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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. If you're gonna have pets, you're gonna have to pay vet bills. And you should know the health issues that typically affect your breeds. That poor puppy could have been saved. I don't understand this opinion that is shared by many vets: "When you cut off a calf's testicles (without pain meds), they only experience discomfort for a little while."
  2. I was thinking both short- and long-term. Epidemiologists (including a colleague) say this virus will be wide-spread and last a while - that's the way these things go. Theoretically that will halt production. I think that many reality TV knuckleheads spend every penny that comes in and have also borrowed to the max (those fancy homes and cars). They've let their regular careers lapse, and of course there will be continuing layoffs across many fields. Some Instagrammers are already reporting that their income (paid sponsorships) has dropped. Using Reza and Adam as an example, before the virus hit I heard it speculated that the Shahs are on their way out, and that this season's extra nastiness is an effort to draw in viewers. They moved the show to Fridays. There may be other shows put into production, but they will probably feature new faces. My understanding is that Reza's real estate career has lapsed, and I don't know if Adam is still working. Reza invested "a half a million dollars!" into a hair product line. Perhaps Reza will have to start selling his gold at bargain basement prices. During the last recession many businesses hunkered down and held onto their pennies. That may apply to entertainment networks and production companies now. One of the best things I've ever watched on reality TV! Instead of Tommy charging around Reza's property, MJ should look into litigation. I don't think Bravo's infamous "no lawsuit" clauses apply to events outside the show.
  3. On one of the recent episodes Pol felt it was his place to correct a young woman's use of the term "Oh my God." Twice. I know he's very religious but this is not his place.
  4. She's back! One of my favorites and just when we need her cheerful nature. Looks like she has at least one vet, possibly two, in her daughters' futures. That poor baby musk ox. Are these the same folks who will be in the upcoming Alaska wildlife sanctuary show?
  5. I tuned in for the first episode but didn't watch further. I'm finding that certain aggressively nasty reality TV shows are upsetting me so much I cannot watch. There's something very disturbing about Reza and Adam together. Adam just mopes around and takes Reza's abuse. I use that term specifically. I'm pretty sure there are major drugs and booze in MJ's and Tommy's life. And I cannot bear the thought of GG having a child given her addiction and mood issues. Both of these situations make me very anxious for the children. If Sara was with R. Kelly for three years, she knew about his criminal mistreatment of young girls and women. She's trash. Listen, after all of these "friends" have gossiped and sniped at each other on TV, Instagram, Twitter, etc. for years - all in service of attention and big paychecks - they have zero room to complain when their personal life is exposed. They kind of all deserve each other. This is a good place to ponder: how will these idiots make money now that we live in a pandemic? Did anyone in reality TV save any of their income over the years, or did they think the reality gravy train would go on forever?
  6. The show is too one-note for me. Other shows are also predictable, but I'm not annoyed by those hosts nor their aesthetic. Remove the temporary staging, and those houses are very ordinary with little renovations done during the flip. So I'm watching the sisters make lots of money for doing very little. (Show payments + Realtor fees + flipper investment reimbursement) And that annoys me. A big part of the sisters' success is the hot real estate market they are in. They are just riding the bubble. Or were, before the coronavirus hit. At least this latest young family received more proceeds from the sale than they hoped. Of course taxes and fees ate into that, and one hopes they can qualify for the (expensive) larger house they want.
  7. Yep. And Adam is trolling Jenna. I think production arranged for Madison to be stuck alone with the jerk guests late at night. They let the captain get up (or he insisted) because of concerns for the yacht. Adam is one of the creepiest guys on the Below Deck franchise. I think he basically hates everyone except his dog. And whatever woman he is obsessed about and allows him to martyr himself.
  8. Voiello abides. I'm content with the ending. So can someone explain - one minute John Paul III is all "you will obey me as the pope" and in the next he is retired and swanning about his estate with Sofia? What was his thinking? Random fashion observations: when the cardinal army was gathered behind Pius I realized each of their white overskirts had a different lace pattern. And I was dazzled by all of the rubies in Pius' coat. And I read somewhere a while back that Versace makes the red leather slippers. Missed seeing Assente in the final Where Are they Now.
  9. My vet told me years ago to not feed my Lab pups too much protein because of HOD.
  10. Can't resist adding: that's "my" shelter. It was established for equine rescue when the county was more rural, and evolved into today's facility that provides rescue and the county's animal control. It is a non-profit that contracts with the county.
  11. Agreed. Also Jason's Sad Sack routine. I've enjoyed him in other things, but I think he's the weakest actor in this series. Definitely getting the Lodge 49 vibe. Also, as I watched the incomparable Grant do his spiel from a stage, I thought about Scientology. Speaking of acting, I'm enjoying the script. There are some lovely and poignant thoughts scattered throughout each episode. The visuals are so arresting that they steal a little of the scripts' thunder. As an older woman, Janice's episode resonated with me. Appreciate this is set in Philly. Always glad to see somewhere other than LA and NYC. I swoon every time Simone walks down an old rowhouse alley.
  12. Whose outfit made Christian tear up? Victoria? Geoffrey?
  13. I adore beautiful clothes, but I hate the relatively small circle of snooty, arrogant pinheads that insist on making it about money, social status, physical appearance, exclusivity, etc. (Wintour, Lagerfeld, Talley, "ladies who lunch," etc.)
  14. Did they offer enough male models? Maybe Geoffrey grabbed them and since he had clothes for dudes nobody objected.
  15. I read Robin Givhans' (Pulitzer winner) fashion critiques in the Washington Post, and just this week she wrote several paragraphs about how "all fashion references earlier fashion." There were tuxedo looks and puffy coats in NY and Paris, for example.
  16. Geoffrey's mom was hilarious ("Why didn't he dress up?"). I had a feeling he would win because he was struggling toward a distinctive collection. I felt a couple of undercurrents running through the season: -Way too many designers make stunning ball gowns in order for any of them to be notable. - The show pulled its punches last week - we didn't see much fashion with the wow factor and it seemed as if the collections would be universally underwhelming. Yet two days later it was a different vibe on the runway. -The fashion industry thinks of itself as progressive. Nancy stated several times that she doesn't design based on gender, and her collection featured items that anyone could wear. Yet she was called out for lack of shape in her non-gender dresses. And I didn't like the judges screaming ("Yaasss!") for the models with disabilities - it was patronizing. - CFDA's own competition that was shown on TV (I chased it all over various networks) awarded men's fashion some years. Yet PR has always focused on women's fashion (with the exception of a few disastrous men's challenges). Geoffrey stated that he'd never designed for women. I think he was CFDA's pick all along. I think his mentorship will be in men's fashion. That said, his brocade dress was stunning. And I appreciate his work with avant garde shapes. Compared to Victoria's Ann Taylor separates. I wore that exact fuschia coat-dress in the 80s. Sergio's gray dresses were beautiful. But the other pieces were horrible. That off-shoulder pale blue with the fringe? Were the judges throwing him a bone because he's a good tailor?
  17. If for no other reason, I enjoyed the final episode because its pace picked up from earlier episodes. And it gave us some resolution. Will the town publicly clear Terry Maitland of commiting murder? Sweet moments at Ralph's child's gravesite: "Perhaps we'll see him some day." Delivered subtly by two fine actors.
  18. I liked the first episode. I love the navy studded dress in the talking heads. I think the crabby mom is acting out because of how the community shunned her when she divorced. My parents' generation (not my parents) treated divorced women the same, especially in small towns. Everyone thought the divorcees were attempting to steal everyone else's husbands.
  19. They are doing what true flippers do - rapidly implement the latest inexpensive trends that are attractive to their specific market. Flippers try to move the houses within 30 - 60 days (minimize how long they hold the debt). I just got three "shelter" magazines in the mail, and they all feature boldly colored cabinets, even in old houses where they are trying to maintain historic integrity. I think these colors appeal to a younger demographic especially, and the sisters have said most of the houses we've seen on the show are for first-time homeowners (young people). The single dad's big home is an exception, in terms of size. I just finished painting my kitchen cabinets white. The cabinets are from the 50s and very dark, and the kitchen is small with smallish windows (old bungalow). I did it solely to brighten the room and along with yellow wall paint it made a huge difference. That said, I draw the line at painting my old dark antique wood furniture!
  20. You know how simians like to groom each other? I have a theory that there is a connection with how humans like pimples, blackheads and abscesses. There's a reason Biore pore strips are so popular. 😉
  21. Love these guys, although the shorter one was a little extra, dramatically leaving the building when a puppy died. Love, love hearing the southern accents. And "babies." These vets met in college and have been friends ever since. They are originally from Fort Valley and Talbotton, GA.
  22. Didn't Nancy do a cape for her first wheelchair client (the Olympian) to hide the back of the chair? Didn't some of the judges exclaim over it? I figured that's why she did another cape.
  23. Except for the gray dress Sergio's was hideous. There is zero visual connection between melting glaciers and saloon girl. And why was he in NYC if he's from Austin? I kind of liked Victoria's, but enjoyed the stern talking-to she got over the obnoxious logos. Were her models barefoot? And I guess PR doesn't care if you get help (her crocheted hats). Honestly, what's to stop any contestant from secretly getting seamstress help in the privacy of their own homes? Geoffrey squandered the opportunity. I bet the Disney gig was full of drama and distraction. Not buying the injury excuse. I stumped all over America with crutches, a cast and three broken bones. As Christian said, the looks were conceptual, but they didn't evolve into something beautiful and desirable. Nancy's was just OK. Nothing notable, even with the accessible fashion. Geoffrey needs to stop crying and Nancy needs to stop hugging.
  24. I used to work in news, and we were confronted all of the time when shooting stories. Anyone can shoot adults in public spaces, but we were careful not to edit in certain things, like injuries at car accidents and fires. There may be a legal case here for not showing the medical stuff.
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