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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Neither do I. I don't buy everything Stephanie is selling. And like the others, she IS selling a persona. If she's as depressed and triggered as she keeps telling us, she needs to get off TV. I can't forget that she and her husband essentially ignored her child's severe distress during the first season. On a somewhat lighter note, this group spends 80% of its time fake-crying, walking out of rooms in a huff, and struggling to rehash stupid arguments over and over. It's such fake bullshit. And I just don't like seeing the extreme wealth vs. the poverty and repression experienced in Central America.
  2. Yeah, the constant bragging or PR-speak from all of them is annoying.
  3. Haven't watched the series in a long time but tuned in last night. Lots of recycled footage in one episode. I'm hoping Sue is saving her TV money. Growing old alone is very challenging, and if one is impoverished it's hell. I worry for her. I wonder if an Alaskan village or corporation owns the Kavik land. Perhaps the owner is going to use it for other purposes. Glenn needs to go. He's just weird and I feel he doesn't belong there, despite his skills. Looking forward to the return of Ricko. It's always been ironic that Agnes was the only native on the show. Jessie looks fantastic. He appears healthy and he's found his groove. No Andy. I tolerated the Hailstones because of the precious grandson. And the girls are beautiful. I worked with Alaska natives last week. They were talking about the lack of snow in Alaska last year, and how it has been devastating to some businesses, not to mention some wildlife.
  4. Forgot to say that it was pleasant to watch Travis smoothly slip into the role of a skilled bosun with a minimum of fuss and grandstanding. He's quite handsome when not staggering about with booze. Continuity: noticed Sandy's longer hair and Hannah's fuller face in some of the talking heads.
  5. Yeah, bringing him back was an epic fail. He was so miserable that he was insufferable. I haven't missed the nasty stew-fights of seasons past. And I think the three of them were pranking Sandy and production, refusing to fight and blithely serving up hugs and kisses. Sandy made a deal with the production devil to thrust her nonsense into every scene, sabotaging her efforts to be a reality TV darling. Joao and his attempts to go back to work, and getting shot down: he's desperately trying to keep his big dog position and maximize camera time. And suck up to his reality TV partner Sandy. The ocean was deep navy blue - gorgeous. Did we see more choppy seas this season? I would be face down in my bed, miserable with seasickness.
  6. It's reported that he was married in the past and has two children. And there's still speculation as to whether they were officially married in the US. Guess we'll know if there are no divorce papers filed.
  7. I'd bet cash money that it does. DCC likes its "girls" beautiful and complacent. It occurs to me that some of these guest choreographers may be angling to replace Kitty, Kelli or Judy. It would be a steady paycheck, but the drawback is how conservative the Cowboys organization is, especially the choreography. I wouldn't be surprised if Kitty, Kelli and Judy are closing in on retirement. It would be a tough job to walk away from.
  8. All of these women seem really...dim. Cary Dueber at least was intelligent. Brandy look pretty and fresh in her simple ponytail, t-shirt and jeans. The others should take a note. D'Andra's gold digger husband is openly contemptuous of her. Doesn't even try to hide it. Agreed. She's flirting with the return of season one LeeAnn. She's a tireseome one-trick pony. ETA: And who talked her into the Wall of Hair? Lord.
  9. Was the crew saying that only the interior staff were getting sufficient sleep, and that Hannah was making sure they were allowed to sleep at the expense of service? The others are complaining about not enough sleep. I would have thought that for health and safety reasons a minimum amount of time for sleep is regulated. Perhaps the reality TV contract stipulates that the "actors" will not get rest in accordance with regulations.
  10. I assume this is Chris' family: https://www.bassettfurniture.com/ I've posted this before - Ashley is now listed as an owner of the condo in Arlington County records, along with Michael. He can't put her out any more.
  11. Living in DC metro, Karen missed her calling (politics). I wonder if Gizelle and Jamal are getting back together solely for financial reasons. How does he make a living these days? Interesting that Gizelle says her daughters are "cautious" about Jamal returning to the fold. Most children would be ecstatic. Gizelle is about to take on another worthless man. Monique's comment about being away from her children was hilarious, and a rare moment of reality. I loathe Candace; would love Bravo to dump her. I suspect she and her husband are grifters-in-training.
  12. The DCC organization and this series need a shake-up. Stop showing the candidates begging and crying for a chance to remain in training camp. It's degrading. Kelli and Judy need to go. Both have exhibited mean girl behavior throughout the series. It's fear-based management. That style of management is so dated and destructive. I believe Judy first called out Kalyn, when Kalyn ran to the bathroom, and then Kelli piled it on. Kalyn was publicly humiliated on TV, and then labeled "toxic." Unforgivable. The fact that Kalyn was able to pull herself together and continue practice, not to mention deal with cameras while being further chastised by the ice queens, is remarkable. Perhaps this kind of nonsense has caused the quality of candidates to fall over the years. What serious dancer, with other opportunities out there, wants to be treated like a child and publicly humiliated, for practically zero money and I assume no benefits? Further insulting viewers, Kat and Meredith are allowed to continue. Cheryl Burke and Kat said it best: Kat is a gymnast with a couple of years of dance training. No way should her candidacy be taken seriously. Meredith is just wrong for the DCC dance style.
  13. I don't go back and research how previous subjects are doing, but I think that statistically people who are brought into the Intervention experience do well. I love the drug court construct and hope it grows. My second cousin was enabled in addiction by his parent for 15 years. When I visited I would lock my valuables in my car. It was only when the parent died and the only living family member refused to enable my cousin that he went into recovery. It's a wonder he is alive. I stopped reading the news updates on the greedy, immoral pharma companies that systematically pushed out opioids for years despite the obvious problems, not to mention certain doctors and pharmacies. The opioid crisis is a public epidemic doing extreme damage to community infrastructure. So much rage about the people that were complicit. The Philly folks in recovery look great. Amanda is more obsessed with men that with getting clean.
  14. Are Gizelle and Jamal remarrying? I think they've cooked up a fake storyline to keep Gizelle's spot on the series. Interesting that she didn't finish all of her planned renovations. People usually take care of the windows right away, but it's insanely expensive. No shame in doing reno in stages, but I bet Gizelle is frustrated and embarrassed she cannot afford it. Is EveryHue still in stores? Only a far-away Target carried it where I live.
  15. I understand everyone's perspectives, but alcoholism and mental illness (depression, anxiety) are diseases that require long-term care and compassion. Would production be shaming Travis if he had seizures or stroke or passed out? I'm pretty sure Kate imbibed during at least one of her charters, but she was careful to hide it and control it somewhat. If Travis is unfit due to illness, they should remove him and not continually call attention to his behavior. Anyone who knows substance abuse knows that these folks cannot simply stop drinking on command. Look at Katie on RHoP. While I appreciate Sandy's story, she was humble-bragging for more camera time. Once one of her defenders, I now think her huggy-praisey behavior is calculated and she can only sustain it when things are going her way.
  16. So Candiace is "taking over the mortgage?" Without acquiring her own mortgage, that is called "increasing the rent."
  17. The sobriety conversation should have happened off-camera. Travis needs help, but for all practical purposes he's now labeled as an alcoholic, which can affect his ability to find work - anywhere.
  18. One reason people don't refinish basements here in the DC area, at least in older homes, is that the basement ceiling heights are below code. One must dig down or raise the house to gain the required minimum ceiling height in the basement. It's frustrating because often those old heights are only off by a couple of inches. Also, many have low-hanging water pipes that would have to be tucked up into the joists. Very expensive.
  19. Great episode. Lots of dancing, minimal drama. Pretty sure Charm let fly the F word while discussing the candidates with Judy and Kelli, knowing she was on TV. Classy. I think Victoria looks great, but it's clear that all of the judges/choreographers understand they are meant to feature and praise her. I like the early cuts. I hate it when they keep someone like Malena for camera fodder. It's unkind. I'm not missing Kitty at all. I think we are seeing the impact of the new CMT leadership.
  20. Or you can just do what she did - buy your own pair. 😉
  21. The problem is that it takes years to learn how to be a business owner, and the show hasn't convinced me that D'Andra ever bothered to do that. I think that three of the hubbies, possibly four, are cheating. D'Andra's hubbie will leave her as soon as the money stops and he lands a better deal. There are plenty of rich women who will buy what he has to offer. I think he wants the luxury for himself, even as he snipes at D'Andra and her spendthrift ways. He's tired of her neurotic behavior. LeeAnn is just a talking head. The only thing beneath that facade is rage. I wonder if Brandi is trying to get her kids a TV deal.
  22. Each episode is better than the last. The latest one features step dancing, spades, hot wings, and we learn that Officer Goodnight and his wife adopted a white kid from - was it Bosnia? The only problem with this series is there's isn't enough time to enjoy all of the cast. The RTB employees are hilarious but we only see them for a few moments at a time. I watch each episode twice to catch all of the hilarious patter. The last time I did this was for HBO's late lamented Getting On. I pray that we get another season.
  23. The guys at PopRoast (YouTube) report that Erika removed all of her RHOBH references from her social media. Or maybe Bravo removed references to Erika? I don't do social media so I didn't check. Anyway, the guys explained that every time a housewife is fired, this kind of thing happens. ETA: I see another thread states that People reported Erika was filming, but my understanding is that sometimes they do some production before all contracts are signed.
  24. I watched the latest PopRoast show on YouTube, and they report that Kenya's husband is facing another $100K tax bill and that he also had an earlier $100K tax bill. They state that he and Kenya are fighting and speculate that this arranged relationship is in trouble. During the show the two guys comment on the day's social media and news gossip, and in this case they didn't cite their sources.
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