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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I think the parents are strategizing and manipulating for when Bryn is allowed by the courts to decide where she wants to live. "Pick me!" "No! Pick me!"
  2. Craig and Metul are controlling in their individual ways.
  3. I just posted in Episode 1 that I hate the series and stopped watching. I wanted to say more about why, but you have summed it up perfectly. The premise of the original story has devolved into Real Handmaids of Gilead.
  4. I skipped Season 2 because of Moss and all of the reasons other posters have cited. Thought I'd try Season 3. Nope. The endless close-ups of Moss, her smirks and glares, the completely unrealistic way she gets away with pretty much anything, waltzing around and shooting her mouth off. This show is just stupid and infuriating.
  5. So glad the series is back. Husbands were still colluding to get troublesome wives thrown into asylums in the 1950s - it happened to a family friend. He went to court and got her committed. I forced myself to watch the Bedlam scenes because Leslie Manville is a national treasure. We really need Samantha Morton back.
  6. Craig's life plan is to land a wealthy wife and spend his days dabbling in charities and the "family business." I know two handsome, smooth-talking, slightly dim men who do exactly that.
  7. Interesting tidbit about hair dye and extensions affecting drug/alcohol tests on hair. Never thought of that and it may explain Kathryn's affinity for both. Why would a physician prescribe benzodiazepines and amphetamines for an addict? That's a kid-in-the-candy-store scenario. Maybe the amphetamine is Adderall, which women take to keep slender. I assume the failed test info is true. It's not surprising because it happens to many people who are early in their recovery.
  8. So now we're openly acting...badly. Chris backed Candiace into a corner how many times? Four? Five? And I think while she was sitting down? Hilariously bad acting. Perhaps they should audition for one of the animal shows. They can help corral loose dogs. And Chris is a creepy deadbeat. The Is-Michael-Gay thing still bugs me. It's because Candiace, Robyn, Gizelle and Karen consider homosexuality extra scandalous and therefore deserving of a prolonged pile-up. The more they can embarrass Michael and Ashley, the happier they are. (Shades of Perez Hilton)
  9. Candace's home is a condo, one of multiple units in that building. One of the units is currently for sale, and I was surprised at the low price. Catering and restaurants in the DC area are extremely competitive, with a few long-established big companies getting most of the catering work. Even with his exposure from the show, Chris (or anyone) would struggle to make catering a going concern. I doubt his cookbook will do much - he's not a Teresa G. I too have wondered whether Candace's mother still has an active practice, and whether IT is a going concern. Surely her behavior would damage her professional reputation.
  10. Let's not forget "and moved 2000 miles away from her young child."
  11. Washington Post says Ashley is developing a line of athleisure, and that their baby is a boy (which may have already been shared).
  12. I think Chris is playing a role. And, "new" Monique is under orders from her conservative, controlling husband to repair her image.
  13. I read a business article last year that explained how this works for many celebrities. They import cheap stuff, usually from China, then re-brand it. ETA: didn't Luann have a clothing line a few years ago? I spotted it on a random deep discount site. I mean, there was a dress for $17.
  14. I came for Pray Tell, and I stayed for Silicone Lady. I still buy W&W lip gloss. For decades their #666 (I may have the number wrong) was the YLBB (your lips but better) beloved on makeup message boards everywhere. I understand the reasons, but I'm a bit put off by all of the historical lecturing that gets jammed into the dialogue, especially Blanca's. And her constant mom-of-teenagers exasperation is wearing thin. Can we see her having fun? Don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but I've spotted Madonna's former Vogue dancer Jose Gutierrez as a ball judge on this show.
  15. Beyond canines, sea otters are my favorite creatures ever. Poor old Oz broke many hearts when he died. I would take bottle-feeding a baby sea otter over diamond earrings or a trip to Paris any day.
  16. I question how much credit Candace and Chris can get for an expensive mortgage. Candace will not want a "starter home." With the planned move of Amazon to Arlington, some home prices are already climbing - Realtors are forecasting that by the end of 2019 Arlington's home prices will increase by 17%.
  17. Candace IS her mother. She's a useless waste of space. I hate the dick-sucking drama because there's a whiff of homophobia whenever this kind of thing pops up. I've said all along that Ashley and Michael have an arrangement. The other women are trying to reveal that without stating it explicitly. Agree that Ashley is making hay out of her miscarriage story. I'm surprised Gizelle is thinking of purchasing that mess of a house. Did she say she would actually live in it, or does she really plan to try to flip it, like Robyn? I know she talked about adding a second story for her daughters, and in the past she mentioned her mother moving in, but maybe that's just talk. Why wouldn't she buy a move-in ready house for her own family? Bethesda is expensive - perhaps she can't qualify for a pricey mortgage on her own?
  18. Agreed. And I suspect her boyfriend is doing the same thing to her.
  19. Panicked faces around the table and murmurings to leave the husbands out of it, as several of the other husbands have their own problems. I wondered if Denise was pregnant, as her face was fuller and she was wearing clothes that hid her mid-section. Guess we would know by now.
  20. I'm really liking the tall, slender black officer from Indiana. He handles himself and tense situations very well. His interaction with the drunk dude whose disgusted girlfriend wouldn't give him a ride home ("Hell no.") made me laugh. The agitated woman in the parking lot was obnoxious, but I feel the officer poked the bear instead of de-escalating the situation. Was hoping we'd see some of beautiful historic Santa Fe, but so far just routine suburban stuff. Poor Officer Conklin drew all of the crazy straws. ETA: Is the Indiana officer's surname Randal?
  21. Dorinda's Favor-Abacus is exhausting and embarrassing. She's like the whiny kid on the playground. I think Bethenny acted the hell out of her breakdown. And she's still attaching her relationship with Dennis to most interactions on the show. A perpetual victim who is determined to highlight her relationship with a married drug addict who overdosed. I'm pretty sure she helped Luann out and into rehab solely because she knew it would get her TV time down the road. Smug Ramona's long-ago wackiness has disappeared. Now she's just a mean asshole. With money. Anyone who watches Live PD knows there are non-stop drunken tirades all over the nation, every day, that involve clashes with the police. Luann's paying a steep price for being a celebrity, as did Tinsley after her drunken Palm Beach antics. Cautionary tale. During Tinsley's grief, attention-whores Ramona and Sonja couldn't resist rolling their eyes and exchanging amused glances while the cameras were rolling.
  22. Interesting: the Limehouse plantation was listed for sale almost three years ago. The news item states that the listing was related to the divorce. Also interesting - the news item says that the Limehouses only owned the home - Airy Hall - for two decades. The blog is penned by the guy who has been a strong Kathryn promoter, starting before Southern Charm was on the air. https://www.fitsnews.com/2016/09/14/limehouse-plantation-for-sale/
  23. I believe Cameran had enough pull with Whitney to negotiate that her husband would not be on camera, given how his bosses would react, and that their child/children would not have much camera time. I don't have a problem with this, although I would enjoy seeing the three of them together. I know that Palmer is on Cameran's IG, but Cameran controls her IG's content.
  24. I remember when some people in the South started whitewashing their lawn jockeys, literally. They bought paint and painted over the dark skin. Neighborhood busybodies would track who did and who didn't.
  25. I tuned in for Whitney, for whom I have a slight soft spot (despite his privilege, I think he had a tough childhood). But he and Shep are Shiftless Rich Thugs with Privilege Pretensions. Shep especially goes for the jugular and becomes obsessed in his hatred of people; right now he's obsessed with Madison, and his Craig-hate is always lurking under the surface. In the South, calling someone white trash, or common, is a very low blow. This is truly what happens to the character of people who are spoiled with nothing to do. Shep seems like a miserable human being with an anger problem. If Whitney slept with Kathryn again, it has to be because he's trying to counter the whispers about his sexuality. Or it's a lie that she's agreed to go along with as part of her storyline. Chelsea and Madison: positioning themselves for a spin-off, 'cause they recognize this show is losing steam. Kathryn is kind of useless, in that she appears to have minimal life skills beyond searching for wallets. Yet she has pressed for full custody of two defenseless children. When she isn't screeching at someone, her affect is very flat. She's either medicated or stoned. Regarding preschool, I thought Cameran clearly indicated she is already working part-time and I guess wants to increase her hours. She's playing up the "nervous first-time mother" thing for the cameras.
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