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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I would actually pay good cash money to watch all of the original episodes. When the worker was drywalling over those ancient moldy crumbling walls in the turret, all I could think was that the entire shebang will crumble at some point. I'm fascinated by Angel's hair. It's either fussily styled, complete with lacquer and flowers, or covered by something.
  2. I thought these exact three things; my friend had Bell's palsy followed by mini strokes about 10 years later. The Bell's went away after about a month. Dani's voice was shaking badly. At first I thought it was nerves, then she kind of sounded like someone with early Parkinson's, then I figured it's part of whatever is messing with the left side of her face (eye and mouth). She's a mess and she needs to get off the show and get healthy. Or is the show her only source of income? Kathryn reminds me of another Kathryn I knew right after college. From an ancient NOLA family, wealthy, grew up in the Garden District, went to Sophie Newcombe, beautiful...and as lazy as the day is long. She was so spoiled that she couldn't muster the energy to bathe or wear clean clothes. Couldn't maintain friendships because her favorite person was herself. I hope Thomas doesn't abandon his first children. He always wanted a scion and the newest baby may be cast into that role. Ramona had a crab pillow prominently displayed in her NYC living room this past RHONY season, and I wondered if it was Craig's.
  3. Found some background info: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city-rumored-cast-members.html/
  4. Every single one of these housewives has some kind of weird vocal affectation going on. It's bizarre. We have Jen's ridiculous 24/7 histrionics countered by "Can I touch?" "I love that!" "You look beautiful." and other constant mindless refrains. I'm out.
  5. I watched the Spay Panama episode and it seemed as if Jeff was a bit frail. I hope he is OK.
  6. I don't watch any more but was curious how Bravo would handle the racial situation. (I already knew how these idiots would handle COVID.) Agree that Kathryn absolutely knew the nasty implications of using a monkey image - any monkey image - when communicating with a Black person. While I agree with the sentiments expressed by the women around the table, it felt like showboating for the cameras. Especially Gwynn, who apparently saw the writing on the wall and began to frantically sever her ties to Kathryn. I noticed the severe shaking. I suspect Shep is a hard core alcoholic. He gets the shakes when he stops for production time. Agree that the girlfriend is fake. Hungover Craig also looks like 90 miles of hard road. Craig is going to ruin those pretty boy looks real fast. Leva is striking and articulate, but her stridency gets old. Clearly she's Bravo's very belated attempt to point the show away from its White entitled-ness. Danni is so pathetic; it's uncomfortable to watch. It's as if all of her self-esteem is generated by her desperate attempts to become a main character on the show. She latched on as Kathryn's "friend," and now she's paying for it.
  7. Erika is very shrewd; golddiggers and grifters usually are. I suspect Tom was desperate to keep his arm candy happy and his behavior was driven by her need for ridiculous amounts of money to fund her lifestyle. No way she didn't know, which says a lot about Erika's character. This is, after all, a woman who dumped her young child and fled 2000 miles away from him. The only question is whether law enforcement can tie her to any of the transactions.
  8. With the property's square footage and price tag, I'd say this home is in a far outer suburb. Perhaps PG County, Howard County, rural Loudoun County, or Stafford County? In the denser urban areas closer to DC, new 1200 sq. ft. 1 BD/1BA condos sell for at least $700K.
  9. Heather: at some point, whining endlessly about how you suffered just evolves into...narcissism. Shut up. If it weren't for the steal-money-from-parishioners thing, I'd feel sorry for Mary. Whitney's dad is clearly struggling, and I feel sorry for him. (Hope we don't find out he is an utter douche.) Jen is trying to be SLC's Erika Jayne. And failing badly. All that shrieking and flailing about while sporting a pound of makeup, five pounds of hair, and 10 pounds of ugly attire. Brooks and his sister are giving the bratty housewives a run for their snobby money. Several years ago there was a short-lived reality series on the SLC Ballet. I think I first heard Mormon 2.0 then. ETA: I see what you did there geauxaway ("Nick Satan") Roll Tide!
  10. She's definitely a draw, in terms of movie viewership. I don't think she would be cast otherwise. Her schtick is to pander to audiences by playing the beautiful quivery victim, over and over, and lots of people are drawn to that. I'm just not one of them. In the first episode there was a close-up shot of her in quarter profile, and I gasped at how screwed up her face appeared. Eyes set deep into plumped skin - the fillers or whatever that stuff is were startling. And.the.wig. I think the kid who plays her son is a better actor than she is. Not to mention Rabe and Sutherland.
  11. Her vanity keeps her from being a great actress. Her vanity is a character in every project she does.
  12. This situation feels as if grandma cooperated in allowing pedo step-grandpa to groom a young Mary. Then when Mary was brainwashed into thinking it is normal, grandma codified it in a will. They all benefit from lotsa money from parishioners.
  13. I'm trying to get my head around the economics of Lorraine's investment. Does Lorraine really intend to spend that much time in Sambuca to justify the cost? If she views this as an income property, how many people will want to stay there? Does Lorraine have silent partners, or did she receive incentives to invest beyond the one-euro purchase cost? She did a cross-promotion on Martha Stewart's current show. I don't get it.
  14. Off-screen, Kate made the rounds of churches and passed the collection basket for herself. My family member was present at a church in either LS or MS, I don't recall which, and said it reminded her of old timey fraudulent tent revivals. Kate definitely presented herself as a conservative Christian.
  15. The private-club-membership-so-one-can-drink was real common in southern dry counties for many years. We still have lots of state-controlled hard liquor stores.
  16. I knew a parrot who hated towel turbans, like you wrap wet hair in. He'd slam himself down into the bottom corner of the cage and fuss like nobody's business.
  17. Melbourne watchers will understand how horrifying this is. I was aghast. At one time my family member was a single dad of two young children, and for a while they lived off of fast food. One of the kids had abnormally high cholesterol levels at age 9, and the pediatrician attributed it to diet. Hopefully Lisa was being dramatic, and the family manages to eat healthily sometimes. Here is a flash from the past, about a woman who protested Mormon patriarchy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Johnson During that same period I was work buddies with a sweet Mormon woman and visited her small apartment often. She and her husband had stored canned goods in every conceivable place, as their faith required that they always be prepared with a long-term food supply. As someone brilliantly posted above, some of the SLT cast appear to have gone to How to Be a Bravo Housewife school. Like NY's Leah, their performances are formulaic.
  18. So of course Bravo knows all this, and of course Bravo made a beeline to get Mary on the show. It would be laughable except that there are probably elders and other vulnerable folks who are her victims. Honestly, even after only one episode, Mary seems a bit unstable to me.
  19. Agreed. Resembled a zaftig Donnatella Versace. I think during the episode someone commented that several of them were excommunicated.
  20. Despite the women's desperate antics for camera attention, his appearance is what stopped me in my tracks. There must be a story there. Austin, TX has a slogan "Keep Austin Weird." These women and their families are delivering it for SLT. On steroids. When Heather humble-bragged about her pioneer ancestors, I could only think of the displacement of the Utes, Shoshone, Navajo, etc. Every time I am in SLT, I think it is one of the whitest places I've ever been. Speaking of white, it IS fun to see the snow and mountains. Anyone know the back stories on these folks' "wealth?" For example, one husband is a college coach. Is the wife independently wealthy? I'm thinking the "wealth" is a mirage for some of these women.
  21. Binged this weekend and I'm headed for Season 3. The show was never on my radar but I kept thinking "Catherine O'Hara's in it!" and finally I caved. Sober Moira getting drunk and only then being able to deliver the commercial's dialogue like a pro was hilarious. When I first spotted Jocelyn I thought of a dingbat Tammy from "Friday Night Lights." Or a character from "Fargo." I had to FF through Chris Elliott's scenes. His character looks like he doesn't bathe or brush his teeth. Some of the broad humor wasn't funny to me, but the snappy patter saves it.
  22. Brittany runs her mouth non-stop with patter. 8 - 10 times per episode she attempts a pithy aside. There seems to be a formula. A client or her staff will say something, and she will respond with "He's like [repeats what client said]" Or "She's all [repeats what was said.]" I mean, did she go to school? Sometimes she throws in a wobbly twirl. Or Kim Zolciak hand gestures.
  23. She sure cannot handle confrontation when she's not in a power position. Even with Andy going easy on her, she lost her cool. And I think her smarts are limited to driving a big boat. She can't keep up with her own lies and manipulations. She does win the award for Most-Passive-Aggressive-Jabs-In-One-Conversation. Her comments about "always wanting a boatload of children" and "your mental illness" and "drugs" were a thing of cowardly beauty.
  24. If someone was violently dragging me down by my hair, and many people were suddenly piling on, and I was holding a glass of wine, I don't think I would have the presence of mind to step back and calmly lay down the wine glass. Candiace didn't pick up the glass in order to attack anyone, she was holding it when all hell broke loose. The wine glass was incidental to what was going on. The wine glass was an innocent victim.
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