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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I thought Nancy could have handled the situation a bit better. She was ingratiating and kind of pandered to the moment. It felt a little desperate to me.
  2. I didn't see it in earlier episodes, but it was clearly on display last night. It really bothered me. I guess we can't have an elegant thoughtful show without production trashing it. I'm puzzled by the love for Nancy's design. I feel like we saw Victoria's design in decades past. I'm losing my enthusiasm for the Bravo flavor. These kooky challenges don't provide what I want to see. The results of the one-day challenges are underwhelming craft projects. Having to watch inexperienced contestants fail annoys me. Get rid of the folks who think that sewing machine + bitchy personality = skilled designer. I don't think he'll win the big prize, but I hope good things happen for Shavi. His comments reminded me of prowling the junk shops with my grandmother in Louisiana. I would like to see a more even playing field so that there is true competition among skilled designers. Watch out Sergio. You may be so busy playing your transparent "strategic" game that you don't see your own takedown coming.
  3. I never share beds with anyone but family because I'm a very light and restless sleeper. A potential client once told me that my team and I would share rooms and possibly beds during an arduous work trip and I said no thank you to the work. I think Jamie envisioned this as her birthday cruise, complete with lots of attention. I guess the others didn't agree.
  4. Here's a link to an article discussing this episode's crossover to "Southern Charm." Article on crossover with Southern Charm
  5. Here's Wilmington PD, including K9 Maxx, featured on cute bulldog Rueben's Youtube channel.
  6. Do we know if LeeAnne and/or Rich own their home? I don't recall seeing them buying a home or discussing it. What are they going to do when their time on the show is over? Will his retirement pay and her side hustles keep them afloat?
  7. LeeAnne usually looks flawless, thanks to her gorgeous features, but she looked horrible at the reunion - badly crimped and colored wig, overly tanned face, pounds of makeup. Is she coming undone? I hold Bravo responsible for choosing to spew LeeAnne's offensive racist tirades into the universe. If they really cared about not offending viewers, they would have left the racist footage in the cameras. Instead they maximized it for ratings. There's no justification for Brandi's offensive video. Calling it an impersonation doesn't justify it. The movies used to be full of impersonations until the offended parties began to speak up. Racism is in the eye of the beholder. The rest of us don't get to decide. I agree that the "lost baby" story wasn't fully revealed. Perhaps the mother asked Brandi to stop discussing her business on TV, which may have happened if the baby went to another family. Jeremy and Rich are slimy. But I am glad that Andy defended Jeremy's military service record. My assumption was that Kary's condo would be an investment property, not her fulltime residence. LeeAnne's constant lip-licking may be the result of meds (dry mouth). Or nerves. I think she knew she was going to be on the hot seat at the reunion.
  8. This is all heavily scripted and manipulated by production. Ashton has zero self-awareness - he's entirely superficial - and production can count on him drinking too much, harassing women, and losing his temper. All the bosuns lack sufficient experience, are arrogant, and are meant to clash with the chief stews. It's very odd that Kate didn't inform the captain that she left the ship, not to mention the assault and violent behavior. Later he claims to know nothing about it until he sees it on TV, then he (or production) writes a blog that belatedly addresses the issues. That blog is meant to keep viewers tuned in. He even references the previews that seem to indicate more drama. His opinions carefully mirror those of most viewers. I think PaperTree is on to something. This could be a twist, where Ashton marches in to make demands and instead gets his ass canned. (See: zero self-awareness).
  9. Midge and how she is portrayed make her my least favorite character, followed by Joel and Moishe. I've had the same complaint all along, which is that the show is too stagey and frantic. Hate the rat-a-tat-tat dialogue, which comes off as a bad 60s sitcom. And these two leads are the least talented of the cast. Moishe and Shirley could be great characters instead of cartoons. Is Shy's character supposed to be suggested by Johnny Mathis? Loved the actor in that role as well as seeing Sterling K. Brown and Wanda Sykes. When the musicians stated "it's a stool set," was it because Shy has been beaten previously due to his sexual preferences? The musicians were very world-weary about it, rather than being alarmed. Also, wouldn't Reggie have dressed Midge down immediately after her performance? It doesn't make sense that Rose would give an impassioned speech about being taken care of her entire life when we saw her jet off to Paris and live in a garret. Some pretty bad writing in Season 3. The writers didn't cohere all of the plot lines. The stupid beatniks were done to death and Sophie's story line was awful. Love Susie's relationship with her roommate, although the second roommate needs to go. And the two thugs who know who Strindberg is are hilarious. Well, the clothes were fabulous.
  10. The network is really jamming the new series down our throats. Looks like they are dumping these old/new episodes as part of that campaign. I can't stand Charles' "bits." I understand he packaged the show for the network, but I don't want to watch him unless it's working in the field. He's kind of weird. I find Pol a bit arrogant and domineering, and he's unnecessarily rough with the farm animals, so I watch for Brenda and the now-departed Emily. I love how skilled and reliable Brenda is - she keeps her head down, doesn't seek the limelight, and just gets on with helping animals in need. Have we ever seen a male vet student? Anyone else wonder what will happen to the practice after Pol retires? I wonder if Brenda will try to buy it. Or perhaps Charles will be a non-vet owner. I wonder if the Pols donate money to animal causes.
  11. TMZ says she and Geno trashed a hotel room a few months ago. I'm pretty sure she sold the house to finance her druggy transient lifestyle. At this point her interests are limited to drugs, casinos and keeping Geno around. I assume she will be back on public benefits when the money is gone. Or some Z-list production company will slither in and offer her a trashy show.
  12. I noticed that too. It's very off putting. She takes bites with her molars, which I think some people do to protect their veneers. (Mary Berry does it too.) Between that, Sarita's panicked fumblings and her camera-mugging, and the horrible hosts, I'm FFing through most of it. Some of the most appealing contestants have left. I get the distinct impression that the hosts and judges know this version of the series is a mess. As is the case with "Project Runway," the abbreviated times screw the less talented contestants. I don't want to watch that - I want to watch talent produce great results.
  13. Courtney stopped just short of stating that the scripted date was not welcome. She didn't want to go but production made her do it. Like the others, she's exhausted and burned out. I still think Kate is laying traps for Ashton, and the dumb fuck is staggering right in to them. He's easily manipulated into rage. I think the alcohol lowered her inhibitions and she poked the bear with that comment about his mom (I agree we may not have seen all of the conversation), knowing he'd react like a lunatic. Kevin redeemed himself by being sober and smart enough to intervene. I agree that Kate was at risk for physical violence without that intervention. She didn't want to deal with the idiot bros any further, suspected production would let her get a hotel room, and went off and had a good night's sleep. Drama delivered. Hopefully Ashton will be gone for good. I had hopes for this season, given that the stews were mostly getting along. I hate watching Mean Girl Kate, and we've had a break from that. But the asshole bros have ruined it for me. How desperate for money is Valor's owner to be associated with this show? It's trash.
  14. When I was a little girl in southwest Louisiana, we wore big petticoats, and there was a fad where our mamas sewed little Christmas jingle bells onto them. We stood in the sunshine and twisted and jingled away. Our teachers tolerated it briefly. I kinda like the corn husk dress; she worked hard to use the materials (unlike using pillow fabric) and the bottom was pretty. Alan's dress could have been lovely if he'd concentrated and made better use of his time. He needed to go. I hope he and his father are reunited one day. Can he not fly down to visit? White coat's elitist attitude bugs. I hooted out loud when Sergio proudly proclaimed that the judges would gag at his creation. What word was he reaching for? Gasp? Except for Brandon, the judges seem ineffectual.
  15. There's a scene in "The Blind Side" where Sandra Bullock's character recognizes the racism expressed by her rich ladies-who-lunch friends. The ones who probably donate lots of money to worthy causes and proudly proclaim they are not racist, then ask if someone's daughter is safe around a black boy. LeeAnne may not have a KKK hood in her closet, but at best she's tone-deaf on how to express herself. I loved Brandi's simple fresh halter dress and hair - often she shows really great style.
  16. If the same contestants win the badges, then one can anticipate that those contestants are in favor. I don't mean from a production standpoint, or rigging the competition, but that they are more talented and probable winners. For example, early on I thought Rebecca, Egan and Floyd were not as talented as the others, but everybody got badges across the episodes. I just think production wanted to keep the viewers guessing and also to boost the feel-good vibe of the show.
  17. I felt the winners were chosen each episode to spread the choices around and not point toward who would win the whole shebang. The endless "comfort zone, bullied, etc." soliloquies are tiresome. They pander to the viewers and the judges. Yeah, they are still figuring it out. Fast craft is very crafty, master craft is project-y. Jessie's shed should have won. Was happy for Justine's win. She's talented and I liked her sly sense of humor. I hope Eagan escapes to LA, or perhaps New Orleans initially. I get a strong whiff of oddball parents who collect kids and pressure him to babysit, which perhaps he was initially happy to do to avoid the bullying situation.
  18. I don't see any indication that Eduardo is unkind. I see a man patiently sitting through his wife's money manipulations on national TV. He's doing her a big favor to support her storyline. Kary was no spring chicken when she entered into her arrangement with Eduardo only 10 years ago. She has to own her own choices. She did not have to accept the arrangement nor marry him. My mother's generation and women before her felt they had no choice. She lives in significant wealth with Eduardo footing the bills. Residences, servants, clothes, travel. the children's expenses...for all we know he pays for those trinkets she buys and repurposes into jewelry. She may have a monthly allowance; not uncommon. I'd call that generous and blessed compared to most of the world. What she appears to be asking for now is a big payout. No harm in asking, but if a divorce is impending, then her attorney can negotiate on her behalf. I think it's pretty tacky to repeatedly harass him on camera. BichonBlitz beat me to it!
  19. I believe Texas is a community property state, but perhaps the trust is encoded in Mexico? A friend has dual citizenship in the US and Central America. He is heir to a trust held in Central America, and US laws, including US marriages, have no impact on it. If Eduardo is not a trustee, then he can't use the trust as an ATM. But he can give Kary money from other sources. I think it's hilarious that Kary is 1) just now getting around to whining about being independent financially and realizing the impact of her earlier decisions and 2) asking Eduardo for a handout even as she's speechifying about being independent. Is she trying to shame him in advance of a divorce? I'm pretty sure Eduardo has zero you-know-whats to give. Kary suffers from D'Andra's roll out of bed head syndrome. Comb your hair! Laughing at weary husbands climbing in the backseat of limos so their wives can deliver scripted conversations. I think LeeAnne knows what she's doing with all this Mexican talk. Hogging the camera. Lots of people blather on and on about not being racist. I think some of the Bravo housewives represent a segment of society that is superficially "not racist" but hold reflexive racist perspectives. Is Stephanie suffering from damaged hair? There's the horrible long blonde wig and then the short bob, which is really cute. Looks like D'Andra's and Dee's scripted storyline is producing results - an HSN deal. I love the redheads.
  20. I do think the officer's initial approach was a bit aggressive. Who knows if he'd taken a low-key "hey buddy" approach to the mouthy adult son whether things would have remained relatively calm. While they cooled their heels in jail, perhaps Trashy Family's drunken pea brains perceived that attacking police is NOT the way to behave. I felt sorry for the two little kids who were crying and beseeching. The floor director cut away to commercial break when they should have continued broadcasting. I think he intuited that the officers needed a moment to collect themselves. Speaking of floor directors, why did they keep showing us the perp's vomit-covered body in an earlier episode? I deleted the episode without finishing it.
  21. Anyone have any verifiable idea what Kate and Lee get paid for a season? I mean, NeNe and a few other reality TV villains reportedly have made millions over time.
  22. Sometimes I mute the sound, play the scene on high speed, and close one eye.
  23. I hadn't thought of this, but I think you're right. And he gets testy when he has to do hard stuff that he doesn't want to do (the water toys). Ashton gets by because he's a suck-up and production keeps handing him immature frat boys on a platter. I'm pretty sure Lee sees right through him.
  24. I think Lee was amping up the drama by not dictating what to do. Ashton privately told Lee that he would cover the damages to the DJ's gear.
  25. She and Lee are the series' ratings power couple. It's clear they are sympatico and that they were simply pandering to the viewers when Lee "disciplined" her. Classic Bru Move: confuse the female deck hand with disorganized instructions because you don't know what the hell you are doing, get annoyed when she asks questions or makes smart suggestions, then tell her to calm down. Heat, humidity and hangovers are the special sauce. Love seeing well-behaved children. We always told picky eaters "You can always find something on the menu that you like." I guess not even production can enfold a hair inside of cheese. I'm beginning to think Kate is manufacturing her distress. Ashton will fall into the trap. Ashton, which is it? Are you in charge of your crews' discipline or not? A lowly deck hand calling the three-striper a bitch is a no-no, and not only did you not address it, you encouraged it.
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