom.
  14. My favorite character is Keefe. While the other characters are cartoonish, he seems real. Great details - the hair, the clothing, the way he moves and expresses himself. I hope he's not gone for good.
  15. Brandi and Stephanie are getting good at summoning tears for the cameras. Although one could see Brandi struggling a bit in the latest episode (hiding face, scrunching Botoxed face, making crying noises).
  16. Another hilarious aside, proving that these boards are way more entertaining than the show.
  17. It's laughable that while posing as a haughty society woman Kameron is down in the dirt on a trashy reality TV show. I feel a bit sorry for D'Andra. I believe that her monster mother manipulated D'Andra into giving up her own career to go home and be mama's acolyte, albeit a spoiled one, with the constant promise/threat of trust money. Happens all the time. But something's fishy about D'Andra's lack of understanding about the business' financial state. Either she's completely clueless and passive, or it's a fake storyline. If the story is true, she's in real trouble. Her only options are reality TV and somehow working her Dallas connections. I wonder if her home is in her name. Still haven't forgotten how badly D'Andra treated her stepson. She has needed a little humility. The women's face work was especially visible in one of the scenes. Jokerish.
  18. Genius. Thanks for the laugh.
  19. I can't get past the walls of hair, which were present on some of the women while they were working hard outdoors in a very hot climate as well as during food service. Yuck.
  20. Yeah, I've lost my enthusiasm for these shows. Did Ashley Banfield quit or was she pushed? I do like Tom. However, if asshole Lamb is his co-host, I refuse to watch Tom's new show.
  21. She may have a producer credit as a mechanism to earn money from the show, but usually these reality TV "producers" don't prepare shooting scripts and edit the footage. That part of the business is controlled by Viacom, which owns CMT. I'm assuming the Cowboys organization, not Kelli, originally reached out to CMT and negotiated the package for this show. Kelli is "just" an employee, although a featured one. And of course CMT production cooperates closely with Kelli and the other Cowboys folks. There are some exceptions to who controls production, such as the Kardashians.
  22. Did this show get cancelled? All of the episodes of what appears to be a new season showed up in my VCR Friday morning.
  23. In fairness to Kelli and Judy, I believe much of what is taped and edited is driven by producers. Kelli's nasty personality is all her own.
  24. Yeah, these women know better than to object to Kelli's pastor. Guess production was going for some grief porn in a bid for viewer sympathy. In fact, I hated the beginning of the episode - the tour, the awkward "office" visit. Most recruiters I know work from home, or in cubicles. Unless they are senior managers, they don't have a corner office with windows. I can see the heavy hand of the new showrunners, transparently featuring several women in every episode - Victoria, Kat and Meredith. As of this episode, it's egregious. And boring. Melissa gave better guidance than anything we hear from Kelli or Judy.
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